News Roundup

All the news you couldn’t be bothered to read, with commentary to match.

to be followed tomorrow by another study that says that eating a single walnut, ever, will give you an 8.5% chance of getting terminal athlete’s foot.  You heard it here first.

by disbanding?

I should fucking well hope so.  Read his story here.

quit that raucous laughter, willya?

replace “could” with “when will”, and you’ll be correct.


which was never ratified, but that’s not going to stop him.

They should try this approach instead:

I’d be a millionaire inside a week.

this is why I prefer ordinary American people over government.  Any government.

I guess the Customs agents never got the memo from the ATF.

as the Great Assimilation Project continues on its way.  Now, about all those young Afghan men we’re bringing here… (no link, because why bother)

a little extreme, perhaps, but understandable.


and all Hollywood shivers.

Finally, the day a TV host went on the air in her dressing gown:

Follow the link for the full story.

And in our tasteful Boob Pics section:



News Roundup

All the news that’s fit to make you gag.

yeah, when in doubt, go after gun owners.  It worked SO well for Weinstein.

short answer:  no.  But wait, it’s explained by an ASTROLOGER, so it’s all true. [eyecross]

oh how my heart bleeds for Hollywood

Dept. of Totalitarianism:

at least he wasn’t caught littering, which carries the death penalty in Singapore.

key word:  Illinois.

amid rumors that Dachau is reopening “under new management”.

I’m amazed to see that the Oz cops aren’t wearing jackboots.

could have been worse.  We could have been compared to Hitler (again).

And over The Pond, a reaction:

no doubt, these are just ISIS airport bombers in disguiseAnd just so you know, the headline is a lie.  The “mob” is not protesting vaccines, but “vaccine passports” and forced vaccinations.

I don’t even know where to begin on how funny this is.  Or this:

let’s hear it for the Internet Of Things.

From the Department of Suckage:



And finally:

okay, but where do we start?  Antifa or the FBI?

Enough of that.  Time for the real news:

who she, you ask?

She’s also known for her perfect Joe Biden impersonations:

Yeah, I know…

News Roundup

Highlighting all the asinine, stupid and pointless news.  And on the non-Biden front:

RCOB Department:

or, “Guy who tested Covid-negative before allowed to fly still has to be quarantined lest he infect his dying father.”  Kill them all, now.

And in other WuFlu news:

okay, then.  CVS, here I come.

torn between woke banks and income stream from sluts. Ouch.

where would we be without Science?

exchanging cabbage for cunnilingus, for the win.

are they allowed to vote while handcuffed?  Asking for a friend.

now there’s a minority group, especially in California.

as Sweden enters the “Stupidest Nation On The Planet” competition with a bang.

I had no idea that so many “progressives” were of Swedish origin.

considering that ol’ Ron had access to willing and available poontang pretty much 24/7 for well over thirty years, you have to ask yourself why his accusers were anywhere near him, if not for sex. Sounds kinda bogus.

And now for Biden News:

Biden:  hold my beer.

which comes to just over 8,000 jobs added per month.  Trump’s pre-Covid stats were running at about 40,000 – 50,000 per month, by comparison.

Vice President Harris cancels plans to campaign for California Gov. Newsom
OMG is Newsom that fucked?



Wales, again:

so are all languages, actually, but hey.

And speaking of the Welsh, here’s Carol Vorderman:


That’s Not The Point

At Breitbart News, Paul Bois talks about whether the foul Taliban will be able to use all the weaponry and materiel left behind by our incompetent military.

Frankly, that’s not the point.  Nobody cares if the Turbans can use the stuff, what’s really worth discussing is why the military didn’t destroy all of it before they left?

I mean, we’re all chuckling ho ho ho as we watch videos of the Taliban trying to fly a chopper and not being able to get it off the ground;  what’s not so funny is that the Iranians, Chinese and all the other assholes of the world are probably lining up to buy it all so that they can hack into the high-tech stuff, where that knowledge can be used against us in the future.

It is a monumental fuck-up, and every senior officer who allowed the equipment to be just left behind without destroying it should be court-martialed.  Ditto their superiors who made no provision for doing so in their evacuation orders.  But they were probably too busy making plans for Covid vaccinations of the troops and scheduling CRT lectures to bother, is my guess.

I have to quit now because blood pressure.

News Roundup

The news, like Biden’s addled brain, is all over the place today.

oh really?  Just wait till you try to pawn your vibrator when cash is tight, sweetie.

I probably speak for quite a few people when I say, “No more.  Ever.”

And speaking of people we don’t want to see or hear from ever again:

ah yes, hurricanes:  that deadly disease.


and the word is “slew”, not the name of a noizee 70s Brit rock band.

This is the shocking moment an Orthodox Jewish man
is punched in the face by a passer-by in a ‘racist attack’
that left him unconscious – just hours after a child was
attacked nearby.
let’s all play “guess the passer-by’s race”, shall we?

and only the U.S. State Department was surprised by this news item.

we’re just trying to keep them feeling at home, right?

And speaking of disgusting:

not that I would want to be in the same zip code as any of them anyway.

everyone knows you never go Full Jesus.

and she looks about how you’d expect her to look.

Total Suckage Department:


why did this headline make me giggle like a schoolgirl?



And yet another sign that the Apocalypse is nigh:

non-alcoholic Guinness.  Jaysus wept.

Here’s Logan’s Run  star Jenny Agutter:

News Roundup

All the news that isn’t about Afghanistan.

well, women shouldn’t play rugby in the first place, so

fake news, because you’re not allowed to carry a gun in NYFC.  Ditto below:

never happened.

And similarly:

doubleplusunpossible, because laws.


because legal gun owners are the cause of all Britain’s crime problems, you see.

I see a job at the Clinton Foundation in his future.

eaten by a bear, was it?  No?  Then it’s “grisly”.  You fucking illiterate assholes.

you mean your parents signed your life away — or maybe they were already at the bank, depositing your money into their accountsHell, they weren’t even around when Justin Bieber popped your teenage cherry.


And on that note, it’s time for SEX NEWS:

key word:  Michigan.

is it so wrong to get a woody when reading this headline?

what’s really funny are the comments in the article.

And just a little INSIGNIFICA:


No doubt getting a last-ditch effort for money before the old wailer pops his clogs.


Okay, that’s enough Tess.