Chinese Perfidy

As if we didn’t know all this already.

A four-year-old boy in Italy was infected with coronavirus as early as November 2019, it is believed, in the latest piece of evidence that the disease was spreading around the world well before China acknowledged the outbreak.
The child, who lived near Milan and had not been travelling abroad, came down with a cough on November 21 last year and was taken to a hospital’s emergency wing days later.
On December 5, 2019, a swab was taken from his throat, and that specimen has since tested positive for the virus that causes Covid-19.

I suppose that the ChinkComs are going to suggest he caught it from his pet chicken or something.  Lying, miserable bastards.  To say that “China is asshole” is a slur on anuses everywhere.

As I’ve said often before on this website:  China is, and always will be, the real enemy of the West in general, and of the U.S. in particular.

News Roundup

…summarized for your convenience.

nobody laugh, because we’re quite capable of doing the same here.  Remember these assholes?

“We had to kill a few people to save them from spreading Covid.”  Now where have I heard something like that before?

wouldn’t pay 300 cents for it, but that’s just me.

and she looks pretty much as you’d expect her to look.

because only socialists can be racist, you see.

there he goes, trying to live up to everyone’s expectations of him.  Moron.

you have to sympathize with the photographer: 

That’s Mayor Lightweight with ILGov Fatboi in the background.  No matter which one you choose to blur, the pic’s going to be a fucking nightmare

As an aside, I want to dispel the rumor that if you look the Mayor in the eye, you’ll be turned to stone.  I can guarantee that upon looking at her, not a single part of your body will start to harden.  To continue:

they mean “testing”, but we’ve been down this road before.  Try saying “Tesco’s trialling trollies” six times in a row after a couple cocktails, I dare ya.

thus completely ignoring anyone who did anything actually, you know, athletic over the past year.  Like anyone gives a flying fuck what Sports Illustrated thinks or does anyway.

I know where it is:  it’s been smuggled into China.  Prove me wrong.

and never an errant daisycutter bomb when you need oneYou’d think the Russkis would have been all over this target of opportunity, but noooo.

And if you think out TV is bad in the U.S., try the U.K.:

Here’s something from our TV to cheer you up (no, it’s not “The Hanging Of George Soros”  on Bravo, sorry):

Her name is Bárbara Bermudo and yes, she’s on that Mex channel, Univision.

I’m trying to be “inclusive”, here.

Running On Empty

Gotta tell you all that the past couple of weeks have drained my blogging batteries.  It looks like life now revolves around Chinkvirus-inspired government tyranny (e.g. calls to “cancel” Thanksgiving WTF), what the Left has in store for us when that cocksucker Biden comes to power (as it seems he must — criminal fraud wins again), and the usual celebrity-inspired bullshit.

Fuck that.  All of it.

And the mood amongst my Readers seems to be just as gloomy, judging from the tone in Comments recently.

So I’m taking a break from it all, and will spend my time between now and Monday at the range, cleaning my guns, watching Ronnie O’Sullivan playing snooker, and reading something (don’t know what, too enervated to bother).

There will be some posts, but nothing of consequence.  I don’t even feel like posting pics of guns — and when did I ever say that?

Spend Thanksgiving with your families, and screw all those assholes who are preaching doom and gloom if you do.  Some things are more important than life, and frankly, if I can’t spend time with my family and friends, there’s no point to any of it.  (I have THREE Thanksgiving dinners on the schedule:  the regular one with the kids minus #2 Son on Thursday, Friday Night Leftovers with Adopted Daughter at her dad’s new house, and Delayed Thanksgiving on Saturday with Doc Russia (who’s working at the VA in Thanksgiving Day).

Oh, and the Son&Heir is taking me to the DACA gun show at Market Hall, also on Saturday, because he wants to buy me a gun.  So there’s that.

Come Monday, we can start afresh.  I hope.

News Roundup

Slim pickings for today, as the news is all about the same old boring shit.  However, in the public interest…

that’s not quite true:  he referred to your country as a “shithole” (which it is), but considering that assholes and shitholes are inextricably linked, maybe you have a point, there.

Black Watch Matters?  Not, it appears, to the BritGov.

of course you’re sorry, Christiane.  And speaking of all that “healing” stuff:

I know, she’s a brainless Hollywood harlot actress, but I wish I could load all these fuckwits in a time machine  and take them back  to 1939 Germany, just so they could see what real Nazism looks like(And yes, of course I’d leave them there.)

I’m a little confused, here, Congresswoman Rancid African Bitch:  was that the “chaos” of the largest economic growth period in U.S. history, or all that actual chaos caused by BLM/Pantifa-inspired riots and looting in Republican-controlled cities?  But then there’s this:

yeah, by all means let’s end our imperialistic military adventure in Omar’s home country.  (I think I just peed in my pants, a little.)

distressingly, this report contains not a single mention of public scourging I should also add that as this happened in Wales, the word “brainless” is superfluous.

no he doesn’t, any more than I feel pressure to have a negative attitude about gun control, which I hate as much as the Commie cocksucker hates America.

just wait till these same braindead CEOs have to deal with Biden’s new Labor Secretary, Bernie Sanders.

hey, as long as Salma Hayek is cast in the lead role, I’m cool.

Making Celebrities Out Of Scum

Here’s (yet another) reason why I believe in the death penalty:

I always have arguments about this issue with people (e.g. Reader Quentin) who state that the problem with the death penalty is that occasionally (actually, hardly ever) the wrong people are executed for a crime they didn’t commit.


On the other hand, you have situations like the above Yorkshire Ripper’s imprisonment, which basically turned into some kind of grotesque holiday camp which, I think we all agree, is appalling for everyone except the fucking murdering bastard.

So can I make a wee suggestion, here?  If we aren’t going to execute assholes like this (and I still support that), can we at least make sure that their lives behind bars are a living hell?  I’m thinking of solitary confinement as practiced in Pelican Bay:  no visitors, no entertainment like TV, one hour’s exercise per day (also in isolation), the most basic of diets (water, bread, maybe some fruit).

In other words, there has to be a great deal of punishment involved for someone found guilty of killing over a dozen people, rather than turning him into some kind of folk hero and celebrity.  And I find it appalling that the State has to spend a great deal of money just to keep some unworthy scumbag alive.  If the government is going to throw money around like that, then fuck it:  calculate how much money it will take to keep him alive, shoot him in the back of the neck, and give that money to the victims’ families.

It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s much better than the above travesty.