Regular Readers all know that I treat the Internet Of Things (IOT) with deep and hostile skepticism. I hate the idea of driverless cars, “remotely-controlled” appliances and -household systems, and don’t even get me started on “smart” guns with embedded chips.
Here’s a decent takedown of the concept:
After a week of tinkering, he effectively turned the coffee maker into a ransomware machine. When the user tries to connect it to their home network, it triggers the machine to turn on the burner, spew hot water, endlessly spin the bean grinder, and display a pre-programmed ransom message while beeping incessantly. The only way to get it to stop? Unplugging your now seemingly possessed coffee maker entirely.
I know that all this is The Coming Thing, and we should all just bow down and accept its inevitability. My standard response to this kind of attitude has always been quite simple:
or the more heated
or even
Stick shifts and car keys, bolt-action or pump action rifles, revolvers, “dumb” coffee machines, house keys, pen and paper… y’all get my drift, right?
Fuck automation, and fuck the Internet Of Things or Skynet or whatever the hell they want to call it.
This post comes to you courtesy of the Internet… goddamn it.