Let’s kick off with some good news, from the Dept. Of Education:
And from the Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© Temple:
From the Department of Irony:
...who as I recall voted for Biden over Trump, 53% – 47%.
From the Parish Newsletter:
...good thing he’s Anglican and not Catholic, or that Commie Pope would have got it all.
In Dietary News:
...does this mean I shouldn’t be eating Twinkies with my breakfast gin?
...relax, Jake; it’s New York fucking City.
In the Dept. of Wokery:
...coming from a guy who really needs a swift slap in the face.
...I didn’t even know that the National Organization For Women was still around. Kinda like the NRA for Cat Ladies, I guess.
...so that when someone tells him to “Go fuck yourself”, he can.
...horribly-overpriced clothes, woke company: it’s your purchase decision, so be my guest.
In Election News:
...Karl Rove, Karl Rove… who was he, again? Oh yeah, the guy behind the loss of the election to Barack Obama. Oh, and the Jan 6 protestors are not thugs, you asshole.
Now for some Adolescent Shooting News:
...silly boy; if he’d just waited a few years, he could have shot Russians and been a national hero.
News from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
In link-free
And in our journey into the :
Abandon hope all ye who enter here, I think.
And that’s the news.