News Roundup

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And the filler [sic] :

...finally, some LEOs with balls enough to rage against the machine.

...I’d bet serious $$$ that their (much-reduced) wealth was inherited.

...perhaps because he was a genius, stabbed his wife and thought women were intellectually inferior?  Or maybe just because he was famous, and fame is like catnip to women, as are bad boys.

Remember this asshole?

Well, lookee here:

...quelle surprise.

...”Groomer Guides” rolls off the tongue so much better anyway.

...good.  The mom shouldn’t be punished for protecting her child, and the little thug should carry a scar, just as a lifetime reminder not to be an asshole.  And then you have stuff like this:

...where the little thug needs a sound daily whipping for the duration of his prison term.

...forgive me, but I no longer give a flying fuck how much the NY government tortures its citizens.  You vote for ’em, you deal with the whippings.  Ditto California.

...and left me laughing my ass off.

On the topic of people being offended over nothing:

...cue the wails from outraged feministicals in 3…2…1…

...sadly, not in a body bag.

...with marksmanship like that, you’d almost think the NYPD was involved.

...and now you know yet another reason (aside from anal sex play) why pineapples can be dangerous.

And in a lengthy but still link-free INSIGNIFICA:


...easy to say (and do) when you look more like this than you do like Hillary Clinton:

Immediately post-pregnancy:


Since the two-bonks-per-day regimen:

…and that’s the news.

News Roundup

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Ooooookay, then:

...where they’ll all simply sink into the abyss, just like all the other things poured into Africa over the decades. this old atheist out:  exactly where in the Bible does it say that God loves variety — especially of the kind you’re describing?

...and on a parallel note:  exactly where in the Constitution is this power granted to the Federal government?  Oh, wait:

...a stove too far, was it?  Wait till you try to ban the internal combustion engine.

...the Frog cops are being coy about the race / nationality / ethnicity of M. Le Stabber, so let’s just assume that he’s not a conservative French White man — because that would have been in the headlineUPDATE:

...can I call ’em, or what?

...I wouldn’t have thought that this action was at all unusual in NYFC, so not diverse at all. I the only one who thinks that this punishment may be just a wee bit excessive, considering that murderers typically get only 20?, TexGov Greg Abbott should be getting royalties for all this.

...okay, if ever the name fit the animal, this would be it:

...from the very beginning, they should have named the website “” .

...I’d love to see it happen, even just for the sake of Constitutional consistency, but it won’t.  Pity.

...okay, I understand the meaning of the individual words “oral”, “sex”, “tour” and “model” — just not when written in that order.

And now for the INSIGNIFICA:


...headline edited for brevity.

This must be what is nowadays called the “JBF” (just been fucked) hairstyle:

On her, it works.  Then again, most things work for Salma.

Now get to work, or whatever.

News Roundup

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So off we go, cutting through the layers:

...sheesh, when even the Muzzies say stuff that we can all agree with...

...[insert “siesta” and “refried beans” Mexican jokes here]

...I hope it’s a lot more than what they should have spent to update their 1990s software, and that the shareholders bring out the guillotines.

...yeah, when the Russians come to play on your doorstep, it’s no time to fuck around feeding woke feminist fantasies.

From the Plague & Pox Dept.:

...this won’t take long:  you get flu-like symptoms for a few days, feel like shit, and then you gradually get better.  If you’re older, you could suffer worse — also like the flu.

...are these super rodents immune to .22 bullets?  No?  Then there’s nothing to worry about — oh wait, it’s Britain.  Everybody panic.

...drought and war are more-or-less acceptable reasons for high food prices;  Biden’s moronic economic policies?  Not.

...LOL when even Teh Meskin Commies show more common sense than the governments of New York, Illinois and California

...okay, now that’s funny right there.

...I do believe I’ve now heard everything.

And from link-free INSIGNIFICA:

          ...I can’t even.


…I report, you decide;  although I should point out that she’s a decade younger than Carol Vorderman.

Okay, you can wheel me back to my room now, and gimme some of that Viagra stuff while you’re at it.

News Roundup

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And on we go, cutting away the fat from the news.

...history buffs will note the parallels with the Soviet-era KGB.  And similarly:

...just another way the totalitarian state forces people to comply.

...not climate change?  I’m amazed.  I mean:


...note the weasel word “could”.  In any event, let’s not be too ambitious, and start small with, say, “Dry January Mondays.  Or not even that (my preference).

...I believe I once wrote an essay on this very topic… twenty years ago.

what happens when you open cheap air travel to the masses.

...key word:  Manchester.  See above.

amazingly, not in Florida;  but unsurprisingly, in Portland OR.

...I would have thought that her husband would be the subject matter expert when it came to global affairs (Jeffrey Epstein coff coff), but whatever.

...hey, some people are turned on by that kind of thing.

And in recent INSIGNIFICA:

...well, that’s a big claim, so let’s examine the evidence, shall we?


More evidence upon request.

*not really, but they’re one of my favorite knife makers, so why not?

News Roundup

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Speaking of two fingers:


From the Department Of Here We Fucking Go Again:


…while in the Fourth Reich:

...wait, you mean all that lockdown shit didn’t work?

Back to some good news, for a change:

...which will be reported by mainstream media in:  10,000… 9,999… 9,998…

...don’t care who or what you are;  you kill someone, Missouri will kill you right back.  As it should be.

...wish we’d done that to the fucking Californians. the NYFT slides deeper and deeper into delusion and irrelevance.

wait… this was in California?

And of course, would any news roundup be complete without a Republican circular firing squad?

...that said, I’m not comfortable with a California Republican in a power seat — the last time we had that, Richard Nixon gave us the Environmental Protection Agency, by executive order.

From the INSIGNIFICA files:


And finally, for something a little different:, I don’t know who she is either, some Brit actress I think, but let me introduce her to y’all: 

And if that isn’t somewhat better news than we’ve been seeing… well, I give up.