I’m Not Saying I’m Sick, But

Death would be a semi-welcome relief right now.  Cough, sore throat, sneezes (as many as a dozen in a row), post-nasal drip:  all sneering at whatever I throw at them: penicillin, Mucinex, saline spray, cough lozenges.

I suspect even a fucking .45 bullet would just evince a mocking laugh: “Is that the best you can do?  Hahahahaha…. here, have another sneezing fit, and let’s throw in a little bowel action, just to make your life still more pleasant.  Oh, and forget about sleep, we can add some cold shivers to help with that.”

Back tomorrow.  Maybe.

News Roundup

I’m not quite sure that this is a genuine ad — but then again, as a lifelong non-smoker how would I know?  But here’s the REAL (ahem) news:

...which makes me wonder:  are elephants at risk today?

In a Religion Of Peace update:

...too bad the lesbos weren’t packing heat, so to speak.  I don’t approve of Muzzie assholes getting all aggro, but I do approve of their would-be victims shooting them all dead.

Still in Muzzieland:

...and I think the TurkGov should immediately ban cooking gas in all restaurants.

In Education News:

...the old “low-hanging fruit” approach to molesting.

...and will be mocked for the rest of his time in jail by the other bad guys.

From the Dept. of Health & Wokery:

And speaking of wokery:

...for the benefit of my Murkin Readers, I should point out that NatWest is a fucking bank.

In U.S. Election News:

...and for the benefit of my Furrin Readers. I should point out that in this instance, “Coons” is a politician and not an ethnic group.  Glad we got that straightened out.

Now let’s swim in the link-free waters of 


...okay, I may have misread the headline for this one. [/Old Fart Excuse]

And as we sidle down :

...cant’s understand all the fuss;  it’s not like Susan Sarandon’s little girl has never shown off said appendages before:

…and here’s the oh-so-offensive wedding dress:

I think it’s quite pretty.

And that’s all the news fit to hang out.

Happy Birthday, America

Now go and light up some fireworks, eat some good ol’ Murkin food (tacos?) and have a good time in general.

Because in the not too distant future, we may have some work to do.


Or, more likely:

Just sayin’.