And in Very Important News For Womyns:
...feministas cheer at clear proof that they really don’t need men in their lives. Also, Epsteiner Bill Clinton claims to have an alibi.
...I would have thought that a trip to any Disney theme park would ipso facto ruin a holiday, but maybe that’s just me.
...I liked this Cuban hottie the minute I first read about her.
...I never frequent Taco Bell so I’m immune to this horror, but some people may be interested.
From the Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:
...with approximately 53.9999 billion tonnes coming solely from the Third World (e.g. India and China), so send someone to scold them. Oh look, here’s a candidate:
From the Desirable Consequences files:
...I’ve never thought we should emulate anything that Haiti does, but maybe I was too hasty.
...this is known as “Pedal To The Metal” marketing.
From the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:
...I can just see the Somalis lining up for those Gender Studies classes.
...never a random Haitian around when you need one.
And a refreshing dose of link-free INSIGNIFICA: had me at “pussy bows”.
And on that topic:
...any time, any place, RollerGirl.
And that’s all the news that’s fit to drool over.