News Roundup

We need some kind of protection from news like this…

From the Glueball Jewhate Dept.: long as it’s just on campuses, fine.  If they want to take it to the streets, however...

...which overlaps quite nicely with the next item.

From the The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...I dunno why the locals are so intolerant.  Why can’t they just understand that crime is so much a part of Algerian culture?

...more intolerance;  child rape is an integral part of Nicaraguan culture.

...when you count “nothing” as “extraordinary”, perhaps.

In Transnational Organization News:

...of which they’ve had far more than they deserve anyway.

...LOL I suspect the sample was mostly farmers. the consternation of the European media, no doubt.

From the Nasty Furrin Country files:

...said position to be occupied by… a man.  (Not from the Babylon Bee)
#Melbourne #OfCourse’s not hate speech, it’s a Government policy statement.

From the Dept. of Health: Boomer Villagers need any encouragement.

And now, several instances of

...all sex is risky (if done properly), and doing it is always a gamble.

And on a stroll down :

...let’s spend a few moments with this totty and her well-traveled parts:

I think that barely covers the news for today.

Avoiding That Inconvenient History Stuff

The Catholic sent me this example of people with a chronic case of cranial-rectal insertion:

The heroics of HMS Black Joke, a Royal Navy clipper that waged a fearless five-year war to put an end to the slave trade, are worthy of a Hollywood action movie.

She was once a slave ship herself, sailing under the Brazilian flag and known as the Henriqueta. But when the British captured her in 1827, this brave little vessel was transformed into the scourge of mercenary slavers who traded in human beings.

Her crew took unimaginable risks to hunt down Spanish and Portuguese ships and free the men, women and children crammed below decks in conditions of horrific misery.

Read the whole thing, and then its dolorous conclusion.

I would suggest a public whipping for the entire group of decision-makers, just to give them a taste of what HMS Black Joke saved so many people from.

That, or just a simple hanging for the lot of them.

But no doubt that would make me a violent racist hater, or something.

News Roundup

Speaking of snake-oil salesmen:

And in International News:

Speaking of which:

...I think he misspelled “Caliphate”, there.

On a similar topic:

From the Dept. of Education:

...can you spell “L-Y-I-N-G  B-A-S-T-A-R-D-S”, children?

In Tech News:

...we were not shown the poor innocent shopper’s race;  I wonder why that is?  Could this new software be having problems because all shoplifters look alike?

...more because of their “externalized penis size” perhaps, but I could be wrong.

In the Okay, Cupid Dept.:

...the real news is that the honeymoon night pics will be posted on OnlyFans.

And in the new and improved (not really)

...complaining, or bragging?  I report, you decide.

...yeah, whatever.  To be frank, there’s not that much cleavage to plunge into.  Now her legs, however, are definitely worth a little manspreading:

In fact, the back view is far more plungeworthy:

Amd that’s all the news worth diving into.

News Roundup

Speaking of old dicks, let’s look at what our beloved President is doing.

From the The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...relax, Jake;  it’s FJB Or, to summarize: “President Braindead Is Insane.”  More concise and 100% accurate.

...if “enforcement” means rolling out the welcome wagon, then yes. it just me, or is it time to go all Pinochet on these shitbirds?

In Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© news:

...easier than blaming Trump or Boeing, I suppose.

In Global Jew Hate news:

...kinda reminds me of when Kaiser Wilhelm II supported the Arabs against the Jews.

...wait:  Arabs are thieves?  Who knew?

From The Kids Are Alright Dept.:

...considering that the Brit cops appear to do fuck all except harass people who post mean tweets, I would have thought that the work was right up their alley.  Or they’re off on holiday:

...all part of the “work-life balance” thing, no doubt.

Okay, Let’s Blame Whitey:

...oh I just HOPE this is true, because I’d hate to think I had to clean up the coffee splatter for nothing.

...I thought that the prime killers of Black people are other Black people.  Except when they do it to themselves:

...okay, this should have been in the Hearts Of Stone Department.

From the Dept. of Education:

...Teacher Of The Year, baby.

...only good news of the day, that is.

In Technology News:

...everything Microsoft does is fucking creepy.

Time for some 

...wait, WHAT?  I’m not sure even Texas could contain those puppies.

In Sporting News:

...breaking news:  Redneck #1 fights Redneck #2.  [yawn]

...lessee what’s exciting the Irish lad:

  ...maybe it’s her swing. 

On the other hand:


...oh.  Then:

...I’m pretty sure he’s not that soft anymore. [see above for reasons]

And that’s all the news fit to take a mulligan.

News Roundup

And speaking of cuts, we have some news from the Dept. Of Education:

...I’d suggest “Gender Studies” (or “Anything” Studies), but then I’d be accused of being a hater.

...wait, there are still some male teachers out there?

And from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

In other International News:

...I really, REALLY hope that this was a deliberate act of assassination (by the Izzies, the CIA, Iranian dissidents — anyone, I’m not fussy who), and not just some mechanical failure in the chopper.

...seems as though a lot of countries are having problems with ‘coon invasions.

And on this side of The Pond, although not necessarily in the U.S.A.:

And in the Dept. Of Irony:

...this almost rivals “AIDS Cure Found In Dolphin Livers” as a headline.

In the Sexual Confusion Dept.: the surprise of nobody except the Raving Loony Party.

And in Political News:

...I would imagine during the next Democrat Socialist Administration.

...see, if she’d just married him first...

And in Entertainment News:

...and no, it never fucking ends.  Until they go out of business.

...£££££££££££ $$$$$$$$$$$$ €€€€€€€€€€€€ ?  Mind you, it’s not ALL bad:

...even though I STILL wouldn’t recognize any of their songs if my life depended on it.

Time for some more  


...and “Who she?” you ask:

...good grief, no man should.

And to get all that scrubbed from our brains, we’ll take a drive down :

...we’ve seen her before, and here she is again:


And on that low-cut note, we end the news roundup.

News Roundup

And to help with yer digestion, some news from the Dept. of Education:

...yee haaa.

And speaking of boners:

...of course she wasn’t.  She was just showing a Gen Z pupil the facts of life, all part of a rounded belly  education.

...keyword: Mahinarangi.

And speaking of motherhood, there’s some Election News:

...what, they’re using moms to print the fake ballots now?

...Insty’s being sarky, Insty is.  As is Sarah:

From the Sweet Dreams Dept.:

...meanwhile, over in the U.S.A. on that date:

In the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:

...ethnic background of our amputee not mentioned, but...


And finally:

...probably because they lead miserable lives?  Just a wild guess.

Speaking of miserable little bitches, here’s the Media News: short do you want the answer to be?

And in the EVERYBODY PANIC !!! News:

...[insert “Islam” joke here]

And in Entertainment News:

...something about being “too figure-conscious” , I think.  Anyway, at least she’s free from all those silly Disney rules and can start to enjoy her life a little:

...keyword:  Dublin.

…and: two words:

And in the latest 

And living in :

...why am I having trouble believing her?  Anyway:

And that’s it for the Roundup.