News Roundup

And speaking of a better America, let’s go further into the news:

...clearly, the NYPD cops wanted a bigger bribe.

...”Why women shouldn’t be employed in male prisons:  Reason #1″

...does this mean I won’t get that million-dollar inheritance?

...don’t listen, Don, she’s faking you out.

...substitute “Amazon” and “Record companies” for “Sony”, and you’ll be fine. give back all the fucking money.

...sorry, assholes, but you ain’t no Costco or Sam’s Club.

...hey, if they’re not gonna stand for ours, then we won’t stand for theirs.
#WhitePushback #FuckYouAssholes

...I’d say the pot is calling the kettle black, but that would be rayciss.

...or “best on her knees”, take your pick.

And now for


And finally:

...aaahh Kelly me old darling, how we’ve missed you on these pages.



And now that our cups runneth over, that endeth the news.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with something from the Department of Losers:

...missed seeing him again by thismuch.

...what’s that, Lassie?  Hoofbeats from four horses?  I hear them too.

...quelle horreur.

...quick, sue the mill that made the steel for the gun maker.

...Britcops:  “We would, but then we’d be in more trouble than you are.”

...sadly, no pics of said accident.

Moving away from industrial-grade losers, we go to the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:, boys will be boys. [/Eytie cops]

From the Gummint Gazette:

...always wondered why you’d need a college degree just to be rude to customers at the DMV.

...I actually first read that as “House Republicans Shoot Senators”.  Imagine my disappointment at the second reading.

...Das Kapital, p.276.  His idol V.I. Lenin would be so proud of him.

...for “Americans” read “Journalists”.

And just to show that gummint isn’t the only entity capable of complete idiocy, there’s this:

...just another model to sit, forlorn and unwanted, on some dealer’s lot.

And in Evil Satan News:

...we know.  I mean, Nancy Pelosi is still in Congress, and FJ Biden is still in the White House. And don’t get me started on the FBI and DHS...

And your pre-weekend 


...never watched the show either, but here’s an FYI so everyone else can keep up to date:

And that’s what passes for news.

Japs Bomb Pearl Harbor

and in other “news”:

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell admitted that he was wrong to expect inflation would be transitory when it started to rise three years ago.

I wonder what clue he and the other asswipes at the Fed missed:  that government spending was increasing exponentially, that the Federal debt was spiraling upwards, or that the government was printing ever-more money to pay for government-created Covid-related expenses and social program giveaways instead of paying down the debt?

That’s some college degree you must have there, Chair Guy.  You fucking moron.

You’re “wrong”, and we’re being bent over the desk and raped by your mistake every time we go to the grocery store or try to pay down our credit card debt.

News Roundup

Speaking of pigs:

...whereupon mobs of angry citizens start hanging and shooting the illegals — oh wait, this is NYFC, nothing happened afterwards.  Never mind, carry on.

...oy, the insufferable little bitch is going to be impossible now.

From the Pulpit Chronicles: if they’d sung folk songs, there’d be executions.

Time for some International Relations:

...are you sure it’s not angry parents or Catholics, you asshole government thugs?

...gosh, now I wonder which ethnic group they’re talking to, specifically?

In Election News:

...I just want the ATF gig, and I’m not a Senator. US Democrat Socialists take notes for their own October 2024 arrangements.

...oh well, as long as they didn’t waste it.  Useless asswipes.

...I guess Katie Hopkins was already booked elsewhere, otherwise why get the “40-day wonder” (who is Conservative but NOT conservative) to speak?

In Marketing News:

...Marketing Rule #1:  always establish your customer base numbers before starting your business.  Even if it’s a religion.

...I’m confused:  satisfaction 20 minutes after ordering, or 20 minutes after the product is delivered?

...and in related news, the Clintons pre-announce that they have an alibi for when she has her unfortunate accident or commits “suicide”.

And in the newly-labeled 



And in more ShowBiz News:

...LOL “confirms” — like she could deny it:

And to get that horrible visual banished from your brain:

There ya go… and that’s the news.

Fair Warning

I’m starting a new category today.  It’s called “Shootin’ Time”, and it has nothing to do with guns, per se.  Rather, it has to do with news items that makes one want to go to the guns and kill ’em all, the mood as exemplified in this pic:

…or, in a thumbnail:

Here’s a sample headline (no link because I can’t find the article and it doesn’t matter):

This will replace the old “Red Curtain Of Blood” tag because it’s become clear that nowadays, rage is insufficient;  what’s needed is bullets, and lots of ’em, to deal with the utter bastardy that confronts us.

Posts in this category will appear as often as I come across examples of the above.  There may be lots.

News Roundup

So let’s look at some dirty news.

...keywords:  Washington D.C.

...and of course the teacher “escaped prison”, because female. the little Jock lesbian got at least one thing right… in ten years.

...while millions of starving African villagers could only wish for such a feast.
#TheyStartedTheWar basically, she’s admitting that we’ve already lost our democracy?

...I dunno;  after centuries of neutrality, they have to be out of practice at this “war” thing., I didn’t get that backwards.  Relax, Jake;  it’s Seattle.

...and no, that’s not a typo.  He failed his examinations, because apparently you’re only allowed to rape elderly patients when not wearing uniform.

...keyword:  Canada.  (Although it’s probably even worse for U.S. college students.)

...because he hasn’t even started menstruating yet.



...I know, I know:

Well, at least she’s honest.  Unlike all the politicians in the news.