
This little rant may well piss off a few people, but I don’t care because it’s long overdue.

I hate the Irish.

Now let me get a couple things out of the way before I go any further.  I don’t hate Irish people in the same way as some people hate Jews, for example.  In fact, the few actual Irish people I have met, I love and find wonderful.

And by “Irish”, I’m not including people named Shaughnessy whose ancestors came over to the United States to escape the Potato Famine of the 19th century.  In other words, I don’t dislike Irish-Americans to any greater or lesser degree than anyone else:  each individual is judged on their merits.  (That I find most people irritating anyway is a topic for another time.)

Nope:  I’m talking about Ireland — or “Eire”, as they call it, with that irritating spelling affectation of throwing too many vowels into a simple word.  Here’s why.

They’re a bunch of fucking Communists.

I don’t know how many people reading this are acquainted with the political stance of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) or its political face Sinn Fein (“shin fen”)*, but I took the time to study it many years ago, and it’s essentially Das Kapital  with a Gaelic accent.  Don’t get fooled by all that “One Ireland” blather they put out about reunification of the island under one flag;  that’s just the maskirovka  to disguise the IRA’s real intentions for the Irish state:  pure cold-blooded totalitarianism of the Stalinist ilk.

Here’s a recent post about that, describing the political stance of the current asshole running Ireland:

  • Tried to impose hate speech laws. 
  • Made Irish people second class citizens under law by introducing hate crime laws. 
  • Flooded Ireland with immigrants. 
  • Admitted breaking the economy in 2008. 
  • Doesn’t believe in Irish sovereignty. 
  • Imposed the longest lockdown in the EU. 
  • Activated nationwide digital surveillance of the entire population, which remains ongoing.

Remember, this asshole and his political party were elected to power by the Irish electorate, and there’s no evidence to suggest that they’ll be tossed out of power anytime soon either.

In addition to all the above, let’s not forget that the Irish have a long record of anti-Semitism — it’s as ingrained as Catholicism — and it’s reached its apogee with their current support of Hamas.  As Simon Sebag-Montefiore puts it:

The Irish government has become the most active and noisy critic of the Jewish state in the entire Western world. It is much more hostile than much of the Arab world itself.

And on case you think that the Irish government is not representative of the people of Ireland, allow me to disagree:

A survey in June by the news site The Journal found that 76 percent of Irish people believed the EU should impose economic trade sanctions on Israel over the conflict.  Protesters at rallies in Dublin told AFP they feel empathy with Palestinians due to Ireland’s centuries-long history resisting British rule.

Oh sure:  “We’re all victims of colonialism!” is the standard trope of neo-socialist Third World nations everywhere.  It is precisely the same reason why South Africa (also run by a bunch of “former” terrorists) supports Hamas.

As far as I’m concerned, however, this anti-Semitism is just another reason for me to dislike the Irish.

In that wonderful movie The Commitments, one of the characters excuses the Irish band’s playing of R&B music with the statement:  “Why shouldn’t we play Black music?  The Irish are the niggers of Europe!”

I hate to break it to you, Paddy, but if you are the niggers of Europe, it’s because you created that situation for yourselves (unlike, say, South African Blacks who were oppressed simply for the color of their skin).  Why else the “no dogs or Irish”  signs in places like Boston and New York during the mass immigration waves of the Victorian era?

And can anyone find justification for Catholic/Protestant sectarian strife in Ireland?  That’s even more inexplicable than the Muslim/Jewish violence — or maybe it’s the same;  I find it difficult to understand people who might actually get violent over what is to me the same as the Coke/Pepsi animosity (essentially the same stuff, just different packaging).

The fact of the matter is that the Irish are basically a thoroughly unpleasant lot, and all the “Kiss me I’m Irish” / St. Patrick’s Day / “luck of the Irish”-type propaganda is pure blarney — or to give it its real name, bullshit.

