DOGE Target #1

Let’s hear it for the ATF:

ATF Isn’t Talking About its Early Morning No-Knock Raid on a Baltimore Gun Rights Advocate

Manley estimated he owns more than 70 firearms, but all of them comply with Maryland and federal laws. He owns no full-autos, suppressors or destructive devices. The ATF learned this after threatening to blow open Manley’s gun safe, which he opened for the agents, who found nothing illegal.

After the botched search warrant, one of the agents who had told Manley’s wife he was the lead investigator, asked her for dimensions and other information about the doors and windows his team had destroyed, which he promised to replace.


ATF Murders Innocent Man

In March, agents shot and killed Bryan Malinowski, executive director of the Clinton National Airport in Little Rock, Arkansas, in his home.

Agents were clearly spoiling for a gunfight when they went in during early morning hours, and they got one.

ATF has yet to comment officially on the March 19 killing, other to claim Malinowski fired first. But Malinowski’s family released a statement, which confirms what everyone already knew: It is extremely unlikely that the 53-year-old airport executive director knew he was trading gunfire with federal agents. It is far more likely Malinowski believed he was defending himself and his wife from armed home invaders.

This entire agency needs to be defunded and all their asshole agents fired and then prosecuted for all the crimes they committed against law-abiding citizens — both the people who authorized the crimes and the people who carried them out, no exceptions.

Period, end of statement, end of story.

Hold Yer Horses

I don’t know about anyone else, but for me, the actual new year will begin on January 20 and not on January 1.

So no, I’m not going to be celebrating anything tonight or at any time before the Inauguration.

But on January 21, I will be celebrating with gunfire at the range.  Anyone in the north Texas area is welcome to join me.  Details on request.

News Roundup

Note the price… now you can go and cry.

...who do they think they are:  Texans?

...and Trump wants these assholes to be the 51st state?  Ah don’ theenk so, Jefe.

And speaking of idiotic gestures:

...remember, kids:  for socialists, it’s only the intention that counts;  outcomes are unimportant.

...if he’s talking about Israeli children and meant to say “in Israel”, then he’s probably correct.

...oh noes, you mean all those feminazis, lesbos and girlymen professors are going to be out of a job?

...lessee if I got this right:  “attempted murder” isn’t really a bad crime (boys will be boys and all that);  but calling him a “dirty jigaboo” during the drowning?  Well, that’s just beyond the pale.

...just another day in FuckJoeBiden paradise.

...I guess if by “affirm” you mean “they should be stoned”, then yes.
In related news:  Anglican church attendance at lowest levels since Roman Coliseum times.

...I’m actually amazed it’s that high.

...keyword:  Australia (duh).

And in the usual sexual shenanigans known as we didn’t know that.  Anyway, not that I need an excuse to give examples: 

And thus do we tiptoe gingerly out of 2024…

News Roundup


As it’s Christmas Eve, our Roundup is going to be extra-special silly today.  Some of it may even be true.

...wait;  you mean this isn’t how everybody does Christmas dinner?

we know.  It falls off / grows closed, and you turn into an incel mass murderer.  Next:

From the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:

...sorry, this just made me giggle.  As did this one: about taking your hobby too seriously.  But even better:

...what cynics might call “a good start”.

From the Police Blotter:’s a thought:  if we do free “Luigi’, can we jail all the protesters for life instead?  It’s only fair.

...anyone giving odds that the car was stolen?  What, nobody?

...keywords:  New York City and illegal immigrant.

...first:  he isn’t a “Brit”, he’s IrishBut I love his defense: The man admitted he was aware of the body but hadn’t reported it to the police because he claimed he “didn’t know she was dead; he just thought she was English”.

...was this naughty?  Nice?  I report, you decide.
All together now:
♫ ♪ ♫ Oh Come All Ye Faithful ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

As for tarts who do unspeakable things, we have this from the Dept. of Education:

...on the bright side, it was the wife and not the cop husband sending the wankpix to the boy.

