The usual mix of bullshit, assholiness, stupidity and government tyranny [some overlap].
…thus rendering it unwatchable, and unwatched.
…probably using the same process he used for designing Vista.
…yeah, putting synthetic chemicals into your body was always risk-free. [/sarc]
…which means that we probably need to worry, because China is a bunch of lying asshoes.
…let’s hear it for !SCIENCE! — and incidentally, that makes the score: Climate Predictive Models 0, Reality 10,000. You have a better chance of winning the Powerball than they have of getting the forecast correct.
…using the Left’s previous argument in a different cause: if they’re old enough to die in battle, they’re old enough to vote carry a gun. And speaking of underage:
…so he could pork her without getting arrested? [/Jerry Lee Lewis]
…I should point out that the vibrator was first powered by electricity in 1880 (twenty years before the invention of the electric iron and vacuum cleaner). Here’s kinda what they looked like:
And now for even more INSIGNIFICA:
…as Mr. Free Market said, when I sent him this article: “Ah, summer.”
Which reminds me of this Summer (Monteyes-Fullam), looking all summer-y:
…because that’s just the way my mind works.