And more from the Stuff That Can Kill You Dept.:
...well, you can fuck right off, scientists, because earlier on you told us that a glass of wine will stimulate your heart, prevent scabies and end the spread of Communism.
And now from the Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© Dept., Everybody Panic!!! Office:
But it’s not all bad news in this area, because:
...federal “bailout” funds coming in 3…2…1...
Then again: if you can’t terrify us into submission, you want to imprison us? Okay Bernie, my old comrade: might as well start with me. You Commie motherfucker.
From the Foreign News Desk:
...yeah, they don’t need to import spaghetti because they already have noodles.
...she prolly got sick of all the rent boys coming over to their house all the time.
...doing the math, that works out to being raped once every 5 days (kinda like being married, really, except for the “coercive” part).
...errr can anybody point me to those people who love paying rent?
In Political News:
...I took the word “alleged” out of the headline because we all know that there’s nothing “alleged” about it.
Obituaries Etc.
...the anarchic “Pee Wee’s Playhouse” being still the best kids’ TV program ever.
And now, time for INSIGNIFICA:
…going the Full Monty?
And in TV News: idea who she is, but let’s investigate:
And some other views:
Okay, I’d classify her bod at “mildly sensational”, but not bad for someone knocking hard at the 40 door.
Cleans up pretty well, too — well, as much as any of these houris can “clean up”:
And thus, we come to the end of the news.