News Roundup

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And if that doesn’t just describe the denizens of this roundup’s news perfectly…

Welcome to a new department:  Royal Assholes:


And on with the real news:

...yeah, let us know how that works out.

…[snicker] Sarah’s being snarky, Sarah is.

key word:  Iran Y’all thought it was Chicago, din’tcha?

every person involved in this horrorshow should be subject to a daily scourging until all the jobs come back to the U.S.

somehow, I don’t think that Guns!Guns!Guns! sells a decent pastrami sandwich, but then again I’ve never been to Uvalde.

not that anyone watches ChickSoc anyway.

and she should know, by golly.

but catches herself just in time.



I report, you decide.


I don’t know who the alleged “TV star” is, but she must have brought quite a lot to the party, because here’s his missus:

And some solo shots:

Nobody named Hunter Biden was harmed in the compilation of this news, unfortunately.

When The Economy Falls Into The Ditch

How Sri Lanka fell into the pit.

Executive Summary:  Debt.

An object lesson for all governments, not the least ours.  The only good thing about this debacle is that the ChiComs are going to take it between the cheeks.

Footnote:  the World Bank gave all sorts of accolades to Sri Lanka for its economic growth, even though the economy was built on foreign loans which the country had no chance of ever repaying.  So much for the banking system…


News Roundup

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And the news is likewise:

I’d prefer that an alligator was eating the President alive, myself.

actually, they’re forcing us to vote you Green assholes out of office… but we’ll let you find that out for yourself.

and she’s well rid of him.

winner of the “Nothing Says ‘OKLAHOMA!’ More Than This” competition.

..expecting “class” from a Kardashian is like expecting a PhD from an aardvark.

I’m just amazed they still have any cattle left.

note “instructor” not “professor — and her bio is exactly what you’d expect it to be.  At Harvard.

and the pendulum swings, oh yes it doesBy the way, a couple of their policy proposals would be sure vote-getters in Europe as whole, not just in Italy.

hence the term “guided muscle”.

no, don’t be like the Democrats.  Fix the economy first, stupid, then address taxes.  Witch-hunts much later.


        probably needed a month’s worth of antibiotics to recover.

Finally, from EU-land:

but before clicking on the link, you may want to take a look at this Eva Vlaardingerbroek creature:

And by the way, I think that “Vlaardingerbroek” means “Flan-ingredient-pants” in English, but I’ll let Reader Jwenting correct me. (And indeed he has:  “Vlaardingerbroek refers to a polder near the town of Vlaardingen.  A “broek” is directly what in English is called a “brook” or creek.”)

Many thanks.

News Roundup

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So let’s let out some more gas:

how’s that vegetarian shit working out for India, by the way?

Jesus wept.

somebody else’s future, maybe;  just not mine.

lessee:  a Socialist who screwed up his country’s economy and caused untold suffering for its citizens by pursuing insane Green / Net Zero policies has to flee the country… am I the only one finding this inspirational?

how can I put this politely?  Oh yeah:  fuck off, all of you.

so did John Wayne.  What’s your point, Has-Been?

somehow, I think we have enough native sex maniacs and perverts already, without having to import more of them.  And while we’re on that topic:

sure, like I’m the only one here thinking about some of that “cultural appropriation” stuff.

post something cruel on the Internet, though, and PC Plod will be right over.

I know I have a copy of Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face lying around somewhere

trust me, you do not want to know what this is.  Okay, then, but I did warn ya.




And in the political world:

my Arizona Readers will know more about this than I do, of course, but from where I sit, she seems to have at least some of the Right Stuff:

More news of similar dubious content next week.

News Roundup

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And speaking of “wrong”:

ordinarily, I would suggest that the Antifa punks’ houses should be firebombed;  but why should their parents suffer?

note that the “official” reasons for quitting are nowhere close to the actual.  But who cares?  The more Democrats out of government, the better.

but did they pave it over, or turn it into an artillery practice target?  Noooo.

And then Roger Kimball posts the rhetorical question:

to quote Meg Ryan:  “Yes!  Yes!  Oh God, YES!”  (link included)

that’s rich;  richer than both of you combined.

key word: …wait… Iowa?

to the complete surprise of ERCOT.  And you want us to be an independent nation?

Dept. Of Assimilation:

Africa wins again.

the Muzzies, in contrast, know exactly what separates men from the hijab-wearers.

kidney, spleen, whatever:  they all look the same.

not gonna say it… not gonna say it

In the “Who Could Tell?” department:

so don’t wear one.  Nobody would notice, Flatty.

And in contrast:

don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

And from the INSIGNIFICA Files:



who she?  you ask.  An interesting story.

“Sarah Jayne Dunn, 40, played Mandy Richardson on [BritTV] soap Hollyoaks for 26 years until she was sensationally dropped last year for having an account on adult subscription site OnlyFans.”  (Actually, they stopped filming the show because Covidiocy, and our Sarah had no other source of income and was pretty much forced into showing off her bod on OnlyFans.  Now she makes far more than she ever did as a TV actress.)

So who she? you ask again.

Not bad for 40, I have to say.  Now I have no idea whether she gets “adventurous” on her OnlyFans pages, and I certainly wouldn’t pay a subscription to see even that because of those prison-quality tattoos (ugh).  But it seems that a large number of Brits are prepared to do so, and so good luck to her, say I.

And that, as they say, is all the news fit to ponder.

News Roundup

Brought to you by the makers of:

And speaking of fake whatsits:

could be worse; he could have given one to Nancy Pelosi.

EVERYBODY PANIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In an unrelated study, 90% of Americans have no idea what hummus is.)

okay; let’s start off by taking away the right to vote from you and all the people who feel the same way you do.

or, as they call it in Hollywood:  Son Of Weinstein!

trying to catch up to Texas, are we?

European Union Votes to Condemn Supreme Court
Overturning Roe v. Wade  
oooh, in the face of that, I’m sure that SCOTUS will reverse their ruling right away.

there should be a lot more of this.

first time I’ve ever heard the Republican Party referred to as an act of God.

and will burst on the scene in the U.S. just in time for the 2022 elections, no doubt.  And speaking of pox:

that’s all very well, but it’s barely enough to cover [sic] the homosexual population of West Hollywood, let alone San Francisco, Greenwich Village and Lakeview (Chicago), to name but some “hotspots”.

I report, you decide:

And in link-free INSIGNIFICA:


or you can just hook up with this guy instead:


and she’s quite comely for a farm girl:

“I guess that’s why they call it the news…”  [/Elton John]