Unwelcome Silence

Damn it all:

Legendary Fleetwood Mac singer Christine McVie has died at the age of 79 – with the bandmates describing her as ‘truly one-of-a-kind’.

The songwriter was also a co-lead vocalist and keyboardist in the popular British-American rock band, which was originally formed in London.

Here’s my favorite Christine Perfect song, which she performed long before she went commercial.

…and the world has become just a little less beautiful.

News Roundup

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And if that’s not enough to make you feel sick:

...and to think that all they brought with them were guns, a decent concept of government, and sound agricultural practices.

...that they know about.

...and I want a money bush to grow on my patio because that has better odds of becoming a reality.

...if you’re going to lie, why not go Full Goebbels?

...before I came here, I’d always thought that unlike Apartheid South Africa, America was all about NO racial categories.  Silly me.

...I wouldn’t even spend that kind of money on a chair if Gwyneth was part of the deal, gagged and tied to it.  Wait...

...hands up all those who are surprised by this headline… hmmm, nobody, huh?  And:

...not an actual bomb;  just a DVD of Disney’s Strange World (see above).

...from Ford:  where pronouns are seemingly more important than quality.

...don’t care, because I have more gin than .45 ACP in reserve.

From the Dept. Of Cultural Assimilation:

...just couldn’t wait to get stuck into that infidel poontang, could he?

...we need more of this.  Also scourgings.




Worth a hundred-odd bucks?  I report, you decide.

News Roundup

All through the support of Black Friday, Inc.

Speaking of Black Friday:

...also Somalis, Sudanese, Kenyans , Zulus, Malawis, Angolans, Tanzanians… the list goes on and on — do we have too many of them, too?  [yes – K.]

...not that any man should care about this nonsense — it’s her business, after all.

...only a moron (that would be this judge) would not be able to see the consequences of this idiocy.

...am I the only one wishing that this headline was literally true?

...it’s fucking empty (thanks to Biden), so what’s left to modernize?

And in the Ungrateful Bastards Department:

...so publicly supporting BLM didn’t prevent any looting and mass shoplifting?  No?  Who’d a thunk?

...hey, at least he didn’t have to pay for the paper. [/ChiComs]

And from the anals annals of the Greatest Healthcare Service On Earth:


...ummm, maybe HER sex life isn’t what it was in the past;  but I doubt Robbie’s has missed a beat.

...for causing woodies in the lumber department?  I think we should be told.

...I applaud this example of youthful entrepreneurial initiative and financial success.  No wonder the schools want to kill it.

And out of the mists of INSIGNIFICA:


And in our Paige Three section:

I’ll save y’all the trouble of hitting the link, and just show you the top 3:

…inexplicable, isn’t it, that they would be so popular?

So much for the news.

News Roundup

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And speaking of stale vaginas:

...and quite a few Vietnam vets are also ready for you to die, I bet.

...given that the average age of these airborne waitresses nowadays is about 57, the man obviously needs help.

...FIVE bullets to the chest?  That’s a textbook Clinton suicide right there.

...I can attest to at least ONE elderly family who’s not turned on the heat for the past three weeks.

From the P.R. company representing Green Lunacy & Panic, Inc.:

...you mean like it was 45 years ago, when you first started spouting this alarmist bullshit?

...not to mention the rising rates of athlete’s foot, night sweats, twisted ankles and toenail fungal decay.

...migraines, disease, dementia… is there anything climate change CAN’T do?

...I’m not a military expert, but I’m pretty sure that barbed wire is not much of a defense against missiles.

From the Hearts Of Stone Dept.:

...an easy mistake to make, if you’re French.

...didn’t she already do that in Track 2 on her last album?

And from the ever-silly INSIGNIFICA:


And in Totty News:

...off you go, then, to see for yourself.


…I report, you decide:

And on that lavender note, we end the news.

News Roundup

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And our news is also hard-hitting (okay, maybe not so much):

...that’s just great, Jeff.  Now advise me how to hold off on another “big purchase” like my glaucoma eyedrops, which went from about $200 to over $400 in just under two years.

...wait;  don’t we have the TSA checks which would stop this mope from getting not one but TWO boxcutters onto the flight?

...good.  I’m getting so sick of all the faggy families bullshit on TV.

...say, for example, by turning Indiana Jones into “Indianetta” Jones?  Oh, wait, this just in:

...to see the franchise nosedive like Chick Ghostbusters”, maybe?  But there’s always more Woke to be had in the Magic Kingdom:

...just another movie nobody will watch.

...his money, his prerogative to spend it as he chooses.  Then:

...and can anyone think of a more worthy recipient?

...and surprise, surprise:  not Florida Man — but “keyword:  Japan” would run a close second.

...thought about this for a while;  nope, still don’t see the problem here.

...good old Apple:  still expecting people to overpay for trendy rubbish.

And from the forgettable INSIGNIFICA:


Paige Three:

Finally, for tomorrow, a reminder:

Recession Times

As always, we should ignore all government pronouncements as to the state of the economy.  Thus, when we are told that “recession is not coming” or “inflation is temporary”, we should instead look to what’s actually happening.

We all know that over the past dozen or so years, Christmas spending has moved away from High Street to the Internet — most especially to places like Amazon.com, to mention just the biggest.

Therefore, as we approach this festive [sic]  season, we would expect that Amazon would be hiring staff to handle the increased demand for merchandise, yes?


The New York Times reports that according to verified sources, Amazon plans to reduce its corporate and technology workforce by as much as 10,000 employees as soon as this week, the largest downsizing in the firm’s history.

Merry Christmas, y’all.