Adding States

Apparently, CanickiPM Castreaux’s visit with god-emperor Trump at Mar-A-Lago didn’t quite go the way the little socialist shit wanted it to:

Trump reportedly told Trudeau that “Canada has failed the U.S. border by allowing large amounts of drugs and people across the border, including illegal immigrants from over 70 different countries.” The once-and-future president “became more animated when it came to the U.S. trade deficit with Canada, which he estimated to be more than $100 billion,” and told his shallow Canadian counterpart that “if Canada cannot fix the border issues and trade deficit, he will levy a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods on day one when he returns to office.”

That was when Trudeau started whining and claiming victimhood status. After all, what else would you expect a leftist to do? Trudeau knows that playing the victim is the pathway to fame, favor, and fortune on the left, and apparently, he assumed this to be a universal tendency. So he told Trump, probably with tears glistening in eyes, that he just couldn’t impose such a tariff “because it would kill the Canadian economy completely.” There is nothing in the available reports about Trudeau offering to do anything about stopping the flow of migrants and drugs over the border. He just wanted Trump to withdraw his threat for nothing, out of his concern for the well-being of Canada.

Trudeau doesn’t seem to have realized, however, the implications of the fact that Trump is not a fellow socialist internationalist. It isn’t that he doesn’t care about Canadians; it’s that as president of the United States, he will act in the best interests of Americans. It’s actually Trudeau’s job, not Trump’s, to act in the best interests of Canadians. 

And so the America-First president-elect asked Trudeau, “So your country can’t survive unless it’s ripping off the U.S. to the tune of $100 billion?”

At the end of it, Trump joked about turning Canickistan into our 51st state.

Well, now.

I know it was just a joke, but let’s run with this one for a moment.  Assume that this all happened, and suddenly the Great White Empty Space to our north became attached to the U.S.A.  There’s no way the whole of Canada would be just one state, of course;  but the provinces could easily become lots of different states.

I for one would be perfectly happy to see Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan as newcomer-states to the Land Of The Free, and I suspect that the citizens thereof might be just as happy at such a union.

Ontario, Quebec, BritColumbia and Atlantic provinces… eh, not so much.  Ontario and B.C. are absolute non-starters because to be quite honest, we have enough socialist states of our own (California, Illinois, Oregon, NY etc.) without adding some more socialist senators to Congress.  (I’m not familiar enough with New Brunswick and the Newfies to know their politics, but I suspect that they’d be closer to Ontario than to Alberta, so to speak.)

And then there’s Quebec, with that ultra-Francophone fetish.  While that leads to excellent French restaurants in Montreal and Quebec City, it’s not enough to overcome their grating insistence on French as The Other Official Language, with all the bollocks and inefficiency that bilingualism entails.

To be honest, though, there’s way too much Woke in the whole of Canuckistan for us to have to deal with — gawd knows, it’s going to take long enough just to end the bullshit in our own backyard, without having to deal with Ultra-Woke Canadians as well.

Like all good colonizers, we’d want all the good stuff:  oil, gold, natgas, forests etc.  But all that good doesn’t come closer to countering all the bad.

So yeah:  while it’s an amusing joke and all, it just ain’t gonna happen.  Sorry, my Canucki Readers — who are definitely not wokistas — but there it is.

Finally, Justice

Here’s an update to a Righteous Shooting aftermath:

Brian Camp, who was charged with manslaughter after shooting a man who broke into his girlfriend’s home, has been acquitted. The not guilty verdict was read in Hampshire Superior Court in Northampton. Prosecutors said Camp shot 27-year-old Jonathan Letendre when he showed up unannounced at Camp’s girlfriend’s home in Chesterfield in December of 2022.

The woman with whom Letendre had previously had a relationship was upstairs sleeping with Camp and her two young children. The news release from the DA’s office says that the woman and Camp woke up when they heard Letendre coming up the stairs to the second floor.

During a fight between Camp and Letendre, the woman called the police for help when gunfire was heard while talking with dispatchers. Approximately eight and a half minutes later, another shot was fired. At around 1 a.m. officers found Letendre, who was shot in the torso and the back of the head, on the kitchen floor.

Camp would’ve faced 20 years in state prison if he was convicted.

So someone finally saw sense and ended this bullshit.  The fact that it took two full years to get there is doubtless because all this happened in Massachusetts, where self-defense = murder.  Still:

Design Notes

At some point, Someone In Marketing thought that this design change would be a good idea for Roger Depuis watches:

I leave it to your imagination as to the average cost of a Depuis watch… now double it, and you’ll be closer.

I’m always reminded of the immortal words of another Roger, Roger Moore:  “The point of language is to communicate your thoughts in the shortest possible time and in the clearest possible way.”

Now translate that into telling the time, and apply to wristwatches.

Gratuitous Gun Pic: Pietta King Trio

Loyal Reader Mike S. (thankee) sends me this lovely pic of a gun (or a pic of a lovely gun, whatever):

Note the extra cylinders.  These will be explained later.  But first, a close-up:

I don’t care who you are, that’s a purty lil’ thang right there, yessirree.

“But Kim… what’s it chambered in?”

According to the article Reader Mike so thoughtfully provided:

A close copy clone of a Colt Single Action Army (SAA), the King Trio comes with three cylinders, making it capable of shooting four different cartridges, earning King status on versatility for six-shooters.

And the boolets?

First up is the .38 Super. The .38 Super came out in the late 1920s and is a favorite cartridge for Mexicans. Being illegal to own firearms capable of shooting cartridges of war like 9mm and .45 ACP, the .38 Super is a popular choice by having the power to take care of business in the famous 1911 platform.  Having a cylinder for .38 Super adds to the versatility of the King Trio revolver while upping the cool factor by 10!

Next is the .357 Magnum/.38 Special cylinder. Who doesn’t love the power of the .357 Magnum? Capable of taking deer-sized game, as well as being a proven one-shot man stopper, the .357 may be our most balanced and practical cartridge for everyday chores.

That .38 Special can be fired in the same cylinder, making it doubly good!  Usually abundant and cheaper than most ammunition, the mild loads are great for practice, small game and teaching youth how to shoot without all the nasty muzzle-blast the .357 Magnum is known for.

Lastly, we have the 9mm. For plain plinking fun and varmints, the 9mm is hard to beat.

As any fule kno, I’m not a huge fan of the last-mentioned.  But the ammo is cheaper than almost anything except .22 LR, and I bet it’s great fun to shoot those teeny lil’ Europellets out of a honking big revolver like the Trio.

Can you say “Governor’s BBQ Gun”, children?