News Roundup

And in other “Men Are Pigs!” news: I the only one who doesn’t care about any of this?

...begging the question(s):  1) why should anyone care about your “problem”;  and 2) how, exactly, do you suggest this change be effected?

In Legal News:

...little late for that, innit?  Should have whacked his pee-pee within 24 hours of the order.

...I would have thought that instant coffee was sufficiently poisonous per se, but I guess not.

In Election News:

...what’s that you smell, Lassie?  A rat?

In Immigration News:

...and in other news, Gen. Custer is having trouble with the Sioux.

...yeah, I bet they’ll just line up for that one.’s the deal:  1) close the border completely, and 2) begin the mass deportations.  Anything else is unacceptable bullshit.

From the Dept. of Education:

...only thing newsworthy about this one is that he’s a White boy, and not Chinese or  Asian-Indian.

In Religious News:

...keyword:  yup, South Africa.

...and you thought it was just the fish-eaters, didn’t you?

From the front lines of SEX WARS:

...and she looks about what you’d expect her to look like:  a houri.




It’s now on sale!

(link is embedded in pic)

Don’t say I never do anything for you… and that’s the news.

Suppose They Ordered A War…

…and nobody showed up?  That’s the old Vietnam-era trope.  Here’s the modern-day equivalent:


Fox News reports that a high ranking CBP official told the network that their relationship with the Guard is “strong”.

“While this issue plays out in the courts, the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS [Department of Public Safety], & TMD [Texas Military Dept.] remains strong,” the official said, adding “Our focus is and will always be the mission of protecting this country and its people.”

“On the ground, we continue to work alongside these valuable partners in that endeavor,” the official continued, adding “Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border.”

“Our posture remains the same. If we need to access an area for emergency response, we will do so. When that happens, we will coordinate with Texas DPS & TMD,” the official further declared.

You see, long after the current Administration has passed into the “Bad News” section of the history books, the Border Patrol will still have to work with the Texas guys.  Let’s just hope they stick to their ummm statements.

So, ask that question again…?

News Roundup

Now, as for the less-important stuff…

...I’ll take “both” for $400, Alex, but it’s 80% “evil”, and 20% “clueless”.  And in related news:

...gonna sell  give them hi-tech equipment to guard against U.S. missile attacks, no doubt.

...nice idea.  Now how about amending it to read “any U.S. citizen” — you know, as per the Constitution — instead of just “journalists”? every time we call attention to or ridicule some government fuckery, we’re “weaponizing” it?

In the Lawn Ordure Dept.:

...keyword:  no, not Alabama;  France.

...nice to see that “PhD” still isn’t a job requirement for criminals.

...never mind moaning about 20 years being “excessive”, asshole;  after what you did to that girl, you should have been executed.

Hot from the Dept. of Education:

...asks the question, then closes comments.

In Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News: mean those fires weren’t because of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©?

In the Sex Wars Chronicles:

...isn’t this the generation that doesn’t want to see sex scenes in movies?  Somebody’s lying their asses off.

...rookie mistake.  No man should ever do one of those quizzes because they’ve all been designed by women to catch men out.

And now for some INSIGNIFICA:

And in ShowBiz News:

…but that’s not the story.  This is:

...wait:  you mean… Claire’s available now???



Well, if that’s not ending the news on a hopeful note…

Reminder:  it’s Open Mic in Comments.  Play nicely.

News Roundup

And boy, are you ever going to need one of the above to read what follows below…

From the Dept. of Education:

...”scholars”?  People with degrees in “_____ Studies”?  Ah don’ theenk so, Boss.

...wait:  the Austros have over-45-year-olds in schools now?

And further silliness in Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:

...weaselkeywords:  “could” and “up to”.  Substitute “won’t” and “anything like” to the above.

From the Dept. of Civil Defense: in north Texas, there’s a word for people like this:  neighbor.

In International War News:

...and even from the grave, Henry gets a Schadenböner:

... instead of sending them to Ukraine, we’re using missiles on asshole Muzzy terrorists, oh yes.  However:

...because repeating the same failed activity over and over always works in the end.

And in a different kind of war:

...and then euthanized like unwanted animals?  Oh please make it so.

Speaking of animals that need euthanizing: which we play the “Guess The Race” game Clue:  her name is “Shacoria”.

...she sounds nice.  The story is just wonderful.

...branding?  Too harsh, you say?

...headline may have been edited slightly, to reflect reality.

And in further INSIGNIFICA:

...of course you did, my darlin’.

Finally, in ShowBiz News: every night and three times a day over weekends?  That’s what I’d do, anyway.

…most children don’t look like what they become,really:

But if I can venture a guess, it’s not the face that gets people’s attention anyway:

And with that, we’ve reached the backside of the news.

News Roundup

And believe it or not, ladies:  it’s the truth.  Unless, of course, she’s so worn out by all the work that she comes after him with a cleaver when he just asks her to make him a sammich.

In Military News:

...wait:  you mean that young White men are actually wanted in today’s Army?

From the Dept. of Health:

...wait:  don’t they want us to start eating bugs?

Things Political:

...and even fewer people care what you think about Rand Paul, you RINO loser.

And in ShowBiz News:

...key word:  died.  What’s next:  a mass pee-in on his grave?  Can you assholes leave the fucking guy alone, now that he’s beyond “manipulating” anyone?

In GlueBall Jewhate News:

...because their Arab terrorist compadres hate Israel.  There:  saved y’all the trouble of following the link.  And speaking of terrorsymp shitheads: for thought, fuckwit:  Jews aren’t going to be setting off bombs in your mosque — although if they behaved like your terrorist buddies, they would.

In Global City News:

...keyword:  Birmingham, UK.

...keyword:  see above.

From the Dept. Of Education:

...I think the death penalty — wait, it was a female teacher?  Never mind.

...keep maintaining, sweetie.  Ain’t gonna help. wouldn’t think so if you shopped at Amazon, where it seems that every single fucking item is “Made in China”.



...and trust me, you don’t want to see the  link.

Finally, a little stroll down

...wait, Demi is now a GILF?

Ho yuss, as a quick look at some 2023-era pics will show:

At 61, very GILFy, my son.

I think we’ve (un)covered enough news for today.