News Roundup

And some political news snips:

In :

...drill baby, drill.

Some Political News:

...wait:  Fatboi?  The poster child for “limousine socialist”?

And now for some good lovin’ (I just love it when the girls talk and act tough):


And speaking of “love”:

...Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen Degenerate, and now Courtney… still more reasons to support DJT.

And speaking of unwelcome immigrants, in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...and it’s a socialist country, even.  While locally:

...except that he isn’t a “student”, but a fucking lecturer.

...see?  That wasn’t so difficult, wuzzit?

In Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...did somebody say:  “Party time!” ?

Why, I believe they did.

From the Dept. of Education: it so wrong that I got mildly excited by this visual?

...redefining the term “special ed”.  And speaking of rapists:

...of course he does.

In Entertainment News:

...careful what you wish for, Jew-hate boy;  you know she has Armenian cousins, right?

Now, the always-popular


...uh-huh, uh-huh.

From the front-line trenches in Sex Wars:

...not to mention poverty.  Even so, you’d still have get me to pull my lips off Salma Hayek’s at gunpoint.

…and at that familiar address on :

...don’t we all, honey, don’t we all.  Here’s hers, back then:

…although I must say, the 58-year-old bod isn’t too horrible either:


“Fine wine” comes to mind.

And that’s probably about as much news as anyone can bare.

News Roundup

Herewith the recent news:

...executive summary:  they’re being funded by George Soros.


...they’re both separated/divorced, and Democrats have been in bed with the media since forever.

In :

...also ends funding for Why Democrats Always Lie research, e.g.: a party full of slimy sleazebags, this asshole is exemplary.


...also known as an “ipse dixit” cancelation.

Now for some Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© news:

...too bad it’s not  a road to the killing fields.  And speaking of killing:

More killing: grownup games, suffer grownup consequences, you little bastard.  Also:

...and in the reign of Emperor Kim, he’d be dangling from a 17-year-old rope.

In the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:

...stop that unseemly cheering and applause, willya?

Now a section all to itself:

...and she looks just like you’d expect her to look.

...”accidentally”, as you will see.

In Woke News:

...bullet, dodged.

And in (non-) Entertainment News:

In guaranteed link-free


...well, I did get a steak, at least.  A big one.

And as for getting a bone:  in her house on  :

...I do believe I detect a whiff of the trailer park, but whatever.

And that ends our stroll through the news.

News Roundup

And the news is even uglier…

...hardest hit would be New York, Minnesota and Michigan.

Speaking of Minnesoduh:

...too bad he didn’t attack the fucking Soros-backed prosecutor, who probably deserves a good stabbing As does Soros.

In Political News:

...”Hangings begin soon” would be excellent, not chilling.

...lemme get this straight:  the unions are supporting the employment of non-union illegal foreign workers?  Got it.

From the Dept. of Education:

...and she’s not from Missouri, but California.

...let’s hear it from the teachers’ unions…. nothing?  Well, all righty then.

And from the Dept. of Health (Britishland Division):

...gummint bureaucracy at its finest.

...and here I thought the NHS was the shining model for State-run single-payer medical care.

...and they can’t even use the “butbutbut Covid!” excuse anymore.  LOL.

And this is probably unrelated to the above:


From the front lines of Sex Wars:

...I blame the TrumpVanceMusk Axis of Evil.  Oh wait… this was in Britishland?  As long as they stay away from places like Rotherham, they’ll probably be okay.  Probably.

In Entertainment News:

...and all over the U.S., sales of Viagra and English Leather soar as old farts everywhere now think they finally have a chance.

