Now It’s Getting Serious

Via Insty, news of a looming beer shortage:

Beer drinkers across the US are staring glumly into their pints, knowing the costs are likely to rise due to a nationwide shortage of carbon dioxide – thanks in part to issues at a Mississippi volcano.

The extinct volcano, the Jackson Dome, has since 1977 provided carbon dioxide to the food industry, among others.

Yet in recent months the supply has become contaminated due to raw gas from a mine seeping in, meaning it cannot be used in food.

You know what this means, right?

Or we’ll just have to get used to less-fizzy beer, e.g.:


And I, for one, think this would be a Good Thing.

News Roundup

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Let’s scurry off into the news…

you had me at “Biden gets hopelessly confused and lost”.

let’s hear it for Liz:

...reading to be followed soon by practical instruction, no doubt.  Fucking groomers, shoot them all.

...ummm Mr. Rotten, you may have forgotten this, but the entire raison d’être of the Sex Pistols was tastelessness.  It certainly wasn’t musical talent.

beating up women, rape, child sex;  is there anything this guy can’t do?

...let’s hear it for the Religion Of Peace:

a.k.a. the nationwide Post-Lockdown Sex Frenzy.

And for our Feelgood Story Of The Day:

the little shit should have been executed back in 2003, of course, but this will do for now.

using language that no doubt would have sounded familiar to Josef Goebbels.

applying the word “male” in its most generous sense to this girlyboy, that is.

And from the files of INSIGNIFICA:

...”Thith ith an emergenthy thituation!”

And finally:

ah yes, Tomi.  I’d pay to watch her read from the phone book.



And that is the end of this poxy foxy news.

And Another One Falls Over

It’s been a while since I wrote about Chicago, and I have to admit that unlike the feeling of schadenfreude  that come over me when I contemplate the ruins of once-fine cities like San Francisco, New York, Seattle, Portland and Boston, there is a slight twinge of sadness when I see the Second City also trembling on the edge of the abyss as its civic fabric unravels.

Reader Brad_In_IL however, despite being a near-denizen of same, has no such compunction, and shares this article by the great John Kass:

It is a woman’s scream, a real scream of fear that was randomly captured the other day on a Ring doorbell security camera as she was attacked, pulled to the ground, and robbed by thugs as she walked on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Chicago’s “mostly peaceful” and leafy Lakeview* neighborhood.

Within that scream of terror hides another, buried sound, part of what the writer Matt Rosenberg, senior editor at, brilliantly calls “the great unraveling.”

It is the sigh of a once-great but thoroughly exhausted city, a Chicago bone-tired, spent by decades of political corruption, hammered by the brutal application of race card politics in a city of tribes, and in 2020 Lightfoot’s City Hall failed miserably to stop the riots and looting that grew out of the George Floyd protests, and then Lightfoot endorsed the Soros-backed State’s Attorney Kim Foxx for re-election.

It is a city drained by street gang violence and political indifference, where police have been weakened and demoralized, even as private security forces crop up, paid for by those with means who demand protection. In this, Chicago is like Rome.

*Lakeview, for those who may have forgotten, was where I used to live and it was beautiful, safe and home to about four dozen (non-chain) restaurants within three blocks’ walk from our apartment.  I loved living there, and left only because of pressing family commitments.

You should read the whole of Kass’s brilliantly-written article, because it is depressingly similar to the horror shows of America’s other metropolises, and shares many of the governmental sins that are endemic to any place run by today’s Democrats.

I say “today’s Democrats” because no matter his faults, I absolutely cannot imagine that former Mayor Richard M. Daley would have tolerated today’s carnage — and his father, Richard J. Daley (of ’68 Democrat Convention fame) would have reacted even more violently.

Oh well… sic transit and all that.

News Roundup

Today’s Roundup is sponsored by:

And off we go, guns blazing:

man should have got a medal instead of jail, but let’s not go there.

fuck you, Secretary Buttplug.

and not just Europe, either.  As usual, Orban has it right.

it is.  You lot are going to get flattened.

And now a double feature (no link) from the groves of academe:

note that Teacher Of The Year #1 is a woman, as was the student, while #2 was just some dirty old (heterosexual) manAnd #1 is fugly, even for a lesbian.

why not add the number of wee lambs saved, just to be doubleplusextra virtuous?

at first reading, I thought it said “Gun disease”, but that’s just my old-man eyes, not dementia.  I think.

actually, Daddy Dearest got whacked because he was a total asshole — the Bible thing was just the final straw.

our Feelgood Story Of The Day.

key word:  Iranian.


   under the “No Eggs Before the King Law” of 1427.

And finally:

in the Biblical sense, no doubt.  And some pics of said houri:


Now granted, at age 27 she’s a little old for him;  but maybe the boy wants to settle down with someone closer to his own age (47).

And if that ain’t news, I don’t know what is.


Victor Davis Hanson delivers an almighty spanking on America’s well-deserving backside:

Our enemies abroad, particularly China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, are watching all this woke, comic madness with absolute glee.

They are delighted the United States is diverting trillions of dollars and man-hours away from production to ideological witch hunts, woke cannibalism, green virtue-signaling, spendthrift consumption, racial and gender fixations, warped science, suicidal surveillance, and commissariat indoctrination.

Woke means that Americans have less money, labor, and time to hone their military readiness. They will produce less competitive energy, but more pseudo-science, non-meritocratic advancement, and unsound investment—all the reasons why America will no longer dominate the world.

As with all VDH’s musings, you must read them all.

News Roundup

Thanks to Reader Bob H, this Roundup is sponsored by:

…my preferred mixer with the breakfast gin.

But let’s get angrier still:

let’s hear it for Corporate America, at the forefront of protecting our Constitutional rights.

in other news, nor did the maiden voyage of S.S. Titanic.


Russians not being known for their ability to swim whilst tied to an anvil.

except that “mail-in” ballots have yet to be counted, and we all know how that goes.

I scored 18.  No cheating.

to the surprise of precisely… nobodyBut is it all Trump’s fault?

Train Smash Update:

not much to see other than a mombod and jailhouse-quality tattoos.

finally, commonsense over tolerance.

our Feelgood Story Of The Day.

From the Department of Nooky:

sadly, no mention of public flogging.

ignore Mommy’s screams, Jimmy — she really likes it when I put it in there.

And in link-free INSIGNIFICA:


And finally:

“Who she?” you ask Why, a presenter of BritTV kids’ programs.


And therewith, we end the news.