News Roundup

Let’s talk about something interesting.

...yeah, and when pets, joggers or children start getting eaten, then — aargh, I couldn’t be bothered even talking about this foolishness.

On to The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...sounds like an elegant solution to a problem, right there.

...and nobody cares, because CdM is just an excuse for amateurs to wear stupid costumes and drink too much.

...basically, it’s a lab experiment for the U.S., only we’re already doing it bigger and better.

News from The Pulpit:

...and the AP (of course) thinks that this is a Bad Thing.

Then you have what the Catholics would call “the heathens”:

...but if it’s not to Allah, then one of those faiths is gonna kill you, of course.  And speaking of foolishness:

what the hell, they’ve allowed Commies into their clergy, why not the freakos too?  And the final nail in the coffin:

...plans?  I thought that program was pretty much in place already.

And speaking of evil teachers…

In the Dept. of Education:

...gets around, doesn’t she?

Some Pre-Insignifica:

...keyword:  Floriduh.

...when it works on Harvey Weinstein, then she can make that claimUnless, of course, she’s managed to combine the smell of money with the taste of chocolate, in which case all bets are off.

...basically, it’s a Train Smash trifecta:  dubious hairstyle choice, intoxication and a cigarette.

And in even more 


...actually, having the Sun King’s genes splashing around in her DNA pool probably explains a great deal about her.

And in the Who She? Dept.:

...bikini by Shein, lips by Michelin.

And that’s the news.

News Roundup

So let us begin with Trump News: long as “purge” includes floggings and mass execution of traitors, I’m all for it.

...but when Fuckface Kerry did just that during Trump’s first term and even undermined his policies, that was perfectly okay?  Got it.

...sheesh, when even John McCain’s box-of-rocks daughter sees the writing on the wall, the Commies must be feeling nervous. mean, in addition to Wokism, the shit economy, terrible foreign policy, anti-Americanism, oppressive government [list of 200 more reasons omitted]?

...and he didn’t need a fucking teleprompter, either.

In Unspeakable Bastard Government News:

As The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© continues:

...and it being Seattle, those demands will likely be met, along with added obsequious grovelling instead of clubbings and “deportations”.

And in related Travel News:

...I would have thought that this was actually a permanent thing, but apparently not.
#AllMuslimCountriesAreShitholes #ChangeMyMind

In Nutrition News:

...should never have put that disgusting shit on the shelves in the first place.

...hey, Double-Decaf Extra-Cinnamon Latte-Lovers, we’ve been saying that for nearly thirty years.
#SmugPoseurs #DunkinIsBetter #AndCheaper

In Entertainment News:

...what, exactly, did you expect from Australian crowds, if not hooliganism and projectile vomiting?  Also keyword:  Melbourne.

And speaking of Aussies:

...had a bad relationship or two with Teh Menz, did we?  To compensate for the loss of sales as her hetero market dwindles, I see OnlyFannies in her future.

...just the usual Train Smash stuff.  Why do you ask?

And in our linkless 

...don’t care, don’t wanna know.

And in the Bountiful Curves Gallery:

…and bountiful they are indeed:

And that is the back side of the news.

News Roundup

Let’s look at some other politically-incorrect news and views, for a change:

Fake News Dept.:

...why fake?  Because handguns are illegal in Britishland, ergo this could not possibly have happened.  Bonus:  Guess The Race.

From the Police Blotter:

...thus ensuring that at least something of the visitor will, indeed, stay in Vegas.

In International News:

...missing those massive contributions from Britishland, are we?

In Medical News:

Time for some Glueball Jewhate News:

...and does Egypt have the equivalent of the Second Amendment? Why no, no it doesn’t, and nor does any other Muslim nation. only quibble with Elon is his using the future tense in that statement.

In the Technology Dept.: I the only one who thinks he’s having some weird reality dislocation here?  Or is it just the morons responsible for the “backlash”?

Science! News:

...same scientists found murdered.

In Nutritional History News:

...”made excellent fish & chips too”, sez Keith Richards;  but as a kid, Willie Nelson preferred it chicken-fried like his Momma made.

