Their Loss

Looks like the LGBTOSTFU crowd has managed to get Chick-fil-A to close its first and only restaurant in Britishland.

As I pointed out to Mr. Free Market, The Englishman and Mrs. Sor in my email to them (entitled Homos 1, Good Guys 0), all this means is that the Brits (and especially the Sorensons, who live in Reading) will be denied probably the world’s best fried chicken.  Because, according to the freaks & loonies, the chain does eeevil and nasty stuff:

Reading Pride charged that the fast food chain’s charitable foundation “still supports questionable charities.” In particular, the LGBT activist group faulted the WinShape Foundation for donating $1.6 million to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and $150,000 to the Salvation Army in 2017.
Reading Pride quoted the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ statement of faith: “We believe God’s design for sexual intimacy is to be expressed only within the context of marriage. God instituted marriage between one man and one woman as the foundation of the family and the basic structure of human society. For this reason, we believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one man and one woman.”

As everyone knows, I am no Christian.  Nevertheless, I think I’ll go and get some nuggets — probably a double order, to make up for their losses in the UK — at the Chick-fil-A up the road, just in sympathy.

And then I’ll be off to the range.  Do thou the same, O My Readers.

Quote Of The Day

Heard on a radio show the morning after a tornado hit north Dallas and took out houses in Preston Hollow, a ritzy neighborhood:

“That area’s so exclusive, even the Fire Department’s phone number is unlisted.”

This happened about ten miles south of us, which sounds close but isn’t.  (Plano seldom gets hit by violent storms, possibly because the insurance payouts would put the companies out of business.  Worst that ever happened to our old Plano house was a tree getting decapitated in the front yard, and on another occasion, high winds driving the rain sideways  into the roof, lifting shingles and causing a leak indoors.)

Night before last, the only thing that happened to us was a momentary power failure — enough to make my garage door opener lock up, and the electric security gate ditto.  Enter manual labor (not mine, the Mexican maintenance team’s).

Oh, yeah:  President Trump was in Dallas for a campaign stop a couple days ago, but the two events are probably coincidental, no matter what the Jackals Of The Press may say.

End Times, California Style

It’s not often that I burst out with incredulous laughter when reading stuff on Teh Intarwebz, but this succeeded in making me do so:

There doesn’t seem to be any easy solution to the yearly wildfire season, and California policy has always seemed to work in opposition to fire safety. Environmentalists have, for decades, fought the clearing of underbrush that serves as fuel for these raging fires. Instead of doing basic maintenance, almost one million people will have to live without power. No one is ready for it.
The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that people are stocking up on liquor and few of them have safety readiness kits. One resident they spoke to said she “knew she was woefully unprepared for days without power. Despite living along an earthquake fault and within a half block of where the 1991 Oakland conflagration destroyed the whole neighborhood, Weld didn’t have a comprehensive emergency kit ready to go.”

Then Megan Fox unloads on these idiots, wrathfully.  And I bet that 90% of them voted Democrat in past elections.

And Californians make fun of Southerners… while the ghost of Charles Darwin sniggers.

Fuck ’em.  I hope these Commie-enablers all go up in flames.


So there’s this list which ranks the most miserable cities in the U.S.  I’ve checked off those in the top 10 which I’ve actually seen / driven through / stayed in (don’t ask):

No question but that Gary deserves its spot.  Under “Non-Third World Shitholes” in the dictionary will be its picture:

Detroit we all know about, ditto Newark, Flint and Camden, which all resemble the above pic in one way or another.  Huntington Park should be driven around  let alone through, and I don’t know anything about Warren (although its location near Akron and Youngstown probably gives us a clue).  Pine Bluff is actually little different from most Southern rural shitholes, except that its inhabitants seem to be more violent than most, for reasons which escape me.

I’m a little puzzled by Passaic’s position, though.  I lived just a couple miles away from it, in Lincoln Park, and other than the fact that it gets flooded out every other year or so by its namesake river — perhaps the reason for its high misery ranking, come to think of it — it’s little different from most of its Noo Joizee neighbors e.g. Paterson (a true shithole) and Verona (only a little less shitty), neither of which made the top 10.

Feel free to add your miserable candidates in Comments.

Timeline To Extinction

I have no idea how plausible this scenario could have been, because it happened jillions of years ago.  But it sure makes interesting reading.

Here’s a question for y’all (answers in Comments):

Assuming this were to happen in the near future, and was unavoidable — i.e. we really are all gonna diiiieeeee! — where would you want this giant meteor to strike, just for spite?

a) Washington D.C.
b) New York Fucking City
c) EU headquarters in Brussels
d) Beijing
e) Los Angeles
f) Wherever Greta Thunberg happens to be at the moment of impact.

After  voting for your #1 choice, feel free to add your candidate locales in Comments.

Parallel Situations

From Insty I see this, about the situation in Hong Kong:

Pro-Beijing agitators are attacking random passers-by and fomenting brawls and riots in the shopping malls where pro-democracy demonstrators gather to sing. The… police are cooperating with the pro-Beijing agitators, arresting pro-democracy demonstrators, but leaving the pro-Beijing agitators alone.

Now where have I seen this kind of thing before?  Oh, I know.

Just substitute “Antifa” for “pro-Beijing agitators” and “Trump supporters” for “pro-democracy demonstrators”, and you have… Portland.