News Roundup

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And in that same vein: which we prove yet again the theorem:  no-class slobs + budget airline = mayhem
(bonus:  guess the race).

...why do I suddenly wish I could exile her to a place which has no Constitution to protect her worthless ass?

...all together now:  “Why, why, why… you assholes!

Speaking of which (assholes, not the Welsh):

...and yet, you keep reelecting this little Commie prick, and meekly lick the chains he keeps adding to your society.

...”IRS goes after” is believable;  “Biden promises” isn’t.

...I would have thought that “disgrace” and “porn star” are pretty much redundant, but clearly there’s yet an additional level of disgrace available.

...their country, their rules, your stupidity.

...key word:  India.

...forget it, Jake;  it’s Chinatown Turkey.

...actually, I believe that one would have more fun in Sidney, Montana than in Sydney, Strylia — no Australians, no traffic, no crocodiles, five outdoor ranges and a casino, not to mention fewer critters that can actually kill you.  Oh, and open carry.

And from the Dept. Of Education: least he wasn’t homeschooling.

And in no-link INSIGNIFICA:

And in the “Who The Fuck ARE These People?” subset of INSIGNIFICA:

And more musical people of whom we know nothing:

In weather terms:  driving slut, with occasional thunderthighs.  YMMV.

News Roundup

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...well I’m not going to share my stash, so find your own buddies.

...I’m reminded of the Texas high school which had to hold its prom in the next-door town because they weren’t allowed to dance in theirs.

...oh fuck off, Shorty — we first have to kill our more dangerous enemies (i.e. Democrat Socialists), so you wait your turn.

...let’s see how the trannies wriggle out of this one.

...especially if he were to start singing again.

...I’ll just leave commentary to The Englishman:  “Well, old chap, the French have always been revolting.”  Wait till you see the reason for this one…

...wait, the French have a navy?  After all Lord Nelson’s efforts?

From the Train Smash Files:

...if you think her saggy lil’ momboobs are worth a look, follow the link.

...and you thought your job was tough.

...if not him, then it’s Trump or “climate change”.

And the winner in the “Most Incomprehensible Headline” competition:

...what was the middle bit, again? the marketing world, this is what’s known as “product improvement”.



  ...honey, let me introduce you to this guy: 

And finally, speaking of women who need (and get) a regular pounding:


…and I know, the superstructure isn’t imposing, but its features are always on display:


And you too should now be pounding the pavement as you head off to work.

News Update

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…for the people who really would like to eat it, but can’t. (see below)

From the Guess The Religion Dept.:

...or, as reported in the Times:  “Palestinian teenager has mental health breakdown”.

...”supposed to have been deported”… uh huh.

...see above.  And of course:

...wonder why? (Clue:  not Spam lovers) Christian White supremacists, according to the FBI.

...lemme take a wild guess:  it sucks, big time and all the time.

And in “ordinary” news:

...I applied for the job, but apparently my answer to one question (land mines, machine guns nests and a thousand Nile crocodiles in the Rio Grande) led to my disqualification.

...keyword:  Russia.

...not a sex fiend like Josef Fritzl, just some Doomsday nutcase.

From the Dept. of Modern Education:

...”raped” in the legal sense only.  Most 16-year-old guys would line up to bonk Teacher to get good grades — girls too, nowadays (sigh).

...said steam coming from sex-sweat on the tombstones?  I mean, it gets cold in Nebraska, Bubba.

And in SHOWBIZ News:

...lemme guess:  the play sucks, and only Woke Blacks can be counted on to provide the necessary blowjob reviews?

From the Dept. of Climate Irony:

...I lost track of the Great Crested Newts after their hit in the late 1980s.;  you know your business is in trouble when not even the Brits want to buy Goop products like:
… and … anyone would want to catch a niff of Gwynnie’s ever-dripping pudenda.

And in other INSIGNIFICA:


And here’s a granny who does wear a bra:

Welcome back, Nigella me old darling… it’s been way too long.