Some dispatches from Sex News:

...Rule #1:  Never try to compete with a slut.

And in link-free

...I prefer the old one:  letting her lick the front of your Amex Black Card.

And ending the news on a positive note:

...don’t care about the reason. Here she is:

Nothing wrong with Canuck totty, really, and here’s the Naked News website.

And that’s the end of the (not naked) news.

News Roundup

(Kim writing his blog before personal computers were invented.)

Let’s start by looking to what the terrorists and terrorsymps are doing:

...wait:  protesters came all the way from Long Island?

...terrorists tell lies.  In other news, Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic.

...why?  Those journos are their most fervent supporters.

From the Dept. of Stupid Fucking Laws:

...and even that percentage is too high, there being no such actual crime as “hate speech”.

News from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...that excuse is positively Clintonesque.

...child molestation being very much part of his “home culture”, no doubt.

Some Political News:

...only difference is that unlike Mandela, Trump’s presidency won’t involve creating utter chaos in the country.

From the Lawn Order Department:

...just one of the perils of electing a Democrat as governor.  As opposed to the great state of Georgia, which didn’t:

...only way this could be better is if shooting squatters as dangerous criminals would not involve prosecution.  Oh well, baby steps.

...but no mention of any daily whippings or weekly ball-kickings?  Must be an oversight.

And some Entertainment News: might say the same thing about Piers Morgan, of course.

...well, don’t we all?

In Economics News:

...which absolutely nobody saw coming, except everyone who isn’t in government or academia.

And in more (link-free) 


Finally, in a drive down :

...yes, she does:

Not just leggy, but also quite booby:

And that’s how we keep abreast of the news.

News Roundup

And to explain today’s front-page advert, then, is this:

...some assistance will be provided to my Readers (of both types) below the fold.  Remember:  it’s for your own good.  And no, there will be no pics of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer swinging from the gallows, you sick bastards.

May as well go with the flow, so to speak:

...and here I thought that pulling out was all part of the show.

...hey, with the cost of stuff nowadays, that’s pretty much all anyone can afford to do.
#CheapEntertainment #FuckJoeBiden

...idiot.  You always play to your marketable strengths.

...or more correctly, what you don’t want.


...imagine what the other two guys’ wives must think.

And in some sex-drenched (but still link-free) 

...welcome to a man’s world, honey.

…*who was it?  Just check the line of succession for the blind guy.



And walking the dog down :

...I’d never heard of her, but I’m clearly out of touch.  Anyway:

Quite toothsome, at 57.

Anyway, as promised, for those dirt-poor folks who don’t want to do drugs, and who want to avoid prostate cancer, some health aids:


Read more

News Roundup

Starting off with some good news:

...and all he had to do was fire a bunch of government workers and close their departments.  Jealous, I am.

...”about fucking time”?  Well, I would have said that.

In Tech News:

...except when it comes to censoring conservative content and making it disappear from their search engine.

In the Lawn Order Dept.: which we play the our always-popular “Guess the Race” game.  Also keyword:  Chicago.

And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©: the surprise of absolutely nobody with any common sense, as we’ve noted before.

...and anywhere else, he’d be losing his mind permanently as his body temperature reaches that of the room;  but not in Britishland.

...which somehow manages to combine both The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© and Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©.

And speaking of the unspeakable:

...which would concern me if I actually gave a flying fuck about the snowflakes’ opinion of me — especially as:

...well isn’t that special.  Let’s send a few (hundred) thousand of them to live in Gaza, then.

And speaking of Unspeakable Wokism: which we play our new “Guess The Sex of the CEO” game.

From the Sports Desk: it just me, or does “German surfer” create the same cognitive dissonance as, say, “Swiss Naval Officer” or “Haitian chess player”?

In the Dept. of Redundancy Dept.:

...aren’t we glad that the U.S. doesn’t do titles?

In the Dept. of Health:

And, of course, there’s always some link-free 



And in a stroll down :

...well, let’s see what awaits the throbbing phalli of Teh Brits:

All together now:

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ “Run Britannia!  Britannia run away!” ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

And that’s all the news anyone needs, I think.