News Roundup

The above is actually a personal endorsement.  I had lunch there on one pf my road trips a while ago, and the food was outstanding.  Can’t remember where it was, though:  just outside one of those redneck speedways in the South (Bristol? Martinsville? Darlington? whatever).  suing cutlery makers for making knives so easy to stab with. that’s why they’re not going to build any more nuke power stations, then?

...sounds presidential.  As opposed to:

...seems like the hurricane hit the wrong part of Florida. which we play the “Guess The Race” game once again.

From the Department of Education:

...keyword:  Canada.

In the battle of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...keyword:  again, Canada.

...keyword:  Australia (lol you thought I was going to say “Canada” again, dint ya?) didn’t really matter who had deckchair rearrangement duty on the Titanic, either.

...even more shocking:  she wasn’t their schoolteacher.

...if only he hadn’t picked the farmer’s favorite.

And talking about cow-shaggers and dead-horse floggers:

...for three days a year.

...I’m just amazed they had the staff left over to do some actual policing, what with all the parent harassment, Internet snooping and crazed gunman avoidance.

And in (guaranteed link-free) INSIGNIFICA:

dunno why she was worried:  she’s always had far better tits than the skinny and bulemic Lady Di.

News Roundup


...of course he did.  And in other unsurprising news:

...used to be the the Soviets, now it’s some other Leftists, same ol’ same ol’It’s not as if Associated Press ever had any credibility, after all.

...imagine being compelled to pay money to watch this shit. you’ll be okay with people refusing mandatory WuFlu vaccinations, then?

should be in actual rather than this kind of hell, but then again at least he’s still in a U.K. jail, which is better than nothing (not to say surprising).  On a similar note:

...pah. “Grisly” would be impalement, guillotining, flaying and being boiled in oil — most of which punishments, sadly, seem to have fallen from favor recently.

...but it’s all the guns’ fault, isn’t it?

...JHC, if women need Mrs. Token-In-Chief and that whiny little Hermione for their inspiration, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

In Furrin News:

...although I think France is the winner in this one, Gabon being just another African shithole. other news:  JapPM’s office denies that he’s growing a third ear.

From the Great Assimilation Project:

...”single male asylum seekers” being more likely to be criminals, radical assholes, etc., I just can’t see why the Belgies would do this.

...which leads us straight to:



...which kinda says it all, really.

Finally, in ShowBiz News:

...well, seeing as she isn’t bothered by it, here we go:

I could do this all day, but I’m saving the best for a Sunday post.

News Roundup

And in related news:

...can’t imagine why, but there’s no accounting for coons’ taste.  And speaking of theft:

...i.e. only a hair more than zero.

...and you are, again… oh yeah, as relevant as last year’s rice pudding

...must have had evidence which would convict the Clintons., no plastic, no paper… this leaves us with only the:

And speaking of drinking:

...given what teaching in public schools is like these days, I can sympathize. had me at “should be going to prison”.  Hands up all those who think that nobody’s going to go to prison for this:

Me, neither. mean that both my long-suffering Lady Readers aren’t offended by all my BOOOOBIES pics?

And speaking of boobs:

...only 13?

And now ’tis time for Ye Olde INSIGNIFICA:

  ...key word:  Manchester.

Finally, in Sports News:

...of course this counts as “news”… would I lie to you?

Bouncy-bouncy news.  And it’s over.

News Roundup

And speaking of breaking things while getting screwed: other news, Lindbergh makes first solo crossing of the Atlantic.  And still in that barrel of idiotic monkeys:

...”stopgap spending bills” is just another term for “let’s rape the taxpayers a little harder while we have them panicking.”

...just the latest of so many, many Republican fuckups.

...”taking a swing at Tony fucking Blair on the campaign trail” was surprisingly not mentioned.

From the Dept. of Mass Assimilation:

...wait:  people are trying to get into Saudi Arabia?  LOL I bet not too many are Christians, though.  Also:

...whatever, dude;  just don’t try to sneak your humanitarian crisis into somewhere else that isn’t.

From the Woke Chronicles:

...wait:  I thought that chess was one of those things where physical strength doesn’t matter.  Parallel thought:  why are there women-only chess tournaments?  Are chicks really less intellectually-capable than men, chessly-speaking?

...or maybe they just didn’t have enough lesbians in the team.  Makes about as much sense.

...I know;  just reading that makes you want to listen to the song, right?  Go on:  the link’s in the picture:

And from the INSIGNIFICA files:


...we haven’t seen this plump little pullet in a while, so:

She has a sister, by the way, who seems equally tasty:

…and that’s all the news fit for a Friday.

Still Relevant?

I’m going to make my position on this quite clear right at the beginning:  I love cities.  I’m a city boy by birth (born in Hillbrow, Johannesburg, kinda like the Bronx in NYfC, and at one point, one of the most densely-populated places per square mile on Earth).

