News Roundup

So let’s look at some not-so serious news, for starters:

...asking the question nobody really needs an answer to.

...and if you think she had “daddy issues” before this...

But some have different ideas on the facility:

...keyword:  Germany.

...wait, you mean Trump’s not going to set up firing squads after he’s elected?

...I guess “hunting over bait” is illegal there.  And somebody remind me again why people like this are still alive, let alone not still in jail.

And in Glueball Jihate News:

...and the Izzies missed out on this Target Of Opportunity?

...and Turkey’s Kurdish separatists are just freedom fighters.  See how that works, you Islamist asshole?

...hey, it’s their First Amendment right.  Now, under the same auspices, let’s talk about taking care of this bitch:

...crucifixion or beheading?  I report, you decide.

my suggestion:  round up everyone involved in this rally, and deport them to Gaza.  Let’s see how they’re treated by Hamas.

And now for some more Girlyman News:

...IBM HQ is in Armonk, NY (he explained unnecessarily).

From the Great Cultural Assimilation Project comes this item: much for that silly “Homeland Security” thing.

Time for the ever-popular (and link-free) INSIGNIFICA:


...hey, “EggSlut” isn’t that bad, when you consider the other options, e.g. “Brekkie-Box” , “Fried Faggots” or “Spotted Dick”.

Finally, on thinking about things we’d like to eat, here’s another perennial favorite:

Call that “busty”?  Nope.  We want MOAR busty:

…kinda like that.

Erratum:  in last week’s roundup, I suggested that the brewery worker found peeing into the vat may have been employed by Anheuser-Busch.  This was incorrect.  The actual brand of beer thus “affected” was China’s Tsingtao and not Bud Lite.  I regret the incorrect aspersion, because we all know that Bud Lite is most excellent beer, the favorite of young drunken men for decades, who can’t all be wrong. [eyecross]

Also, keyword:  China.

By the way, Tsingtao is the Asian equivalent of Bud Light — very popular, for no apparent reason.

News Roundup

Some more Booze News to smile (or grimace) at:

...panic subsides when the brand is revealed as Bud Lite, where nobody could tell the difference.

...and sales of hip flasks soar.

From the files of Captain Obvious:

...surely not.  Also: did Obama’s ATF, Bush’s ATF and Clinton’s ATF.  Even Trump’s ATF had a go with that bullshit “bump stock” thing.  And finally: do most students, quite frankly.

Legal News: of hands:  who agrees with this punishment and wish we could have it here in Murka?

...thought so.

From the Dept. of Corporate Anchor-Tossing:

...and about damn time too, Tribesters (Tribe Readers excluded, for obvious reasons).

...I’m “triggered” by many things, e.g. sexual perverts teaching our children, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to go out and whack a couple of Red Sox fans at random. Here’s another thing that triggers me: suggestion for the Maine cops:  find this murderous bastard, then shoot him dead, whether he surrenders or not.  Spare us all the hassle and expense, willya?

And in Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:

...should never have been there in the first fucking place.

...big deal. Anyone can plan ahead for the next three months.

And there’s always INSIGNIFICA:


I’m struggling to see the actual crime, here.

...fully clothed?


…and that’s the end of Train Smash News.

News Roundup

Excuse me for a minute… [Pavlovian response]

Now on with the news, starting with the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...yet another triumph of Biden’s immigration policy.

...not in Nashville.

...we need to see more of this, all over the world.

And onto the great Palestinian Fuckup Fallout:

...Hamas:  continuing Obama’s legacy to the gun industry.

...the Izzies must be losing their touch.

...when asked to point out Israel on a map, the senator said: “Aarghlpaptmpofftry”.

And on to Sex News:

...and nobody saw this one coming.  [eyecross]

...confirming once and for all that yes, Bill Clinton was definitely on Epstein’s Client List.

...I didn’t even know that women were in the fencing business. [sic]

In Pre-Election News:

...enough of that stuff, Donald:  you already have my vote. no, you lesbo freak, you’ve got it all wrong, as usual.  Trump doesn’t want to execute you;  but I could think of several others who might be tempted.
#Fifth Amendment #BuyMoreAmmo

And Great Moments In Parenting:

...I dunno;  sounds quite reasonable.

Then there’s this:

...not ordering the execution of Simon Cowell for Crimes Against Music?

