Missing Villain

Here’s a panic-button issue:

What’s behind the worrying rise of cancer in young people? After cases in people aged 25-49 rises 22%, experts are blaming processed foods, smoking, drinking and even pollution

They missed “climate change” in that list, but no doubt it will be added later.

Cases of thyroid cancer are also soaring among 15 to 39-year-olds, according to figures from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine in the U.S. Between 1990 and 2019 there was an 81 per cent increase in cases in this age group in G20 nations, compared to a 24 per cent increase in all cancers.

Despite my flippant tone, this does seem to be a problem, although it’s affecting mostly young people right now — Daughter’s fiance has just had part of his thyroid removed, not for cancer but for something else.

That climate change thing still needs watching…

News Roundup

And speaking of guns:

...or it might be time for Tulsa to trade this asshole for someone who actually supports the Second Amendment.

In Pervo/Groomer News:

...and why are we just not surprised by this?

...Idaho?  These sick fucks are everywhere.

But finally, a voice of reason rings out:

...and so say all of us.


...in which we play Guess The Professor’s Race — and for a bonus, its sexual inclination.

In Entertainment [sic] News:

...from Britishland, where politicians routinely interfere in places where they have no business.  Not that we have any room to talk, here in Murka.

...clearly not (see next item).

...is there any form of stupidity (e.g. Communism and now Global Cooling Climate Warming Change) that ol’ Hanoi Jane won’t support?

And from our International Desk:

...keyword:  Japan.

keyword:  Australia.

...may be the winner of the “Most Fucked-Up Headline Of 2023” competition — but it’s still only June, and Biden’s still in office.

And speaking of that, more (link-free) INSIGNIFICA:


...and knowing Gwynnie, it’s of her stanky love tunnel.

...who she?  We’ve seen her here on these pages before — and a reminder:


Oh yeah:  her.  And the “breathtaking” outfit:

A tasty end to the news, yes?

Here We Go Again

…and from the Usual Suspects, the usual stupid questions:

Barack Obama has questioned why the Titan sub tragedy that killed five men has received wall-to-wall media coverage – while a boat sinking with 700 refugees on board has been ignored.

Why?  I’ll tell you why:  nobody cares about African peasants drowning because a.) they’re peasants and b.) it happens all the time.

Yeah, it’s unfair and blah blah blah “equity” yadda yadda “untenable”, but the fact is that a tragedy involving wealthy people visiting arguably the most famous (and tragic) shipwreck in history thousands of feet below the surface is more newsworthy than the drownings of (yet another) boatload of illegal immigrants — I’m sorry, I mean undocumented travelers / refugees / asylum-seekers — who are invading Europe on a daily basis.

And the final thing:  not everything is about being Black, you disgusting race hustler.

News Roundup

Ah yes:  let’s play “mock the Southerner”.  Then again, rather them than the Juneteenth celebrants.

...and for once, playing “Guess The Race?” is completely redundant.

Our new feature, Anus News:

...as the next item will reveal:

And speaking of assholes:

...he should have charged them with theft, or shot them on site.  See the link for details.

Some Pervert News:

...actually, no.  We really, really hate you.

...I think “Hang The Groomer” should be part of every right-thinking curriculum.

...see above.

Some news from the Bureaucracy:

...clearly, the local government doesn’t have enough to do — which, if you’ve ever been to Galveston, you’d know isn’t true.  Everything that’s wrong with government is contained in this report.

International News:

...frankly, I’m amazed at their restraint.

...ah yes, the argument between the Gourd Group and the Sandal Followers rages on, yea unto the 21st century.

...shoddy reporting.  Was it a hatchet?  a logger’s axe?  or did the shithead go Full Viking?  Whatever, the KiwiGov is going to doubleplus ban it.  I think that all restaurants should be closed, to end this vicious cycle of mass attacks on diners.  (What?  it’s the same argument they use for guns.)

...I first read that as “Anal sex”.  Never mind;  carry on, nothing to see here.

And speaking of stuff not worth seeing, how about a little INSIGNIFICA:

  ...sexist bastards.

In in our Paige Three section, someone not Spirinac:

And away we go down the road, putting all this behind us.

News Roundup

Finally, a few Good News! items:

...more like this, please.

...especially with breakfast, as I’ve always maintained.  That said, I’m not exactly sold on the benefits of living another thirty-odd years.  And:

...just waitin’ for that Fort Sumter Moment.

...of course, that headline’s an outright lie.  Bitch got got busted for forgery (the actual charge).  Still, jailing “climate activists”, whatever the reason, is a worthy activity [sic].

...and in Massachusetts, even.

But back to the usual Catalog Of Catastrophes:

...we know all that, Ted.  Question is:  what are YOU going to do about it?

...and here’s a good example of where to start.  And then here:

...gosh, if only someone had written a book about this over a decade ago.

In International Affairs:

...well, we all know the Pals are crazier than rats on PCP.

In Showbiz News:

...”wealthy Black men” would be my first guess.

...although I don’t think that’s quite the “piling on” the old perv envisaged.

...leading to the brilliant British definition of an “influencer”:  “A mouthy cunt on Instagram.”

And among the irrelevancies known to us all as INSIGNIFICA:

  ...and once again, if you actually understand any of that, you need to get a life.

In Sporting News:

...the official NCAA line being:  “You can’t get rich by exploiting your bodies;  only we can get rich by exploiting your bodies.”  And speaking of bodies:

...who she, you ask?

So, back from Amalfi to our dreary reality, thus endeth Da Nooz.

News Roundup

And in this, the (extended) 300th(!) News Roundup, a segue:

From our Dear Leader:

...has anyone told him that the Covidiocy is over?

...probably for the best — he’d only fuck things up irretrievably by referring to Belgium as “Germany”.

And in other LGBTOSTFU News:

...doesn’t matter because nobody watches women’s tennis.  Might as well let giraffes play, as well.

In the Dept. of (In)Justice files:

...so can we expect Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden to be indicted soon, for precisely the same offense as Trump is supposed to have committed?

...yeah, but she’s a Democrat.  Forgive me for sounding cynical.

In ShowBiz! News:

...never mind, Disney will cast Amy Schuler as Jack Sparrow in the next episode, and all will be well.  Also:


...he’s been a total tool for over forty years;  why should he change now?  And speaking of tools:

...please adjust your target coordinates accordingly, because he’s worse than Daddy.

...just another feather in the cap of the Biden administration’s foreign policy (see:  Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc.).

From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:

...EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!  Or not.

From the Dept. of Child Molestation Education:

...looking at the next Teacher Of The Year, here.

...that’s nice of you, but it’s not going to forestall the hangings.  And speaking of people to be hanged:

...mind the step, Fatboi.

And in your favorite INSIGNIFICA:

...and if anyone actually understands what any of that means, you need to get a life.  Also: “Snoochie” sounds like a euphemism for a lady’s love tunnel.

And finally:

...”incredible” being the mot juste.  Honestly, if Salma isn’t the sexiest woman alive, then she’s #1(a)Or the rating criteria are totally screwed up.

It’s a fine way to end the 300th Roundup, anyway.