News Roundup

As used by our best punk wannabe-assassins.

...just wait till after Inauguration Day, assholes.

...not a good couple of days for the Communists, was it?

Trump Picks Novelist As VP
...I was asked, but had to decline because ineligible.
#U.S.Constitution #ArticleIISection1 me, I’d call that a “target-rich” environmentI can’t believe the LGBTOSTFU and GLAAD crowd missed the show.  No doubt, Soros has scheduled them for tomorrow.

...can’t see why, they still have all those fraudulent ballots waiting to be counted.

...why should they change it?  The previous one worked out SO well.

...can’t imagine why.

...ya think, fuckwit?

On to some International News:

...gooder and harder, Izzies I’d forgotten all about the Paleos.

...let’s not forget our old stand-by, Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.

...even for Africa, that’s an over-achiever.

...oh yeah;  almost forgot about those assholes too.

And back home:

...keyword:  Brooklyn.

And for some truly perplexing 

  ...sorry; I just can’t.

...ah yes, Elle;  still a skinnymalink after all these years.

I think we’ve covered the news (barely) adequately.

News Roundup

And speaking of bonfires:

...can you spell “F-I-X”, children?

And then:

...whereupon the expected response follows:

...yep;  the fix is in.

From the Everybody Panic!!! Department:

...note “scientists” and all the weasel words.

And speaking of those loathsome assholes:

...I’m sure they do, considering that their entire army was equipped by the U.S. thanks to all those military supplies left behind in the Great Biden Afghanistan Betrayal of 2021.

And speaking of religious people:

...see, if he had been a Muslim he would have murdered the artist instead of just destroying the statue.

In the Righteous Shootings Dept.:

...bringing a lunge to a gunfight:  not a good idea.

In Health News:


And Womyn’s News:

...errrr that’s because modern-day “liberal women” have denigrated, demonized, pussified and castrated traditional men.  Liberal men surrendered to that trope;  conservative men never have.  Connect the dots, Cunty.

And now, we’re on to 

...or in Hollywoodspeak:  “Thunberg 2”.

...which could be taken as a warning if you decide to use today’s ad item as implied.

Finally, as we take a trip down : wonder they won. 

Still, they were playing Holland… and this weekend will take on Spain in the Euro Cup Final.  Wonder who’ll get her boobs  support then?

And that’s it for the news.

I was Going To Write This Article

…but Beege at Hot Air beat me to it.

The elections in England and France over the past week have been stellar examples of that, with surging populist parties echoing the concerns and voices of a good portion of the citizenry prior to the ballot box. But when vote push came to election shove, and parliamentary election rules being what they are in foreign countries, the feared and despised “right-wing” did make serious gains. But their hopes of election day triumphs were vanquished in both countries by simple math in one – England – and completely legal electioneering machinations by the Left in another – France.

Alas. The right has more seats at the table in both countries, but they do not control the head chair, and this leaves both countries under the sway of pretty liberal Leftist governments, with France being the vastly more radical of the two.

Read the rest for the gory — and I mean gory — details.

By the way:  I’m still feeling sick;  better than last week, but sick nevertheless.

News Roundup

And to make up for that sexxxissss ad, today’s roundup will be all about Teh Wimmens.

...excellent.  More like this, please.  And like this:

...for all sorts of good reasons.

...keyword:  lawyer. which we play the usual “Guess The Race” game.  And speaking of intemperate Black women:

...I see this as a win-win situation.  Popcorn, please?  And:

...she should be thinking about keeping herself alive, especially as she has that list of Epstein clients.

...oh, why not?  Left to himself, he could equally have chosen “cheese sandwich”Both would be equally accurate.

Now for some intemperate White women:

...are we talking “Wicked Witch Of The West” melting?  Are they selling tickets?

...okay, that’s fake news, unfortunately.

...this nearly made it into INSIGNIFICA.   And speaking of which, here we are:

And living on  :

...well. shall we take a look at Miss Jama’s clothing?


And I think that’s all the news worth revealing.

News Roundup

I’m not quite sure that this is a genuine ad — but then again, as a lifelong non-smoker how would I know?  But here’s the REAL (ahem) news:

...which makes me wonder:  are elephants at risk today?

In a Religion Of Peace update:

...too bad the lesbos weren’t packing heat, so to speak.  I don’t approve of Muzzie assholes getting all aggro, but I do approve of their would-be victims shooting them all dead.

Still in Muzzieland:

...and I think the TurkGov should immediately ban cooking gas in all restaurants.

In Education News:

...the old “low-hanging fruit” approach to molesting.

...and will be mocked for the rest of his time in jail by the other bad guys.

From the Dept. of Health & Wokery:

And speaking of wokery:

...for the benefit of my Murkin Readers, I should point out that NatWest is a fucking bank.

In U.S. Election News:

...and for the benefit of my Furrin Readers. I should point out that in this instance, “Coons” is a politician and not an ethnic group.  Glad we got that straightened out.

Now let’s swim in the link-free waters of 


...okay, I may have misread the headline for this one. [/Old Fart Excuse]

And as we sidle down :

...cant’s understand all the fuss;  it’s not like Susan Sarandon’s little girl has never shown off said appendages before:

…and here’s the oh-so-offensive wedding dress:

I think it’s quite pretty.

And that’s all the news fit to hang out.

News Roundup

And speaking of dildos:

From the Woke News Desk:

...I know, I know:  these roundups are meant to be bad news.  And:

...and if ever there was a company that shouldn’t have done this nonsense at all...

...thus alienating all three of their hardcore LGBTOSTFU fans.

And in Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...just another moment of idiocy among thousands of hours of the same.

...hammering the point home, so to speak.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© News:

...questions?  Yes, you in the back?  Ummm yes I think that being tossed out of helicopters at 500 feet above shark-infested waters may also be somewhat offensive to them.

...see above (and below).

...keyword:  Massachusetts.

And in parallel news:

...sorry, Ramiro:  finding Jesus and being regretful may help you later, just not with the Texas justice system right now.  Adios, asshole.

Still on crime matters:

...wait, what was the middle bit, again?

In Election News:

...well okay, except:

...not that they would ever be bothered by any inconvenient laws, or anything.  Still, let me be out there first:  Biden Didn’t Kill Himself.

In Miscellaneous News: link because mass vomiting.

And now, some truly
(featuring EXTRA Kardashian!)
        …ummm no.  

...if it hasn’t by now, Toots, it ain’t gonna.

And in Celebrity Gossip:

...and, according to her one-time boyfriend, sexually insatiable as well:

Who knew that about Winona Ryder?

And that’s all the news fit to complain about.