News Roundup

Lotta stupid stuff to report today, same ol’ same ol’.

probably just out of curiosity;  because they sure as hell aren’t going to DO anything about it, the feckless twerps.

that “math” thing being entirely a product of White men, of course, and therefore raycisss to the core.

watch them all disappear, to reappear later taped to doorways, hanging from trees and used in place of face masks.

or what we in Normal America would call a prima facie cause for necessary self-defense.

as one wonders when or what kind of citizen response will follow — if any.

NO.  That being the answer to the question, “Can Vice-President Token get any more stupid?”

yeah, that’s going to work so well with China and India, to name but two.  Pure fantasy, like all the rest of this climate bullshitAnd then there’s this:

… LOL.  And the coup de grace:

take that, round-eyed bastards.

but the Swedes are only useful as a model for sky-high taxes, cradle-to-grave welfare systems and other Lefty tropes.  On this topic, however, they’re to be ignored as “outliers”.

From the Dept. of Total Suckage:

Graeme Edge was dubbed “Mr. Metronome” by other drummers.  R.I.P.

lessee:  guy wears a dress to a trade show, then gets all butt-hurt when he’s called “a man in a dress”?  FFS, he doesn’t even look like a chick, except maybe in certain bars in Greenwich Village.

And now for the ever-irrelevant INSIGNIFICA:


that would be THIS Christine McGuinness: 



…even though we’ve already seen just about every part of her exposed, we can still end on a cheery note.

News Roundup

About as bad as usual, hence the level of commentary.

death by mannequin:  now there’s a fine tombstone epitaph.

I didn’t even know that New Mexico had any GOP voters, let alone an organization.

exactly who is this “we” you speak of?

you married a rock star and expected to be treated like a princess?

much as I care nothing for this issue, I should point out to the Ginger Whinger that as this ceremony is being held in the United States, he has a First Amendment right — you know, the one he didn’t “get” — to wear his old lieutenant’s uniform from his tours of duty in Afghanistan — it’s the only part of his pre-Meghan life that we respect anyway.

key phrase:  South Africa.

okay, I just made this one up.  Or did I?

And now, some  INSIGNIFICA:



that’s it:  they’re doomed.

Finally, from the Dept. of Total Suckage:

and the world mourns.


News Roundup

All the news that’s unfit for anything except derisive laughter.

supply, meet demand.

which means that Ice-T was wearing whiteface?  I’m offended.

just wasn’t his year, was it?  Bad decisions, one after another.

Man U fans being renowned for their own good behavior and manners.

looks like you can go “full evil”And as for the cops, they went “full incompetent” for thirty years.

let’s hear it (again) for a nationalized health service.

hey, I was just about to say that to her.

am I the only one who isn’t shocked by either of the above?



to be honest, all that means is that she’s not infertile.


and who has never wanted to do that?  As for Miss Alessandra:

And no, I had no idea who she was before this, either.  Model, or something.

News Roundup

Oy… the news has been particularly awful over the past few days.  Except for this snippet:

which is newsworthy only because of its unexpectedness.

But the rest has been the customary shit show.

not to brag, but my Butterball is already in the freezer, on the advice of some old contacts in the supermarket business. Do ye all likewise.

the really awful thing is that Mummy Dearest hadn’t taught him how to spell his name before he started school.

From the Heart Of Stone Department:

and on his way to court, even, thus saving us all the cost of the formality trial.

what was the middle bit, again?

From the annals of WTF SEX?

it should be noted that the boys’ parents also need a good talking-to.

I would suggest that the old goat be tied to a chair so that he can be beaten to death by the townspeople, but someone is no doubt going to have a problem with this.

It’s All A Load Of Old Bollocks
until the next study comes out.

and he was so upset, he won the race.

and my Five Worst such books were once regarded as too over-the-top.



and if my own wife felt the same way, she’d be bonking every guy in the street, because:

News Roundup

News fresh off the wine  presses:

I’d prefer that instead of jail they should be locked inside a burning police car, but no doubt someone’s going to have a problem with this suggestion.

doesn’t matter how far it reaches;  nobody’s going to be prosecuted, much less jailed or executed for their fucking treason.

I guess it’s not all bad news today.  Oh, wait:

don’t tell us, tell it to the fucking Chinese.

because of the fucking Chinese.

yeah, but unless “live ammo” is part of the order, it’s fucking useless.

nothing like taxing income before you’ve earned it.

Enough of that depressing shit.  Let’s look at the important news:

as a preliminary guess, my diagnosis would be “fucking psycho” [pun intended]

wonder no more, fuckwit.


the last winning the “No Shit, Sherlock Award” for 2021.

And finally:

you had me at “Christina Hendricks”:

Check Out The Big Brain On Ur-Brad!

Here’s an interesting thing:

The decrease was identified during the Holocene era when human began to form social groups instead of living individually. This allowed them to share information instead of storing it.

By that process, modern brains must be shrinking exponentially as the Internet Effect becomes information-sharing on steroids.

Which would explain rap music and TikTok “influencers”.