As used by our best punk wannabe-assassins.
...just wait till after Inauguration Day, assholes.
...not a good couple of days for the Communists, was it?
Trump Picks Novelist As VP
...I was asked, but had to decline because ineligible.
#U.S.Constitution #ArticleIISection1 me, I’d call that a “target-rich” environment. I can’t believe the LGBTOSTFU and GLAAD crowd missed the show. No doubt, Soros has scheduled them for tomorrow.
...can’t see why, they still have all those fraudulent ballots waiting to be counted.
...why should they change it? The previous one worked out SO well.
On to some International News:
...gooder and harder, Izzies. I’d forgotten all about the Paleos.
...let’s not forget our old stand-by, Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.
...even for Africa, that’s an over-achiever.
...oh yeah; almost forgot about those assholes too.
And back home:
And for some truly perplexing
...sorry; I just can’t.
...ah yes, Elle; still a skinnymalink after all these years.
I think we’ve covered the news (barely) adequately.