News Roundup

With commentary short and sweet, like Ariel Winter.

actually, NOT buying a gun in the face of Wokist riots and BLM looting is madness, but it’s the LA Times.

and the Boy Scouts finally become the Pussyboys.

not that I was ever planning to go there, mind you, because Third World ShitholeAlso, three grand will buy you an awful lot of teenage hookers in next-door Thailand, Cambodia’s main competitor for tourism dollars.

coming from a nation founded on convict settlements.  Irony so thick it’s bullet-proof.  And speaking of Aussies:

I don’t even want to start working out the math in this one.

ah, just add it to the trillions of acre-feet of dust we already have;  we won’t even notice it.

I look forward to the the mega-ironic defacement of the statue of Nelson Mandela, just a few yards away.  Oh wait;  he was a terrorist?  Ain’t gonna happen then, unless someone discovers that he once raped his secretary #MeToo.

until the Wokist pussies in the new Fox News management team cancel his show because virtue-signaling is more important than ratings.

okay, quit that giggling , you lot. The only way this could be funnier is if all the ones throwing Mazel Tov cocktails [sic]  somehow set themselves on fire too.

News Roundup

Pithy, like a golden shower*.  Now to the not-news:

gotta say, if I’m ever called for an in-home video interview, the background will be Wall-O’-Rifles, you betcha.

which lasted about 45 seconds… 

yeah great, like the awards show wasn’t long enough or boring enough;  now we’ll have to sit through the awards for Best Woke Documentary By A Tranny Director.  I say “we”, although I’m unlikely ever to watch the stupid Academy Awards show unless they institute hanging for the losers.

ya thank?

errrr Black people don’t care about Black lives that much (e.g. Chicago and Baltimore murder statistics), so why should we?

although that was back when the Grauniad was still called the “Manchester Guardian” and was located in the middle of about a hundred cotton mills.

yeah, that’ll help the spectators pick out one darkie / disaffected Eurotrash footballer from another during a match played in an empty stadium.

this, after National Guardsmen found pieces of glass in their pizza at a Washington D.C. restaurant  Repeat after me:  “Hanging is too good for some.”

And finally, some good news:

Rand Paul Proposes Legislation
To Outlaw No-Knock Warrants
and about damn time, too.  Next, let’s add the death penalty for when cops shoot some innocent guy while storming the wrong address.

*Faked y’all out,didn’t I?


News Roundup

With commentary so tart(y), you’ll think you just bit on a lemon:

and I agree.  Unfortunately, I disagree with Spartacus in that the “policing” I’m thinking of is not the Plano P.D., but all the wokescolds who are making our lives miserable by, for example, calling us racists just because we dare mention the fact that Blacks commit more crime on a per-capita basis than WhitesAnd speaking of these idiots:

I just don’t think the “hole” this is going to affect will be one you will enjoy. [scratching Minneapolis from the list of places to visit, forever]   As a wise man once said:

no doubt the first of many — and those who stay deserve everything that happens to them.

if this story doesn’t make you giggle like a schoolgirl, I don’t wanna talk to you no more.

I don’t think that’s a very polite way to describe their immigrant problem.

then pick two, you rancid tart, just like the rest of us have to do when it comes to work, family and hobbies.

wait, Roller Girl is 50?  Fucking hell, I’m getting old.

Pharoah Had It Easy

2020 has been interesting, plague-wise:

First, the Chinkvirus:

Next, Asian Murder Hornets:

Then, an infestation of BLM/Pantifas:

What could possibly come next in this foul year?


Which means that Florida and all the other Gulf of Mexico states are officially banned.

News Roundup

Short takes, hot cakes:

only 2 million?  I think we can do better.

okay, we’re all gonna die.

and then again, maybe not.  Make up your fucking minds.

actually, I agree with Biden.  Except that the social composition of my 15 percent will be vastly different from his.

and the mssiles will launch in 5… 4… 3...

which means it’s time for crowd control, Kim-style:

And now, a special Texas section (and aren’t we special?)

excuse me while I go and borrow Sarah Hoyt’s Shocked Face.

in the Texas idiom:  somebody needs killing (and it’s not the “racists and MAGA people”).

News Roundup

Short and messy, kinda like this.  And now a quick look at some relevant news:

just remember that it cuts both ways, assholes.

(no link because why waste Readers’ time?)
hey George:  stick to banging yer lawyer wife or making Oceans moviesAnd speaking of lawyers:

like anyone cares what this bunch of Commie shysters thinks.

Here’s one news item that doesn’t even need a comment from me, ol’ Tuck says it all:

Tucker Carlson Hauls Off On Asshole Republicans (my headline).

sounds okay to me, especially on seeing this:

so, Mr. Law-And-Order President:  when, exactly, will the 82nd Airborne be sent in with orders to shoot to kill?

and I agree.  Let’s start by eliminating no-knock raids, asset forfeiture and your fucking armored cars.

And finally, on a much lighter note:

that’s okay.  A lot of women can’t measure up to a good wank, either.