And in the ever-silly 



“Start by hiring three nannies…”

And now, a journey down :

...a little while ago I (re-)watched the Cruise movie Jack Reacher, and was reminded of Ms. Pike rather forcefully:

And let’s not forget Ros’s underpinnings, as she puts her best foot forward:


Came across this rogues’ gallery of all the  villains  leaders of the EU (click to embiggen):

Of course, I only recognized a few of them, EUPres Ursula van der Leyen over on the right, the dwarf Zelensky in the middle (but unless things have changed, Ukraine isn’t a member so WTF?) but anyway…

Then on the left of the pic are our two heroes:  my girl Giorgia Meloni from la bella Italia, and Viktor Orban of Hungary:

Giorgia, as always, looks lovely and stylish because Italian duh, and ol’ Viktor looks like he bench-presses an 18-wheeler every day before his breakfast of rusty nails ‘n blood — a manly man, especially when compared to his chinless counterparts among the rest.

Take out those two (and throw in that filthy Commie Keir Starmer from the UK), and you could pretty much just machine-gun the rest.  The world, and certainly Europe, would be a much better place for people to be.

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Write lightly, yours truly, dear diary...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

News Roundup

Please note the health warning.

The Great Win11 Update Fuckup nuked all the links for today’s Roundup, but somehow I managed to recover almost all of them.  You may thank me later.

...never mind the little donut shops;  how about Archer-Daniels-Midland and Hormel meat packing operations?

...we don’t need a psychiatrist for this one.  Two words:  bad boys.

In similar news:

...and apartheid never existed, either.

In the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:

And in more news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...only because those damn spoilsports at the Fed wouldn’t let us use the place for Air National Guard bombing practice.

....because they just don’t have enough criminals in the country yet.  (see below)

...gosh, who could have seen this coming?  Oh, all of you, huh?

And still on the topic of crime:

...oh wait, did Diddums think that stabbing someone to death was just a childish game?  Welcome to Death Row, choirboy.

In the Dept. of Health News:

…  AND:

...which isn’t going to do anything, because the whole service is irretrievably fucked.

In Green Business News:

...but-but-but I was told by all the knowledgeable people that EVs were the future of the automobile industry!  Also:

...serves them right for thinking that Aston buyers actually wanted a Duracell version of the DB.

Turning to Entertainment News: what?  It’s already a trashy movie series — and has been since From Russia With Love.

And now, the part everybody’s been waiting for — 

And in a hard drive [sic] down :

...ah yes, young Paige:  how we have missed you.  For those with short memories, a brief refresher:





Consider yourselves refreshed.  Or something.


Like most people, I suspect, I was saddened to hear of the death of actor Gene Hackman a couple of days back.  I know he retired from acting well over a decade ago, but his career was so long, and featured such brilliant roles that he deserves to be in any pantheon of great actors. He might even be the best.

While his forte was dramatic roles, he showed an unexpected flair for comedic ones too, and some of his best performances were when he combined the two.

So my question for the day:  What are your 5 favorite Gene Hackman performances?  (list is here)


  • The Conversation (Harry Caul)
  • Unforgiven (Sheriff “Little Bill” Dagett)
  • Mississippi Burning (FBI agent Anderson)
  • Get Shorty (Harry Zimm)
  • Target (Walter Lloyd) — by the way, a totally silly movie, but Hackman is beyond brilliant in it.

Honorable mentions (next five, any of which could have been in the top 5):  The French Connection (Popeye Doyle), Bonnie & Clyde (Buck Barrow) Under Suspicion (Henry Hearst), Hoosiers (Coach Dale) and The Royal Tenenbaums (Royal Tenenbaum).

Honestly, considering that Hackman’s career spanned sixty-odd years, I could have picked yet another five quite easily;  and it was absolute hell to pick only a Top 5.

I’ve seen pretty much all his movies, and I’m trying to think of a bad performance.  Can’t.  (Some of the movies stank — see Target, above — but that’s not his fault.)  I have several Hackman movies on DVD, and I think I’ll watch a couple tomorrow.

Random thought:  he had the worst hair of any actor, ever.  Yet he still turned in brilliant performances regardless.

R.I.P. Gene, and thanks for all of them.

For what it’s worth, John Nolte agrees with me, more or less.