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From the Dept. Of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change:
...Snowflake City.
...I prefer to keep things simple: don’t trust ANY government agency.
And speaking of government-run institutions:
...because of course he would.
From the Dept. Of Irony:
...or as he himself might say: “Burn, baby, burn.”
From the Dept. Of Education:
...only 55? They need to try harder.
...what’s gambled in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Dept. Of International News:
...as are all who dare challenge the Great Cultural Melting Pot Experiment.
...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪…it’s raining beasts, hallelujah...♫ ♪ ♫ ♪
...laugh all you want, but in a couple years’ time this won’t be satire.
This Roundup’s Hotty Totty:
There’s this Brit TV show about people leaving gloomy Britishland for sunnier climes, and one of the show’s hosts is named Laura Hamilton:
Little toothy, but still quite MILFy…