Piling On The Misery

Continuing the saga of electric vehicles (EVs), we learn about the fire risk.  An excerpt from the catalogue of catastrophes:

It is now, or should be, common knowledge that electric vehicles—cars, trucks, buses, bikes, scooters—under conditions of even low humidity or water damage, are prone to catching fire, owing to the unstable nature of the lithium-ion battery. As Chris Morrison writes at The Daily Skeptic, EVs are known to explode “with the force of a bomb blasting super-heated jets of flame, melting and decomposing nearby structural materials including metal and concrete, and sending vast amounts of toxic fumes into any enclosed atmosphere.”

Jammed into underground parking garages or packed in ferries, EVs are harbingers of almost unimaginable disaster—ecological and safety menaces to which the Net Zero fanatics among our political leadership are comatosely indifferent.

  “Willfully indifferent” is the more appropriate term, because as with all faith-based belief systems, danger is set aside as an acceptable risk provided that the goal thereof (in this case, Net Zero) is laudable.

My solution, which is that every time one of these EV things catches fire spontaneously we should toss a Greenie into the flames, would no doubt strike some as excessive.  Nevertheless, even the threat of such an action should shut these assholes up.

News Roundup

Let’s splash out on some primo news bits:

...my guess is that he’s a 2nd Lieutenant, because only a 2nd Looey can have so slight a grasp of strategy.

...for once, I got nothing.

In Business News:

...they don’t make the tax rules, they just play by them.

...let’s hope he tries this in Europe, because it’s not gonna work in Asia.
#GenZWorkforce #Unions ...then again:


...what was that I said about unions?


...and also:

...only 3-4 months?  Talk about optimism.

...how would he be any different from every other NYfC mayor since Giuliani?

...I dunno, but if the Brits had used their radar in WWII in the same way that the Fibbies use theirs today, everyone Over There would now be speaking German.

#CanadaHasCulture #WhoKnew

...see, I’m so old that to me a “brat summer” has always involved this key ingredient:

And as we dive into the murky waters of 



...boy, denim sure has changed since my teen years.
#DailyMailEditors #FailAsUsual


News Roundup

…which is probably the best word to describe this first news item:

...”how am I going to replace half my staffers now?”

...I would have thought the CIA would be too busy planning to do that back here after November.

...keyword:  Irish.

From the Hearts Of Stone Department:

...okay, quit that unseemly giggling.

...”that’s a strange noise.”

In news from The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...like everywhere else.

...”wait, you mean we can no longer just get rid of our problem by shipping them over to you?”

From the Department of Education:

...but but but that’s just Show & Tell in Sex Ed.  Also, keyword:  Florida.

And in Medical News:

...principal among them:  pics of Lizzo, Hillary Clinton or Gemma Collins.

...you mean that salad tongs aren’t approved?

...when demand exceeds supply.

...all of which can be summed up with:

From the trenches of the Sex Wars:

...repeat after me:  “Sex, sandwiches and silence.”  And if we can have only one, then:  silence.

Now for unbridled but unlinked 

hate to say it, Tarty, but yer just not that important, compared to Hillary Clinton.

...well, we haven’t seen Phil’s little girl for a while, so why not?

And that’s all the news fit to (un-)cover.

News Roundup

And speaking of getting shafted:

...if you can’t stop him by letting him be assassinated, stop him by fixing the vote.

In Industrial Labor News:

...bad news: production is going to dry up; good news: it’s production of the 737 Max.

…wait;  I thought that everyone wanted these Duracell cars.

Time for some news of The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...where are they getting the money to pay the lawyers?  I think we should be told.

...it’s almost to the point where this is no longer news.

In Global Economic News:

...are we absolutely SURE this guy wasn’t born somewhere in the U.S.?

...LOL just wait till they see their ROI.

From the Department of Education:

...keyword:  Missouri.  Again.  It must be something in the water, there in the Show-Me state.

...keyword:  California.  Of COURSE it was going to be on film.

Still talking about sex:

...this study endorsed by wankers the world over.

...newsflash:  famous rock musicians are renowned for their monogamous behavior.

...I can actually see her point.

And in mercifully-link-free 


And sauntering down :

...of course, the old girl needs those tight clothes to keep the Jello-bits from wobbling around.

And still on the same old bint:

...wait, what?  Let’s see the correction:

...okay, that’s a little better.

And on that bit of Fake News, we end this roundup.

News Roundup

And speaking of huge dicks:

...by which he means people with names like “Trump”, “Orban” and “Meloni”.

From the Department of the Blindingly Obvious:

...in other breaking news, Allied landings in Normandy have been successful.  Also:

...not only that, it appears as though Lindbergh made it across the Atlantic.

...rise in crime rate beginning in 3…2…1...

...forget it, Jake.  It’s Houstontown.

In Medical News:

More medical news:

...and you’ll never guess the guy’s name.

...reminding people why Reagan and Thatcher were so popular for breaking the power of the unions.

...of course, anyone who drinks tea with a ribeye and salad deserves to die more painfully than from iron deficiency.

...guess he drank tea with his 5lbs of daily steak.

...that’s going to work about as well as their gun ban.
And once more unto the linkless breach known as 

    ...in the dictionary under “Overkill” will be her photo.

...nope, no bells are ringing over here;  anyone else?

And sauntering down    we see:

...ah yes, the former Disney princess who introduced us to teenage tits is at it again:
...but wait!  there’s more!

And on that knee-knocking note, we end the news.

Not Just China

Via Insty, this little snippet:

The danger for China is deflation could snowball by encouraging households reeling from falling paychecks to cut back on spending, or delay purchases because they expect prices to fall further. Corporate revenues will suffer, stifling investment and leading to further salary cuts and layoffs, bankrupting families and firms.

China?  How about right here in the U.S.?

The Fed’s beige book, a survey of economic conditions in the US compiled by the regional Fed banks, suggested that the US economy was slowing. Five out of the 12 Fed districts reported flat or declining economic activity, three more than in May’s survey.

And just for (bitter) laughs:

“Inflation has also fallen faster than expected, hitting 3 per cent in June.”

Tell that to my grocery, fuel and utility bills.