And some political news snips:
In :
...drill baby, drill.
Some Political News:
...wait: Fatboi? The poster child for “limousine socialist”?
And now for some good lovin’ (I just love it when the girls talk and act tough):
And speaking of “love”:
...Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen Degenerate, and now Courtney… still more reasons to support DJT.
And speaking of unwelcome immigrants, in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...and it’s a socialist country, even. While locally:
...except that he isn’t a “student”, but a fucking lecturer.
...see? That wasn’t so difficult, wuzzit?
In Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:
...did somebody say: “Party time!” ?
Why, I believe they did.
From the Dept. of Education: it so wrong that I got mildly excited by this visual?
...redefining the term “special ed”. And speaking of rapists:
...of course he does.
In Entertainment News:
...careful what you wish for, Jew-hate boy; you know she has Armenian cousins, right?
Now, the always-popular
...uh-huh, uh-huh.
From the front-line trenches in Sex Wars:
...not to mention poverty. Even so, you’d still have get me to pull my lips off Salma Hayek’s at gunpoint.
…and at that familiar address on :
...don’t we all, honey, don’t we all. Here’s hers, back then:
…although I must say, the 58-year-old bod isn’t too horrible either:
“Fine wine” comes to mind.
And that’s probably about as much news as anyone can bare.