News Roundup

And to explain today’s front-page advert, then, is this:

...some assistance will be provided to my Readers (of both types) below the fold.  Remember:  it’s for your own good.  And no, there will be no pics of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer swinging from the gallows, you sick bastards.

May as well go with the flow, so to speak:

...and here I thought that pulling out was all part of the show.

...hey, with the cost of stuff nowadays, that’s pretty much all anyone can afford to do.
#CheapEntertainment #FuckJoeBiden

...idiot.  You always play to your marketable strengths.

...or more correctly, what you don’t want.


...imagine what the other two guys’ wives must think.

And in some sex-drenched (but still link-free) 

...welcome to a man’s world, honey.

…*who was it?  Just check the line of succession for the blind guy.



And walking the dog down :

...I’d never heard of her, but I’m clearly out of touch.  Anyway:

Quite toothsome, at 57.

Anyway, as promised, for those dirt-poor folks who don’t want to do drugs, and who want to avoid prostate cancer, some health aids:


Read more

News Roundup

Starting off with some good news:

...and all he had to do was fire a bunch of government workers and close their departments.  Jealous, I am.

...”about fucking time”?  Well, I would have said that.

In Tech News:

...except when it comes to censoring conservative content and making it disappear from their search engine.

In the Lawn Order Dept.: which we play the our always-popular “Guess the Race” game.  Also keyword:  Chicago.

And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©: the surprise of absolutely nobody with any common sense, as we’ve noted before.

...and anywhere else, he’d be losing his mind permanently as his body temperature reaches that of the room;  but not in Britishland.

...which somehow manages to combine both The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© and Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.

And speaking of the unspeakable:

...which would concern me if I actually gave a flying fuck about the snowflakes’ opinion of me — especially as:

...well isn’t that special.  Let’s send a few (hundred) thousand of them to live in Gaza, then.

And speaking of Unspeakable Wokism: which we play our new “Guess The Sex of the CEO” game.

From the Sports Desk: it just me, or does “German surfer” create the same cognitive dissonance as, say, “Swiss Naval Officer” or “Haitian chess player”?

In the Dept. of Redundancy Dept.:

...aren’t we glad that the U.S. doesn’t do titles?

In the Dept. of Health:

And, of course, there’s always some link-free 



And in a stroll down :

...well, let’s see what awaits the throbbing phalli of Teh Brits:

All together now:

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ “Run Britannia!  Britannia run away!” ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

And that’s all the news anyone needs, I think.

Then And Now

As pointed out in this article, the United States has changed.

The national mood in the mid-twentieth century was very different from now.

    • The United States was respected around the world — even if not necessarily liked.
    • Technology was advancing faster than at any time in human history.
    • Our cities were mostly orderly, safe, and clean.
    • We believed there were few hardships which couldn’t be overcome with hard work. Opportunities seemed endless, as was our optimism.
    • We were completely naïve about the danger posed by our own government.

And now, in the 21st century, there is a completely different worldview.

    • The United States is a corrupt and impotent international laughingstock.
    • We’ve become technically stunted. Replacing the Francis Scott Key bridge is expected to take three times longer than building the Golden Gate bridge almost a century ago.
    • Our cities are becoming unlivable post-apocalyptic hellscapes.
    • “Living the American dream” is no longer a middle-class expectation.
    • We know that fear of our own government is a prudent mindset.

As the man said:

News Roundup

They’ll never catch on.   Anyway, speaking of lies:

Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...because if all they spoke was the truth, there’d be no “climate change” doctrine, period.

...for “planet” read “Catholic Church”.

...and the Taiwanese yawnAlso, F- for the fucking awful puns.

In the Dept. of Irony: pot, meet kettle.  (Vince Foster and Jeffrey Epstein were unavailable for comment.)

In Technology News:

...[yawn] let me know when they come in .45 ACP.

From the Tourism Bureau:

...thus making Europe’s most expensive hotels now stratospheric.

In Political News:

...and yet, amazingly, in that 11-day period he’s still managed to vote fifteen times, three times each per bill.

...I’m hoping for a higher death toll, myself.  (no link because PPV)

...I’m just amazed that there’s a Target still open in St. Louis.

From the Dept. of Health:

...and he was related to her.

And from the Dept. of Education:

...because grades are so, like, rayciss. which we play our ever-popular game of “Guess The Race”.

...or even with young boys.

In the department known as 


Finally. on Paige Three:

...let’s see what’s so bad about this bikini, shall we, that FecesBook is getting agitated:

Nope;  not much more to see here (other than the usual).  And from the recently-finished tournament at Augusta National:

You most certainly can, sweetheart.  And that’s the news.

News Roundup

So let’s look at the news, which will also cause you to break wind.

From the Dept. of Health, Nutrition and Religion:

...tastes like shit, is bad for you:  just like vegans themselves, I’m told.

Speaking of religions:

And while we’re on the Jew-Hate train of thought:

...wait:  sexual activity?  If looking at those Holocaust pics gives you a woody, you need help.

From the Dept. of Education:

...this all started when the courts decided that illegal immigrant children were entitled to free state education.
#DontCare #ReapTheWhirlwind

...Go Huskers!  And while we’re there:

...sadly, only in rural areas, where there isn’t too much danger from random assholes.  In the city schools, however, where there IS that kind of danger, the schools need to rely on the cops.

Still with the kiddies:

...but but but…isn’t underage sex illegal!  You mean making something illegal doesn’t end the problem?

From the Lawn Order News Desk:

...and of course he will;  in 2050, when it’s used against his side. gunpoint, perhaps?  I think he just means “run them over”. [/Insty]

And The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© continues apace:

...promises made by government, promises not kept by government.  Welcome to the U.S.A.

In the Romance Dept.:

...errrrr no, I think you’ll find it was actually the heroin.

And now for some linkless 


And living in :

...actually, she’s always been kinda fond of the sparkly dress stuff:

And on that powerfully-erotic note, we end the news.

News Roundup

And if ever we needed beer:

...I don’t wanna say “I told you so!!” but

And completely unrelated to the above:, you shouldn’t buy “an” AR-15.  You should buy at least two because, as the old saying goes, “Two is one and one is none.”  Three would be better, and four (one or two for you, and a couple for your friends, if needed) is just dandy.

Some International News:

...wait:  Japan’s getting upset by this?  It has to be bad.

...not so nice when it happens to you Arab assholes, is it?

...and then were promptly arrested for destroying an endangered species, I bet.

Some Murkin News: ONE, asshole.  Get specific.

...did they overturn Kelo?  No?  Then nobody cares.

...priorities:  they’re important.

And in the Dept. of Education:’s called “free enterprise”, guys;  leave her alone, dammit Also, keyword:  Houston.

In Business News:

And now, ’tis time for  

...welcome to the boys’ club, honey.

And on that note, it’s time for our little journey down  :

Unlike the news, that’s just the way we like it.