And speaking of partying:
...given the condition of the average boy’s bedroom, no wonder she got sent to jail, endangering their health like that.
...if you’re going to sell cut-price airfares and super-cheap beer, can a horde of drunken Brits be far behind?
In the No Shit, Sherlock department: don’t say. Next experiment: to prove that water is wet.
More news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
In Political News:
And even better:
Just don’t stop with Education, okay? [produces long list of candidates] Or else call ol’ Javier Milei in Argentina for his list.
...if by some magic every Trump ballot vote in Texas were to disappear into thin air, she’d still only come in fourth. And “Beto”? Who he?
...I’m just surprised that this happened where it did. Keyword: NYfC.
From the Police Blotter:
...what’s amazing about this was how long it took her to get caught. Keyword: Illinois.
...okay, you can stop that derisive laughter now. Just so you have some left for this one:
We interrupt this news for an editorial comment:
To continue:
In the Dept. of Education:
...let’s hear it from the Teachers Union. What, nothing?
And in no-link’s just been way too long since we featured Salma on these pages, so here we are:
...I’ll say they are.
And that’s all the globular news we’re going to look at.