By the way, speaking of St. Patrick’s Day, the aforementioned saint didn’t drive snakes out of Ireland for the simple reason that there never were any snakes in Ireland to begin with.  Just another piece of Irish bullshit, like four-leaf clovers being a lucky charm.

Finally, let me go on record as saying that Guinness is horrible-tasting sludge, Bushmills / Jameson whiskies are just cheap derivations of Scotch, soda bread tastes like cardboard and Irish stew is an oily abomination which should be avoided at all costs.  Don’t even get me started on boiled corned beef and cabbage.

And I’m sure the country itself is beautiful, as long as you don’t mind the constant chill, wind and rain.

*The IRA/Sinn Fein combination is best illustrated by a comparison to the Hamas/CAIR relationship:  the first is a bunch of murderous assholes, and the second is the “public face” of the same murderous assholes.

Fun And Games, Africa Style

To the surprise of absolutely no African nor anyone who knows anything at all about the Dark Continent, this happened in the Congo — a.k.a. the Balkans of Africa:

Hundreds of women were raped and then burnt alive after Rwandan-backed rebels sparked chaos by storming into the Congolese city of Goma, it has emerged.

The atrocity took place during a mass jail break from the Munzenze jail last week, as M23 fighters clashed with the Congolese army during deadly gun battles. 

According to the UN, female inmates were butchered in their wing in the notoriously overcrowded prison after men forced their way in and went on a rampage. 

In this latest round of inter-tribal warfare, I understand that many UN peacekeeping troops were also killed.  Now as much as I detest the United Nations as an organization, it seems to me that the UN should, finally, admit defeat when it comes to les affaires d’Afrique, and get the hell out of the way so that these assholes can carry on slaughtering each other until the last one standing kills himself.

Letting Africa sink, to coin a phrase.

Needless to say, it’s absolutely no place for the U.S. to get involved, whether financially or (gawd forbid) militarily.

Consorting With The Devil

I’ve written before that it should be no surprise that South Africa’s ANC government is always going to align itself with evil countries and terrorist organizations, because the ANC itself is at heart a terrorist organization and always has been (especially when its leader, the sainted Nelson Mandela, was in prison for terrorist activities).

So the news about the ANC government legalizing property seizure (from Whites, duh) is very definitely par for the course.

However, in this case, the ANC has discovered (probably to their complete shock and surprise) that such evil actions may have consequences that may not be to their liking or advantage:

President Donald Trump announced Sunday that he is suspending all U.S. aid to South Africa after the latter passed a law on land expropriation, which many fear could lead to Zimbabwe-style seizures of land owned by white citizens.

…to which our only response should be:

More like this please, Yer Trumpness.

Let Africa

…do without U.S. aid dollars?  The very thought!

In all fairness, it should be said that the “former Kenyan president” has more money than Bill Gates, earned quite honestly, promise.

Nevertheless, his point is valid;  I recall someone saying something quite similar about, oh, twenty years ago.

Let Africa Split

Okay, that’s just a silly play on the title of an essay some guy once wrote, but this development is interesting:

Scientists have warned that Africa is breaking apart faster than previously thought.

A 35-mile-long fissure in Ethiopia’s desert emerged in 2005 but has since been widening at a rate of half an inch per year.

Researchers previously believed the split would take tens of millions of years, but Ken Macdonald, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told that it would likely happen within one to five million years.

The separation would also create a new ocean and continent on Earth. 

No doubt, someone will soon be ascribing this to Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©, because reasons.

Because It’s Worked SO Well

…in Zimbabwe.  But I’m sure it will work in Seffrica:

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law a bill allowing land seizures by the state without compensation.

The new law allows for expropriation without compensation only in circumstances where it is “just and equitable and in the public interest” to do so.

Of course.  In the meantime:

Bye bye, White farmers.  Bye bye, the Seffrican agricultural economy.  Hello, starvation.

But hey, it’s all about equitable redistribution, right?  As long as the intentions are in line with Party principles… never mind the consequences.