News Roundup

Speaking of tranquilized women: had me at “zodiac zealots” — a more polite way to term “superstitious morons”.  And speaking of idiots:

...animal lovers:  no helping them.

...not to mention all those “teens” on the street where she lives in NYfC.

...yeah, how dare they.  And speaking of the Constitution: lemme see:  all-White golf clubs (for example) are Constitutionally protected?  Got it.

It’s the Chicago Way:

...I would suggest that the bonus-holers who put them there are the real trash, but I’m just a man so what do I know?

...adds meaning to the term “Officer Friendly”, dunnit?  Although it must be said that being forced to give a government agent a blowjob is very good training for future citizens.

More Lawn Order News: guess is that his Spanish is going to improve, big time.

...just another example of that famous “British Tolerance”.

...and nobody saw this coming, of course.  [/sarc]


Finally, in Sporting News:

...have to say, I didn’t see it either:

“Who she?”  you ask.  No idea, but here’s some more of her:

Quite sporty.  And that’s it for the news.

Slim Pickings, Again

Over the past few days, I have once again been struck by the paucity of decent news upon which to vent my spleen and/or make serious (or any) commentary thereon.

Cocaine in the White House?  Probably Hunter Biden’s, but given the foul menagerie of creatures that currently infest the place, I wouldn’t be surprised at whoever the actual bearer turns out to be.

Election 2024 candidates?  Too early, and whether Stumblin’ Joe ever gets to be the DemSoc candidate is of only minor interest.  There’ll be skullduggery a-plenty, whoever emerges as the eventual candidate.  As for the Republicans, I look on all the candidates except De Santis with growing horror, and Trump especially so.

The FBI/DOJ/IRS/FedGov in general?  Bunch of fucking power-hungry, corrupt assholes.  Their career prospects under the reign of World-Emperor Kim would be gallows fodder and soylent green ingredients.  All of them, without exception.

Good grief, when the most interesting news is that Red Bull F1 have reinstated bigmouth Oz driver Daniel Ricciardo in their Alpha Tauri second team, we’re all in trouble.  Otherwise, we’re left with the news that Boris Johnson’s equally-bigmouthed wife has popped yet another sprog… oh FFS, kill me now.

No wonder I prefer to read the Daily Mail, Sun, Star and Mirror from Over There.  At least they have boobies coverage / uncoverage.

Thank gawd for guns and cars, or I’d really have nothing to talk about.  See a couple of the posts below.

News Roundup


And in that train of thought:

...but as this was in Unarmed Britishland... and speaking of danger:

  … and
...”teens”.  Let’s play our “Guess The Unnamed Race” game, shall we?

...oooh, Insty’s being snarky, Insty is.

In Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© news:

...yeah, good luck implementing that plan in the United States.  Bring lots of ammo, replacements and body bags.

And from the Dept. Of Health:

...I just hope this study wasn’t sponsored by Jarlsberg.

...never mind Joe fucking Biden;  according to this theory, I’ve been suffering from dementia since I was 17.

Now for Woke Bullshit:

...keyword:  Fort Worth.  And as for the next item:

...I would have thought that plummeting congregation sizes would be more of a problem for his bishopness, but that’s the Anglicans for you.

...yep;  nothing says “modesty” like calling it a “hole”. mean “bleeding-hole owners”?

In further Bonus Hole News: many hours?  Dude... But what else was he to do?  You can’t whip the feral little shits anymore, so why are we surprised at riots?

...seems a little extreme, but then again, I bet it wasn’t the only reason he wanted to ditch her.



...thus proving that she really is a dirty whore.

...aaaah, have mercy.

Pics like these are not good for an old man like me.  But they’re a good way to end the News Roundup.

News Roundup a News Roundup world first, an actual piece of helpful news (ignore the silly Brit spelling).

...some of which have been used for good (video):

...and some not-so good:

...could hardly get worse… oh wait, this just in:

...but it does get a little better:


Time for some International News:

...probably the only way one can get through the day Down Under.

...I had no idea you could do the race in a Porsche — hell, even I could do that.

...hmmm, maybe humans are becoming smarter.

...there you go, bringing science into religion again.

In Food News:

...called the “Lizzo Meal”. on yer next trip Over There, don’t be surprised to see Heinz cans hanging on trees. had me at “Victoria sponge cake” Now I have to find one, and eat it.

Finally, our Celebrity News: mean he learned how to do something every single Western woman does every morning of her life?  Stop the presses.

And from the not-so-top-secret files of INSIGNIFICA:

...other than having a neon sign on her forehead reading “I prefer pussy”, I can’t see how much more she can do to tell you that she’s a lesbo.

And in Paige Three News:

Malfunction, provocative action or delightful accident?  I report, you decide.

News Roundup

And diving straight into the nudes news:

...follow the link to get the location and dates etc.  You dirty animals.

Global Warming Climate Cooling Change News: case you’re wondering, I’m off looking for Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face.

...yeah, there is.  All that “civilization”, “lifesaving inventions”, “engineering” and so on are all very well and good.  But what has Whitey done for us recently?

Booz Nooz:

...I did my best.

...actually, I found the reverse is true:  but then I’m a social drinker, not a solitary one.

...quelle surprise.  However, there’s no reason to wait for next week’s contradictory report, because:

...this according to noted health expert Vera Wang.

...just wait till they read To Have And Have Not.

...and from other news outfits… nope, I haven’t heard anything, either.

...I think under “Clueless Assholes” in the dictionary, you’ll find the Pals.

And the speaking of Muzzy assholes, here’s the latest from the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

just couldn’t wait to get after that pale infidel poon, could he?

...but apart from all that, the article was accurate.  [/NYT] me old-fashioned, but I’m going to stick with the tried and tested “hang a wet towel on it” exercises.  I have no idea what vaginal peace signs are;  hippy kegels?



...anyone who knows who these people are needs to get a life.

And on behalf of today’s sponsor, just one more item on the topic:

...yeah I know, just another BritTV breakfast show totty.  When she covers up, she looks quite normal and mumsy:

...but when she lets the girls out to play, however:

And now we’re all abreast of the news.

News Roundup

…back when women didn’t need “HR” to fix their problems.  And in similar vein:

...lest federal agents become exposed to lead poisoning?  Asking for a friend.

And in more Biden Administration News:

...and why not?  He already appointed Pete Buttplug as TransportSec, and look how well that turned out.’s how it works, the way most people see it: if there was “negligence”, it came from not seeing Epstein’s killers going into his cell; and if it was “misconduct”, it was holding his cell door open for them.

In Foreign Bad News:

...and a nation rejoices:

Still in Britishland:

In Groomer News:

...perhaps another reason why Biden wants to ban lead bullets.  Just thinking aloud here, Boss.

...can you say “death spiral”, children?  I knew you could.  And:

...this is known as “lemming marketing”, FYI.

...I have an inclusive term for magazines like this one, but let’s not make Homeland Security any more nervous than they already are.

Ah yes, Africa Wins Again:

...and that was before he could get to South Africa.

Now some Global Cooling Climate Warming Change news:

...alternative title:  Sweden Comes To Its Senses.  Unlike the next lot:

...having solved all their crime, homeless and public health problems, NYC goes to the next urgent issue.

...yeah, but Over Here we have Amy Schumer, Kathy Griffin and Nancy Pelosi already, so we’re kinda used to the problem.

...Goop, the Early Years.

And in the much-loved INSIGNIFICA department:

Finally, some ShowBiz News:

…and for my Murkin Readers who are not familiar with this Brit ladypopstar:

…and here she was at the aforementioned Glastonbury:

Not a bad way to end the news, really.