(Hillbrow/Berea, circa 1970)

Even though my parents moved to the suburbs when I was a kid, I missed the city and moved back as soon as I could.

I love city life.  Whether it’s walking along a rainy London street en route to a cozy pub, sitting in a Paris bistro drinking coffee or buying a snack at a Viennese imbiss — you put me there, and ol’ Kimmy’s one of the happiest men on the planet.

That’s the ideal, of course;  but the plain fact is that city life isn’t like that anymore, when walking along a rainy London street means that you’re going to get robbed of your watch, when sitting in a Paris bistro will result in gypsies stealing your shopping bags, and buying a snack at a Viennese imbiss will end up with your pocket being picked.

There was a time when I wanted to live on Paris — oh, how I longed to live in Paris — but the truth of the matter is that the Paris I wanted to live in doesn’t exist anymore.  (Of Johannesburg, we will not speak.)

Granted, there was always the risk of those things happening, in any city and at any time.  But nowadays, the risk of being a victim of urban crime has risen exponentially — not to mention the risks one takes when trying to navigate a street filled with homeless encampments, and avoiding the piles of trash and the detritus of drug addicts.  In circumstances like these, the appeal of city life evaporates pretty quickly.

So on to a recent article which asks the question:

America’s Urban Desolation: Does Anyone Really Care?

The problems in urban America are at their core, policy problems. Politicians end vagrancy laws, attack law enforcement efforts to enforce property crimes (in many cases decriminalizing retail theft), and de facto if not actual drug legalization are making many cities unlivable. When combined with local education systems which simply fail to educate anyone as the teacher union power brokers pick their local elected bosses through sparse turnout elections, America’s cities are in distress.

And unfortunately, the very politicians who benefit from their votes don’t seem to care.

But that’s not the real question.  We know that urban politicians don’t care, not really, about the state of the cities they’re supposed to be running because they’re unqualified, feckless Democrats and socialists [some overlap].  And the recent activities of some city managers haven’t exactly made the prospects of living there any better:

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.” 

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

And they hope to get all that “0 kg [of] meat consumption, 0 kg [of] dairy consumption, 3 new clothing items per person per year, 0 private vehicles owned” bullshit done in the next half-dozen years?  I ask for the umpteenth time:  how do they think they’re going to achieve that, and what planet are they living on?

Clearly, the real question is:  in this modern era, and given their apparent suicidal tendencies, how important are cities to a nation as a whole?

Let’s be honest about this.  With the growth of technology, a huge number of “office jobs” in a city have proven themselves to be irrelevant in terms of their location.  The Covid nonsense, if it did nothing else, proved that.  (Whether the actual output from those work-from home jobs is as productive as in-office performance is a topic for another time.)

So with the work force being dispersed to areas outside the city — heck, outside the state or even the country — one has to ask whether a tight concentration of workspaces and residences (a city) is all that necessary anymore.  It used to be that cities were the places where factories and other such manufacturing activity were based.  But no one would argue today that a Ford factory should be based in downtown Detroit rather than in Dearborn — that decision was made a long time ago — and as urban real estate prices have skyrocketed, more such moves have been happening for decades.

When I was still working, I liked working in the city — whether it was in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, a giant grocery chain’s headquarters building, or at Leo Burnett Advertising in downtown Chicago — there was something about the bustle of the city which created the right frame of mind to work, and work hard.  The Great Big Research Company’s headquarters, in suburban Chicago, was less exciting;  and later on, working from home still less so.

But the question remains:  given that cities — all cities, not just Chicago, L.A. or NYC — seem to be in an irreversible decline, are cities still relevant, or even necessary?

News Roundup

We begin today’s roundup with some Fashion News:

...considering that every Korean woman looks like an oil drum balancing on two bowling pins, this is probably A Good  Thing.

...somehow, I think that Nordies can survive the loss of 50 pairs of shoes.

From the Tourism Department:

...hey, welcome to our world, Swedish people.

Speaking of Terrorism, we have this:

...of course he was.  Does anyone think that the cowardly FBI bullies would pick on a badass?

And from the Department of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:  Next question?  Oh, wait:

From the Pussification Files:

...confirming once and for all that the BritPM is just like a 12-year-old girl.

From the Dept. of Immigration & Tourism:

...from 5,000 feet, of course.

And in Sex News: mean like brushing one’s teeth before the morning gin?  I think we should be told.

...couldn’t find this one at Lucky Gunner or AmmoMan, but whatever.

A couple of little snippets from Train Smash Women News:

...of course, nobody saw this one coming… [eyecross]

…it’s Lisa Appleton, the best example of a Train Smash Woman evvah.

And now, INSIGNIFICA: more time:  who they?

...I was threatened with death if I stopped posting Liz Hurley pics, so here we go again.  [Warning:  link contains Joan Collins]

And some not-so earlier ones:

Just… damn.  And that’s it for the news.