
Just when I thought I’d heard it all, here comes Valentina to absolutely crush Chopin’s complex and difficult Fantaisie.   Take a few minutes — yes, it’s just a few, compared to others’ lumbering efforts, and the tempo is actually as Chopin intended — and enjoy.

No thanks necessary;  all part of the service.

I’m not sure that “virtuosa” is a real word, but it is at least feminine in intent.

Seasonally Appropriate

Seeing as health insurance companies are in focus all of a sudden, this seems appropriate:

And (from Sarah):

More on this topic later in the week.  I see that they’ve apparently caught the asshole who shot that CEO in NYfC, so there’s that.  But there’s a deeper issue, which I want to explore.

News Roundup

And in more electrifying news:

...just one among oh-so many auto manufacturers to do so.  Also:

...and the hits keep on coming.

...LOL so this “rebrand” thing is just a tacit acceptance that they’re going to sell a lot fewer cars.  And speaking of failing British auto companies:

...I guess it depends on what you call “capable”.  And then there’s this good news for them:

...except that for your average status-conscious poseur, Hyundai doesn’t carry quite the same cachet as Range Rover.  Another product doomed to fail.

...of course, it’s the KrautGov that’s obsessed with the eco-bullshit.  The Krauts themselves?  Not that obsessed, as the VW factory closings are proving.

Now for some Political Prisoner News:

...LOL he was going to pardon them all anyway, but now he’s got the cover so the Socialists can hardly get upset — although they will, of course.  And for regular criminals: the Brits don’t have enough trouble with their home-grown criminals already.

...this barely qualifies as a headline anymore.

...ah yes, that well-known Hezbollah respect for the concept of “cease-fire”.

In Medical News:

...keyword:  India.  (Yeah, not the NHS this time, but it’s still early.)

...just saying what we knew all along:  all a load of bollocks, a mixture of fear-mongering and theater.

...and a direct DNA link to Keith Richards and Willie Nelson.

Now for some non-pictorial 


  ...proving that Holy Government is no different from any other government.

And as we hurtle down   :

...”Who she again, Kim?”

...ah yes, that hottie gymnast from LSU.  Now no longer a student:

And on that sunny note, we end this Roundup.

A Tale Of Two Viewpoints

So:  the Ferrari Purosangue (“thoroughbred”) FUV  [sic].

First, you have Chris Harris’s take — the usual obeisance to the Wonder Of Scuderia Ferrari;  and then there’s Richard Hammond’s rather sour puncturing of the said Wonder.  (His analysis of the badge alone is worth the price of admission.)

I wouldn’t get one, even with a large lottery win, but then I’m more of the Hammond mindset than in the Harris one.  Even if it is quite beautiful…

…for an SUV.

Last Week, The Vag

…and now it’s the dick’s turn:

Oy.  My comment on this “survey” is identical to last week’s one about ladyparts.

Without bothering to read the article in question, I would hazard a guess that the size / shape / whatever of a penis has a lot less to do with the attributes thereof than does the size of the bank balance that comes with it. [sic]

But perhaps I’m being too cynical.

Speed Bump #856

From Longtime Friend & Reader Weetabix:

This morning on the radio, the host called an idea “far-fletched” before describing the problems with the idea. The guest then said, “You hit it right on the nail.”

1) Is a “far-fletched” idea one that has better fletching so it can fly farther?

2) Did the guest believe the host was trying to hammer his thumb on purpose?

Good questions, both.  In mitigation:  radio is a live medium so people can misspeak while expressing an opinion — but that’s all the more reason to gather one’s thoughts before expressing them.