Radio Silence

Damn, damn and damn.  I was at our apartment and everything looks fine for a move back later today… except that the wifi isn’t working yet, ergo  no Internet ergo  no posts for a while.

I have a couple up for tomorrow (I’m writing this from the hotel), but that’s it.  Unless I can get the thing up and running by tomorrow, there may be nothing posted over the weekend.

Bear with me, folks;  this is like resettling in a new city, FFS.

News Roundup

News, bad news, stupid news, not news, all served up with acerbic commentary.

amazingly, this did not happen at Oberlin College.  And even better:

because that’s hate speech or sex discrimination or something.  Cue:  Life Of Brian’s Loretta.

shuddup and pay, peasants And people wonder why government offices are sometimes firebombed.

which can be blamed on (pick one):  1. Climate change 2. Natural erosion 3. Trump.

actually, President Braindead gets low marks for everything he’s done / not done, but I don’t mind the gun control failure.

and I’m not surprised.  Her choice for the third would be:

and his choice:

It’s so sad when couples can’t agree.

And now it’s time for INSIGNIFICA:

        …wanna bet?


News Roundup

With news so bad, you’ll puke.  Today, we start off with a large helping of INSIGNIFICA (with links and comments, this time):

daughter “JAMES”?  Poor kid doesn’t stand a chance.

file under “Nobody’s Business”.  Journalism at its most prurient and intrusive finest.

I preferred him when he was still an executive transvestite, and funny.

you never go Full Luddite.

Jesus wept.

the only “sex toy” I’d want to use on this whiny moonbeam tart would be a bullwhip.

fighting over sports teams is only slightly more ridiculous than fighting over shampoo brands.

Now onto the REAL [snigger]  news:

don’t you just love the Third World?  Next thing, they’ll believe in Socialism.  And speaking of which:

sorry, Nigel old chap, but I’ll start to believe it when you Brits privatize the NHS.

sorry, but I had to exercise a little editorial discretion, there.

and if you were dead, we wouldn’t have to endure bullshit like this, you smug Canucki socialist sow.  (For those with short memories, this foul creature was once governor of Michigan.  Yeah, I know:  Michigan voters have no clue.)

And just to improve the spirit, so to speak, here’s a Michigander who isn’t ugly:


If Dita isn’t good news, we’re all in trouble.

News Roundup

All the news that’s fit to moon:

nice to see that the BritGov is finally “allowing” bonking à la carte.  Scotland, however, is not prepared to go that far:

oh aye, leave that shagging stuff to the Sassenachs.

and you were doing SO WELL up until now, sweetie.

clearly, what we need is commonsense lightning control.  Or commonsense football control.

nice to see that the disheveled BritPM has solved all the UK’s other problems, so he can devote his time to this one.

not sure if that’s a step up or a step down, quite frankly.

holy hell.  Talk about an over-achiever… and speaking of which, here’s superslut Madonna’s little girl:

not a bad bum, actually.  And still on the topic thereof:

to upstage that, the bridesmaids would pretty much have to go naked.

Moving from shapely buttocks to big assholes:

errrr Mitt, old buddy;  I don’t think the GOPe had much of the lesbian vote anyway.  Ask that purple-haired soccer chick/bloke.

And speaking of INSIGNIFICA:

and Keeley who, you ask?


Oh yeah, that Keeley Hazell.

Still Not In

…as the actress said to the bishop.

Well, our furniture and most of our stuff is back in the apartment.  Have we been able to do anything with it?

Nooooooooo because the place is still not habitable (minor construction yet to be done, drywalling, electricity etc., no fridge and most importantly, no working toilets or indeed water from the faucets).  So as I write this, we’re still stuck in the Fleabagge Inn, now living out of suitcases and moving boxes (because we packed them, expecting to have moved by now).  Oh, and our “temporary housing” allowance from the insurance company has ended, so it’s all been out of pocket since just before the beginning of the month.

All this, plus the theft of the guns and the resulting cancellation of the Boomershoot trip has given me an attack of the gloomies.

The only good thing that’s happened to us is that thanks to the generosity of her family, New Wife is heading back to Seffrica early next month to visit with  friends and family, and most especially, to meet the brand-new granddaughter.  I, however, will be staying behind (because a. I can’t afford to go and b. I really don’t feel a desire to go back there).  But we will be apart, the first time since we got married, and for two weeks withal.

Please bear with me as I pull the covers over my head and growl miserably.

News Roundup

News that elicits a chuckle or two, and it should.

as if we needed yet another reason not to buy anything Disney.

’nuff said, although the same request from Mark Zuckerberg would have been even better.

and also in the interests of “diversity”, future England teams will include two preteens and two women, with predictable results when they lose every single game.

someone explain to me why anyone should listen to anything these ignorant, pampered woke-tossers say.

Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face was unavailable for comment.

not from where I’m standing;  most people seem to be not wearing them anymore.  Except for the usual morons, e.g.:


And speaking of plague-ridden pox-holes:

just add Black Fungus to the endless list of Things That Could Kill You In India.

Now for some good news, for a change:

what he said, times 49.

Let’s do some fun stuff:

link contains no actual nudity;  don’t bother.

given that this happened in NYFC, I’m amazed that it’s considered “unacceptable”Also, it being NYFC, I’m amazed that anyone actually complained.

so her boyfriend  beats her up and stubs cigarettes out on her geriatric body, and all of a sudden it’s aliens.



Here’s Teri Hatcher, back when she was interesting:

Now go off and do some Superman-type stuff.