And now, in INSIGNIFICA: much for that “working-class punk” thing.

...nah, just kidding.  Here’s Liz Hurley:

A much better way to end the news, yes?

News Roundup

Ahhh those good old days when women had Bettah Pharmaceuticals to stop them going batshit crazy… and speaking of batshit crazy:

...under the reign of World-Emperor Kim, there would be a similar fish tank at the Pentagon, with a long line of generals waiting their turn — starting with that traitor Mark Milley.

Moving on to the Great Cultural Assimilation Project: don’t say, Hank ol’ buddyHere’s one country that hasn’t:

...”you know how many Islamic terrorist attacks there have been in Poland?  NONE.”  [/quote of the day]

From the Chronicles of Nationalisation:

And yet we see they haven’t learned their lesson yet:

...wait:  didn’t they privatize the thing in the Seventies because the State had fucked it up almost beyond redemption? 

...another example of having privatized a service after nationalizing it had failed.  Maybe the answer really is:  [whispers] light rail transport systems don’t work in modern-day society.

Speaking of modern-day society:

...cut “her” dick and balls off, says I.

In Everybody Panic! News:

...yawn.  This nearly made INSIGNIFICA. As did this:

...crabs? Hornets?  What’s next?  Oh yeah, it’s Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©:

...”when”?  How about “if ever”?

Speaking of “Places I’d Like To See Go Underwater”:

...and Hollywood actresses go on strike over “unfair competition”.

And in other Sporting News:

...and then the real gagging began.

Now it’s the real, honest, link-free INSIGNIFICA:



Finally, in Celebrity News:

...she’s no stranger to these pages, but here’s a brief refresher:


And on that high note, we end the roundup.

News Roundup

Leading with some discussion of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©:

...and if that doesn’t cause the Belgies, Germans etc. to rethink the climate change bullshit… but wait!  There’s more!, not a complete disaster, then.  Still on the topic of booze: it’s expensive shit beer? (e.g. Molson’s or Heineken, for my Readers who’ve never tasted Foster’s or Swan)

In International Terrorism News: wonders how she’d feel if a few Mossad guys did the same to her own kids, live on video.  But she does have supporters, of course:

...actually, it does.  In answer to the question “Which person in Congress would most likely be the first to strap on a bomb vest for use during the State of the Union speech?”, she wins by a country mile.  And speaking of terrorsymps: anyone would be surprised by that.

...”You’re next, assholes.”  Well, I would have said that.

Latest news on the Socialist Front:

...bureaucracy at its finest.  And then there’s incompetence:

...the cells being already filled with people who posted mean things on Twitter.  Key word:  Britain.

From the Out Of The Frying Pan And Onto The Gas Ring department:

...just wasn’t her night, was it?

Now, in more Sex News: friend Patterson’s second wife Debbie was like that.

And in the perpetually link-free INSIGNIFICA:



...LOL small wonder (and no, you do not want to see the pics).

And now some news about a woman who isn’t a freak:

...and I have to admit, this is one old broad I wouldn’t mind exploring the Kama Sutra with.

And that’s all the news worth drooling over.

News Roundup — Special Glueball Jihate Edition

...[insert circumcision joke here]

And now in the “No Man Should” Department:

...with all the enthusiasm the Biden Administration has showed in protecting our borders… okie-dokie.

...and nobody is surprised.


...because having solved all Seffrica’s current problems, he now wants to end all foreign investment in his shithole country. use them.  Oh wait, I forgot:  Macron.

...♫ ♪  old times there am not forgotten  ♪ ♫ ♪...

Back Home:

...wait, I’m getting confused.  Does he mean that Angry Parents© are going to jihad now?

In the Unintentional Hilarity / Irony Department:


...wait;  aren’t those the hospitals whose basements house the Hamas rocket factories and arsenals?

...excellent... BUT WAIT!

you lost me at “captured Hamas terrorist”.

...alive or dead, she’ll still vote Democrat in the next election.  And speaking of liberal New Yorkers:

...guess there were a few MSNBC viewers who were also Jewish? [/snark]


And in the special Jihad Comic Section:

...who she?  Well… some Lebanese chick who went into porn:


Hmmm… not sure that’s a disincentive to jihad, but whatever.

But as my Tribe friends all say: