
Our economy is sick.  I’d spend a lot more time doing an in-depth analysis, but I don’t think it’s necessary because the signs are all there for anyone to see:  high inflation, high unemployment — both shielded behind the usual lies and statistical sleight-of-hand tricks — and let’s be honest, the flood of illegal immigrants is not helping matters. The housing market is circling the bowl.  Add massive overspending being subsidized by money-printing by the federal government, and it doesn’t take an idiot to see that there’s a reckoning a-coming.

Small wonder, then, that the money boys have taken notice:

Wall Street nosedived on Monday, as fears of the United States tipping into recession following weak economic data last week rippled through global markets.

The bloodbath began in Japan as the blue-chip Nikkei index saw its biggest one-day rout, plunging 12.4%, since the infamous Black Monday meltdown in 1987.

It soon cascaded to the US on the heels of Friday’s troubling jobs report and growing concern that the Federal Reserve was moving too slow in cutting decades-high interest rates.

The Dow Jones Industrial Index plunged more than 1,033 points, capping a drop of nearly 10% since hitting a near-record 41,183 last Wednesday afternoon when Fed Chair Jerome Powell hinted that rate cuts were “on the table” for September.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq slid 3.4% as Apple, Nvidia and the other so-called Magnificent Seven companies that used to be the stars of the stock market continued to wilt.

I don’t have to say that electing a socialist president and vice-president in November will not help anything — in fact, that could be the tipping point into a black swan scenario.

Frankly, I’m not even sure that President Trump Part II will help matters, although it could make the stock market rebound a bit.  Our economic problems, however, go far deeper than the stock market, which is driven by institutional investment and the wealthy anyway.  They would be largely inured from economic collapse;  but the rest of us?  Draw your won conclusions.

I’m assuming that all my Readers have emergency supplies and -contingency plans laid in, because the next few months are not going to be pretty.

News Roundup

And on we go, with our ten shots of bad news…

...that’s only because these snowflakes haven’t been exposed to actual violence. I have some ideas that could fix that. A cricket bat may be involved.

And speaking of freedom of speech, we have some Mostly Peaceful News:

...you see, if you’re going to stage a mostly-peaceful riot in Britishland, you can only do it if you’re doing the pro-Palestinian/anti-Semitic, Green or LGBTOSTFU thing, where the cops look on benignly.  If you’re protesting government immigration policy, though, the rozzers will stomp you.


...and there ya go.

From the Dumbass Chronicles:

...trying to help a rattlesnake = trying to help a Communist;  you’re gonna get bitten.

...and the best posting for this clueless moron would be to Australia, so as to raise the average IQ in both the US and Oz.  (Also filed under “Nepo/DEI Promotion”.)

Some more Political News:

...an excellent point. The answer of “how?” is contained in the words “the media”.

[no link]
...and in the absence of fraudulent ballots, she’d be lucky to get as much as that.  Hence:

Some Sporting News:

...and why not?  It’s just archery without bows, after all.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

Finally, it wouldn’t be a Roundup without an obligatory Everybody Panic!!! entry:

...just another example of all the good that Africa brings to the world.

And in the tangle of 


...from Christian mom to OnlyFans houri, in other words:

And that’s it for the news.

News Roundup

Yeah well, screw the Gummint.  Stale bread is horrible.  As is the news this week.

...I’m so old, I remember the regulation mandating that any federal employee found delinquent in their taxes be summarily fired.

In Election News:

...guilt about what?  Civilization?  Ending slavery?  [3,000 other random benefits to mankind omitted for space reasons… and while we’re there, space travel as well]

...hope he got that in cash.  Just sayin’.

Keeping the assholes at bay:

...don’t fuck mess with Texas.

In Global Jew Hate News:

...and when they get all revolutionary and jihad-y, it will make it easier to nuke them right there.


...I’d have put them side by side, but no doubt the Izzies would have been equally offended.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

Let’s hear it for Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...and nobody (except anyone with common sense) saw it coming.

And contemplating the naval:

...actually, they’re just hiding them from Ukrainian drones.

...and about time.

Let’s see what inane shit comes out of 


...and just so we all know, “soft swinging” is defined as having sex with your regular partner in the same room with others also having sex with their partners, but without swapsies.  No big deal;  our close circle of friends did it all the way through college, back in the ’70s.  It was kinda fun.

And in Romance News:

...and for those of you who had forgotten about Lucy (and shame in you if you did), here’s a little memory-jogger or two:

And I believe that’s about all the silly news we can handle for now.

News Roundup

So in we dive, to swim through the murky waters of recent events.

In Political News:

...forget it, Glenn;  they could start loading them onto trains, and these idiots would still be voting for Democrats at the Skokie El station polling booth.

...and we are surprised by this, because…?

Dispatches from the War Between The Sexes:

...yeah, in my yoot I used to try this line on recalcitrant women;  never worked.

From the Police Blotter:

...hey, it’s not like the corpus delicti was gonna need it, right?

In Medical News:


...maybe in some Socialist parallel universe.

In Nutrition News:

Speaking of the latter sports equipment, here’s a report from Paris:

...and here I thought prossies were legal in France.

...that’s just what the French refer to as “bleu”, kids.  And it’s not even boiled, either.

And in related news:

...or the U.S. could just tell the Olympic Committee to take a hike and let some shithole like Kyrgyzstan host their little spectacle instead.

And in today’s 

...no link because eeek.

...that trannie thing just isn’t working for you, Nancy, is it?

And in :

...not her normal look, mind you:

And not her usual immaculate self:

But that’s enough news for the day.

News Roundup

In (what else?) Political News:

...you mean “Heels-Up Cock Socket” is incorrect?

...that’s just so nobody can suspect her when the DEI VP is suicided.

...as the list does not put “The United States” at the very top, it can be disregarded.  Likewise, nowhere is Argentina mentioned, nor Hungary;  and the UK — under a Labour government?  That’s delusional.  So feel free to disregard the “experts”.

In Automotive News:

...and Chevy doing likewise, changing their Canucki assembly plant to making trucks rather than EVs.

In the Food & Drink Dept.:

...oooh, I can’t wait to get to my local Plano Greggs to try… errr wait a minute.

In the Hey, Teacher! Leave Those Kids Alone! Dept.:

...no doubt, she’s going to plead Not Guilty By Reason Of Menopause.


...talk about yer over-achievers.

But wait!  There’s more!

...and she’s quite a babe, too.  What IS it with these chicks?

In Showbiz News:

In Travel News:

...keyword:  Belgian.

Now for some news of The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...any bets on the national origin of said five men?  No?  Not surprising.
#North Africa

And once more unto the breach of 

...four down, four to go, apparently.  (no link because ugh)

...she being the only reason one would want to follow the EPL’s Leeds United on TV.

They could hardly do any worse than the existing DEI clowns.

And that’s all the news for today.

News Roundup

And speaking of things that make parts of one’s body ache painfully…

In Political News:


...executive summary:  ban fracking, carbon taxes, and the rest of the Green unicorn-fart nonsense:  requiring new buses, heavy duty vehicles and vehicle fleets to be zero-emission by 2030 and all vehicles to be 100% zero-emission by 2035.

...good question, but it’s probably the same group that’s been running it since 2020.

...newsflash:  nobody cares.  Especially if it’s “Dr.” Jill and his fuckface son doing the talking.

...triggering competition to claim her title as “Biggest Moron in Congress”, amid some strong competition.

In Entertainment News:

...as my old dad used to say:  “Never hug a wet woman”, and he was right.

In International News:

...Americans will experience the same under [sic] President Kamala Harris.

...providing the answer to the perennial teaser:  “Name one thing Hitler did do right”.

Still in Britishland:

...government at the expense of taxpayers;  why are we not surprised?

From the Dept. of Health:

...Mommy Mommy, he’s doing an InstaSnark again.

In still-link-free  


...just sayin’.

And peering in the windows of the houses of we find:

...you know, I was going to show some pics of the aforementioned slags, but they’re not as bad as you’d expect;  they’re worse.  So instead, some nicer things, perhaps not even slags (borrowed from Kenny):

…and an old one of Ground Force‘s Charlie Dimmock, who is definitely not a slag:

And that’s all the news out there.