So let’s start with womyns…
...I prefer the Roger Sterling take:
...thus showing more commonsense than the average politician blaming the guns.
...because they’re idiots. See next item:
...I think all PETA members should be forced to house the rats in their own homes.
From the Lawn Awder Files:
...ah yes, “teens”. Shorter, and easier to spell than “gangs of Black hooligans”.
And speaking of Black hooligans, Over There this time:
...first, they came for the guns. Then, the machetes. And then:
...and after this… screwdrivers? hammers? potato peelers?
...that “gender equity” thing is a bitch, innit?
In “World” News:
From Dept. of Global Cooling Climate Warming Change:
...what? Solar power not working for Finland, then? And:
...that’s page 272 in Das Kapital.
...”give”? Fuck off, Fattie. If your fat ass overflows, buy your fat ass its own seat.
And for more INSIGNIFICA: could start by minding your own fucking business [sic].
And speaking of sexual activity:
...I know, I know:
...and a few more:
Hey… summer’s coming, right?