
It’s getting on top of me.  The world’s going to hell at breakneck speed, and for the first time I feel powerless to prevent it happening.  Read the headlines of today’s Instapundit — just the headlines, not the stories — and tell me why I should feel any other way.

This feeling has been growing for some time now, which is why these pages have featured so many scantily-clad women, news snippets with snarky commentary, cars and other such trivia.

The weekend’s two posts about the future of the car business sum the whole thing up, really:  change, really bad change, is coming down the pike and there’s not a single thing that I or anyone else can do to stop it.  Standing athwart the tide of history shouting “Stop!” is a completely pointless exercise when yours is the only voice against a cacophony of voices cheering the tide along as history plunges inexorably along towards the abyss of pointless chaos and Dark Ages II.

The barbarians aren’t just at the gates, they’ve chopped the gates up and are using them for firewood to burn up not only our rights, but all those things which give us some small measure of joy.  Modern movies are total shit, modern cars are shapeless and emasculated, modern handguns are like the cars, indistinguishable from each other and underpowered by being chambered mostly for the rat-shit 9mm Paralympic.

The once-Stout Bulldog Brits are being told to cancel Christmas dinners and parties because of a virus that’s more akin to a bad cold — and they’re going to comply meekly, the gutless bastards.  And speaking of gutless bastards, the Australians, once renowned as the most ferocious warriors in the world, are being arrested in parks and confined to house arrest, all for the heinous sin of not wearing a piece of useless paper over their faces — and they’re doing fuck all to resist it.

The only good news of the day is that liberal asshole Chris Wallace has left Fox News;  except that Fox News has become more like NBC since the halcyon days of Roger Ailes, so even the good news is sprinkled with shit sugar.

I need a day off, maybe two.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the range, because that seems to be one of the few joys left.  I’m going to shoot my Mauser’s 8mm ammo till my shoulder aches — I don’t care where the bullets land, I just want to shoot until I can’t anymore.  Then I’m going next door to the pistol range, and I’m going to shoot my 1911 to pieces, or my wrist, whichever breaks first.

My only regret is that I can’t get to the range in a truck with a loud, gas-guzzling V8 engine.

News Roundup

News so horrible, it makes Gwyneth Paltrow look lovely by comparison.

in the Parents Of The Year Competition, Bonehead Division.

I just read the TxGov tips on the same topic, and they read a little differently.

but seriously:  who hasn’t wanted to say the same to a journalist, at some point?

you had me at “Lori Lightfoot Acts Stupidly”.

shoulda gone to Miami, just like FuturePOTUS DeSantis said.  Then again, silver linings and all that:

and when we said “Buy American” back in the day, we were sneered at for being such jingoists.

like nobody (except the wokists) saw this coming.

And here’s someone who isn’t a trannie:

and pretty impressive they are too.  And speaking of boobs:

hey, you guys started it.  Kyle Rittenhouse is only the first, bubba

Stephen owes me a new, non-coffee-stained screen for posting this one.

And now for INSIGNIFICA:


Speaking of roundups. here’s another passel of unused stuff from my Pictures folder.  This is Emma Louise Somebody, who is apparently married to some guy from a British TV show I’ve never seen either:

As my old buddy Paterson would say, “Shnot bad…”

Responding To Tyranny

Holy shit.

Devid R killed himself, his wife Linda and their daughters after he faked a Covid-19 jab certificate and feared his children would be taken away when it was discovered.
Police found two adults, both 40, and three children aged four, eight and 10 dead from gunshot wounds in a family home in Koenigs Wusterhausen south of Berlin on Saturday.
In a farewell note found by police, the man, named as Devid R, said he forged a vaccination certificate for his wife Linda. Her employer had found out, prompting the couple to fear they would be arrested and lose their children.

This is the result of totalitarianism, where someone is so fearful of disproportionate government punishment that they end up doing something horrible.

This is a catalogue of catastrophes, from government putting pressure on companies to enforce Covid-related regulation, to a man doing something stupid just so his family’s income can be protected, to the threat of losing his children for doing so, and the whole tragic consequence.

Understand:  I’m not excusing this guy nor his actions.  What I’m saying is that excessive government action — most especially when it comes to threats against families — can have the direst outcomes when a man (rightly or wrongly) perceives that he is cornered and helpless.

And something else the government — in this case the German, but it could be any government — should note is that they got off lightly.  Our late friend happened to shoot his own family on this occasion;  but he could just as easily have shot the government agents first when they showed up to take his kids away, and then turned the gun on his family.

Perhaps he should have,


…wait, stop, I can’t breathe, no more:

As my old buddy Paterson might have responded:

This headline actually gets up there with my all-time favorite:


…only that one’s fiction.  The rainforest thing isn’t.  Excuse me…



News Roundup

Yesterday’s news, delivered a day late and a trillion dollars short, just like the Biden so-called “administration”.

despite the fact that :

and believe me, if it had, we’d all be wearing masks today.  [/sarc]

no wonder the Left is going apeshit about FuturePOTUS De Santis.

and she’s going to be fired in 3…2…1…

is this even news anymore?  Then again:

so it’s not ALL bad news.  Then again:

having borrowed a white flag from EU partner France, no doubt.

From the Dept. of Suckage:

he’s not well-known in Murka, but should be  (see link for example).

you had me at “not apologizing to fucking people”.

and they said the age of romance was dead.

down to WHERE, exactly?

And now comes the time for INSIGNIFICA:

…Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard were unavailable for comment.

Here are some other “persecuted” women:

Carole Landis

Greta Garbo

Mara Corday

Brenda Venus

Sophia Loren

Oh, how these poor women must have suffered…