And in other “Men Are Pigs!” news: I the only one who doesn’t care about any of this?
...begging the question(s): 1) why should anyone care about your “problem”; and 2) how, exactly, do you suggest this change be effected?
In Legal News:
...little late for that, innit? Should have whacked his pee-pee within 24 hours of the order.
...I would have thought that instant coffee was sufficiently poisonous per se, but I guess not.
In Election News:
...what’s that you smell, Lassie? A rat?
In Immigration News:
...and in other news, Gen. Custer is having trouble with the Sioux.
...yeah, I bet they’ll just line up for that one.’s the deal: 1) close the border completely, and 2) begin the mass deportations. Anything else is unacceptable bullshit.
From the Dept. of Education:
...only thing newsworthy about this one is that he’s a White boy, and not Chinese or Asian-Indian.
In Religious News:
...keyword: yup, South Africa.
...and you thought it was just the fish-eaters, didn’t you?
From the front lines of SEX WARS:
...and she looks about what you’d expect her to look like: a houri.
It’s now on sale!
Don’t say I never do anything for you… and that’s the news.