So now that we’re suitably anesthetized, let’s chew on the news:
...[snork] you had me at “roads scholar”. And speaking of bright sparks:
...we need new planners, methinks. After we’ve made the existing ones disappear.
...or maybe all we need is the modern equivalent of the old “pump jockeys” (loud sound alert):
...and to all the people who thought this awful little trannie would ever see a jail cell, I have a NY bridge for sale.
...that would be scary, except that the Biden Administration is already halfway there — and they did it with stupidity.
...and in the good old days, this little snowflake would have been hanged for lèse-majesté. I miss those days SO much.
...we already knew that, assholes. No doubt this was funded with taxpayer money.
And in INSIGNIFICA: pics because sheesh.
...okay, this is going to be good.
Have mercy (x2).