News Roundup

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...guess that ol’ stun gun just wasn’t fully charged, huh?

...well, that’s just a vile slander against all those world-famous Black mathematicians… wait, ummm...  the Serbians should have executed him first, and then the Brits shouldn’t have let him into their country.  This was a fuckup so huge that multiple governments had to be involved.

...simple mistake being that he visited Australia in the first place.

...welcome to our world, geek assholes. “Don’t be evil” was a lie from the very beginning.

...only two?  You’re a tough man, Sundance.

...also, rice.  And white sugar, and white toilet paper, and, and, and... let’s not forget white-as-paper Norwegian academics.

...the original album wasn’t blasphemous enough, you see. the way, Eatzi’s food markets in Dallas and Plano have been doing this for well over 20 years.

From the Dept. Of Priapism:

...wait, 57 and still raping?  I’m thinking “over-achiever”, unless there’s a megaton of Viagra involved.

...wait:  you got into a limo with a violent guy who made his living by beating other violent men half to death, and now you want to score 5 mill as a reward for your stupidity, three decades later?

And speaking of ancient history:

...lemme guess:  you had absolutely no idea there would be lots of sex at Hef’s place.  And you were also forced into the limo that took you there, thirty years ago.

Now, from our Nostradamus Dept. (no links, because):

  …and...the latter being more likely to be accurate.

      ...missed it by THIS much.
...serves you right for marrying Lady Gaga, mate.

Finally, from our Sports Desk (via longtime contributor Sean F.):

Mikayla Demaiter, who used to play in the Professional Women’s Hockey League as a goaltender, has had a successful career transition, and she was forced into it.  Demaiter had to give up the game of hockey in 2019 after she suffered a knee injury that ended her career.

Hockey’s loss is our gain, methinks:

Cold shower, then off to work.

News Roundup

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So let’s bleed the News Lizard:

the worst part is that it’s only “most” and not “every single last”.

...errrr climate changeLizzo dance routine during concert?  I’m trying my best here.

...that’s because she IS a scapegoat, and she’s keeping shtum so the Clintons won’t murder her. there ever a WRONG time for rum?

...nice building;  shame about the food. I the only one who thinks managers should lock the office doors and let the fuckers freeze?

...there are a bunch of Democrats taking notes right now.

...French chefs have collective orgasm.  Also:  Australia, where the toads eat bugs.  VW Bugs. Hitler’s ghost sez:  “Huh?”

...keyword:  Massachusetts.  In any Southern state, he’d be in the “dangling” line.

...what if, like most non-Californians, you only have one?

And in multicolored, unlinked INSIGNIFICA: news, however, on whether a familial foursome was involved.

Finally, some weird interesting news:

I know, I know:  she’s several pasta meals short of perfection.  But then again, look who she’s married to — the World’s Skinniest Ex-Footballer, Peter Crouch:

So much for the news, then.

News Roundup

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…the miracle lubricant of politics.  And speaking of shit-heads:

with respect to the Divine Sarah, Jackson Lee has never read anything, because she is at best illiterate.  As always, the Clown Princess of Congress reminds us that she is still the dumbest politician ever elected (and reelected, and reelected, and reelected because Houston).

...she hasn’t been elected to anything, thankfully, but this dumbass could give Sheila Jackson Lee a run for her money.

...I’m putting my trust in a fresh pandemic of untreatable and deadly venereal disease. that “One Child” thing really worked for you Commie assholes, huh?, the barky little shit gave up acting because nobody wanted to give him any more work.

...that’s an easy one:  while they’re bonking a coworker on the boss’s desk.

...find them, flog them, then hang them.

...and same for this little shit.

...isn’t it a little late to be finding all this out, Gammy Madge?

...that battery-acid taste being such an essential element of Coke’s flavor.

...forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown New Mexico.

Which brings us to INSIGNIFICA:


And in the ever-popular Paige Three Dept.:

...I have no words.

And that’s all the news I can stomach [sic].