News Roundup

(the first of our Christmas ads for the season)

And off we go.

...sounds about right.  The pity is that the kid will get charged with murder instead of getting a pat on the back for vermin removal. anybody surprised by this?

From the Department of Education:

...get ’em young, honey, go to jail.  Also, keyword:  Arkansas.

...does anyone think that an application of Hammurabic Law would be excessive?  No?  Me neither. one assumes that if a bunch of angry Jews were to disrupt Eid that they’d get the same treatment?  LOL

...keyword:  Turkey.  And now it’s a heavenly body… anyone?  Bueller?

...Go Navy.

...should have fired back.

...actually, he got fined for tossing a brick through her window.  What’s not surprising is that she wants him back.  It’s a lovely story.

...key word:  Russian.

...I got nothing.  Not even a link.

...sheesh;  when even the world’s most clueless woman gets it right, you have to know.

...if you’re going to do something like that, you have to pick the best-lit ride in Disneyland.  And he did.

And now:  INSIGNIFICA!!!! once again, we see the perils of letting Spell Check edit your newspaper.

Finally, in Hottie News:

...of course she looks incredible:  she’s Monica freaking Bellucci, FFS.

Then and now, exquisite.

Breakfast gin, Kim?  I think so.

News Roundup

Let’s start off with some MuzzieNews:

...get used to it, fuckers.

...damn, a few pretty ones in there, too.  Amazing what losing the black sack will do for a woman.

In Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:

...wait:  wasn’t this supposed to have happened in 2015 already?  Oh wait:

...anyone else confused yet?  This might explain the following item: wonder they lost their empire.

From the Department of Health:  I can think of a dozen, without even trying.  See next item.

Time for some news of the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...mind you, the Irish have needed something to riot about since the Troubles ended.

Not to be confused with this lovely story:
...and if he does, the people responsible for freeing him should be jailed, or worse.

...that’s no way to talk about Mounties.’s known as “The Crime Of The Century” by just about every Chicagoan.  Like substituting Burger King for Lawry’s.

...see, under the old Evil Apartheid Regime©, he’d have been dead for about nine years already.

...WTF is a dog influencer?

Time for some Nookie News:

...Rule #1 for threesomes:  don’t use cheap condoms, and nobody’ll get pregnant.

...we know, we know:  if you’re a guy, it withers and drops off;  and if you’re a chick, it grows closed.  Doesn’t everybody know this?

And now, it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:

...sheesh, Ozzy;  I’m pretty sure your sex has been well-driven by now.

Finally, there was some unimportant awards show in Britishland, and was attended by the Usual Sluts & Harlots:

Salma wasn’t there, but what the hell:

And that’s it, for the news.  Oh wait, there’s one more commercial:

News Roundup

Let’s start off with some Political News:

...also too incompetent, too corrupt, too socialist, etc.

...oh noes, yet another red wave (which will turn into a pinkish trickle — if that — on Election Day).

And in Furrin Political News:

...which was so unexpected that the socialists didn’t have time to “find” more votes for their candidate.

From the Pentagon Papers:

...fired soldiers to Army:  get fucked.  (Well, I would.)

...DUDE!  Also, typo.

In the Animal Kingdom:

...takes a while to change a whole nation’s cuisine choices, dunnit?

And speaking of foreign shitholes:

...when you’re worse than California, Cuba and Venezuela...

In Sex News:

...begging the question:  what exactly was a 20-year-old woman doing in a cemetery at 4am, alone?

...just taking a page from the Schumer/Feinstein playbook, really. [/puke]

...wait:  women have orgasms?  Must be some new thing.

In Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:

...actually, a cheaper solution would be just to ship all the JustStopOil and similar Greenpeace loonies to the Moon.  Without space suits.

And when it comes to INSIGNIFICA:

...well, to be fair, nobody uses pocket watches anymore. great loss;  it was a terrible show without Clarkson, May and Hammond anyway.

...and nobody cares.  However, Hannah Fry is a ginger hotty:

And on that red-hot note, we end the news.

News Roundup

Starting off with a little good news, for a change:

...although as a Texan, I’m a little unclear about this “gun permits” concept.


...keyword:  Australian.  Also:

...and if you guessed the keyword as “South Africa”, you would be correct.

From the First World Problems Dept.:

...Israeli citizens were not available for comment.

Speaking of which, in the Glueball Jewhate section:

...while invisible to the fuzz were the 300 protesters chanting “Kill All Jew Bastards!”

In the OMG We Didn’t Expect Consequences For Our Jew Hate section (no links):


From the Dept. of Health:

...also noted by Captain Obvious.

Time for some SEX NEWS:

the bracelet was what gave her away, the filthy animal.

...for the teenage trifecta.  Also, keyword:  Idaho.

...keyword:  Belgium.

...keyword:  New Zealand.  And she looks pretty much as you’d suspect she would.

Speaking of ugly women, some Broken Promises:

...yeah, she said that when GWB was elected, and didn’t.  Unfortunately.

And now:  INSIGNIFICA!!!


...and all for nothing, as Bernstein was a terrible conductor.

...relax, kids:  it’s only gonorrhea.


Finally, some TOTTY NEWS:

...close, but no cigar.

And in earlier times:

One last item:

Nice way to end this.

Scorpions, Frogs

From Britishland a week or so ago, this lament:

Good God, they dishonoured our war dead and the police just stood and watched

Pro-Palestine mob desecrated monument to Britain’s war dead and the police told us they were powerless. That is a lie.

Outside Parliament a large gathering of protesters were both very vocal and waving the now obligatory Palestine flags and lighting flares.

The Police stood by and allowed this.

After the vote the gathering moved off and, in anticipation of them attacking the Cenotaph, police were quickly mobilised in order to protect it.

Realising that they weren’t getting anywhere near to the Cenotaph, the mob moved off to the statue and memorial of the Royal Artillery in Hyde Park corner.

There, unabashed and bafflingly unhindered by our coppers these idiots climbed onto the memorial, setting off flares, and plastering it in the flag of Palestine.

At the same time, in order to facilitate the mobbing of it, they stood on very many Remembrance wreaths damaging them and desecrating them.]

They were allowed to carry on until they got bored and moved off.

The Police did absolutely nothing to stop this and having observed this desecration no arrests were made when the idiots climbed down.

Well, yes.

…and law and order will do nothing.

I would love to see all those British soldiers who died in the Great War come back to life, fix bayonets, charge the fuzzies and not stop the killing until all the bastards are dead.  And if a few of those cowardly cops happen to get a bayonet in the gut as well, so much the better.

Then the heroes can go back to the peace of the grave with, once again, our grateful thanks.

So Much For A.I.

I don’t think so, Scooter:

They all, without exception, look like washed-up whores with thousand-cock stares — and that’s after all the Instagram filters have been applied.

And I don’t know which 2,000 men they surveyed, but judging from the output I’m guessing that WASPs were not highly represented in the sample.

If this is the belle ideal  (so to speak) of choices available to young men these days, it’s small wonder that the birth rate is dropping and men are going their own way, sometimes to foreign countries to find a suitable mate.

I wouldn’t touch any of them, not even with Bill Clinton’s dick.