From the Dept Of Tourism:

...oh, please.  What an amateur.

And in the usual trash known as 

…♫ ♪ ♫ Oh Come All Ye Faithless ♪♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

And from her condo in :

I dunno, I’d always be reminded that she was once “Property Of Dennis Rodman”.  But anyway:

And that’s the news.  Time to go Christmas shopping…

Open Season

Well, that’s okay then:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned New Jersey residents against shooting at mysterious unidentified drones.

Given the source, I’d say it would be almost mandatory for the folks in Joizee to have at it.

Here’s my take.  This whole drone swarm thing in NJ seems to be shrouded in secrecy, for all sorts of reasons.  And nowadays, where there’s secrecy, there’s almost always Gummint skullduggery afoot.  (And not even just nowadays — Kennedy assassination / Lee Harvey Oswald murder coff coff.)

So it stands to reason for us to expect that if the Fibbies are telling us not to do something, it’s because that “something” endangers one of their little clandestine reindeer games, no?

I’d suggest light birdshot or even .410 000, for those interested.  Just make sure that the fall of shot isn’t close to houses or streets, and we’ll all be good.

(me getting in some practice prior to a drive trip to NJ)

Note to any Gummint alphabet agency snooping around:  the above is what’s called “satire”, “humor” or even “hyperbole”.  Feel free to look those words up if you’re unclear on the concept, you assholes.

And my final thought:  given the dramatis personae  in this little scenario, it’s quite possible that nobody in government knows what the fuck is going on — if indeed anything is — and likewise has no idea how to investigate it either.  I wouldn’t place any bets against this hypothesis, either.


Lawrence Person asks the important question:

The Secret Service agent that engaged the would-be Trump golf course assassin missed six shots despite being five feet away.

How does that even happen? How can even you even miss from that close?

It’s a really good, and ultimately important question.

I remember that in a long-ago post castigating law enforcement for being terrible shots, one of my Readers commented that while my comments might be true of the average city cop’s shooting skills, it was certainly not true of dedicated officers like those in the Secret Service.


Perhaps the answer might lie in this little tidbit, still from Lawrence:

I’m an adequate shot (not a Secret Service agent who presumably visits a shooting range every month), but I don’t think I could miss a human target from that range.

Forget monthly.  How about weekly?  Actually (and I admit to not knowing the truth of this), I might be persuaded to bet that the SS quali sessions are annual, or at best quarterly.

And in my own case, I am no more than an adequate handgun shot (as anyone who has shot with me will attest) but bloody hell, I shoot my carry 1911 about three times a month, and if I can’t put all eight shots from my first mag into a palm-sized group at 15 feet (three times more than the five above), I keep shooting until I get at least four mag loads in a row into that area.  (If I dump the first mag successfully, I might only do a couple more mags, just to be sure.)

Generally speaking, my first magazine’s boolets tend to end up inside a 2″ hole at 15 feet, with a flyer — and this comes as a result of endless, self-critical practice because as I said, I’m only an adequate handgun shot.

Hell, I shoot my 2″ backup S&W Airweight snubby more accurately than that clueless SS agent, and I only practice with it about every other month.  (Which reminds me… I need to shoot it later today — pack a box or two of .38s, Kim, and you might as well do a little with the bedside .357 while you’re there.)

Jeff Cooper would have wanted it that way.

Here’s a thought for whoever’s going to be in charge of the President’s protection detail:  weekly quali sessions, with a very exacting standard for marksmanship (e.g. like mine).  And for anyone who fails to meet that standard, suspension from the detail for a month — said month to be spent on daily range sessions until the marksmanship improves.

This job is too important to be delegated to Barney Fife types — and especially so as Trump has already proven to be a tempting target for assholes.  That hapless agent who missed from five feet should be fired, period.

That I should even have to say all this makes me want to puke.