Your favorite quickie news flashes of the week:
1) Goalie wins AK-47 for being badass — my kinda team award altogether; although he’d better not bring that bad boy with him to the U.S. or else “Beta” O’Rourke will take it away from him. [eyecross]
2) Trannie fired for classless attack on conservative woman — only fired? He/she deserves a whipping. Nebraska ain’t the state I remember — although this happened in Lincoln, which is to Nebraska as Austin is to Texas.
3) Trump will “probably” support some kind of gun control legislation — I was going to say something about this, but I have to go buy some more AK ammo right now. Back in a moment.
Okay… now where was I?
4) All Democrats would ban fracking — as if higher taxes, gun control, [299 other bullshit policies] aren’t sufficient reason not to vote for any of these fucking loons.
5) “Genitalia is not an indicator of gender and it can be harmful to assume so” — ummm no; actually, I’m pretty sure that ownership of a dick is the primary way to determine that someone’s a bloke, whether he uses it the Elton John Way or the John Holmes Way. Ditto the vag — although Beto “Gimme Your ARs and AKs” O’Rourke (despite the alleged ownership of a penis) is still a total cunt, regardless of which way he swings. Frankly, this so-called “gender fluidity” is a symptom of mental instability, not something to be proud of. And to hell with the whole LGBTOSTFU rabble, while I’m on the topic, because it leads to insane shit like this.
6) Climate change assholes admit to a fucking great lie — quelle surprise. This one was about the vanishing polar bear population scare, which was based on a single photograph. Sadly, there will be no floggings.
7) Gun Sales Spike Despite Democrat Efforts To Slow It Down — substitute “because of” for “despite”, and you have a more truthful headline, RedState.
8) Frogs and Brits go on strike, as usual — and Kim points to his earlier suggestion to re-institute flogging for unionized workers, as we do here in Texas*.
*Okay, we don’t actually flog unionistas in Texas, but it’s not for lack of trying.