News Roundup

Short takes on mistakes.

…shut the fuck up, Meathead.  The only mentally unstable person in the room is YOU.

…and another loony heard from.  Why do we even care what this batshit celebripussy thinks?  And speaking of name-brand nobodies:

…you know, before she too went batshit on us, this one used to be quite a babe:








And speaking of ‘orrible cunts [\Bricktop]:

…such as your husband/brother?  [redundancy alert]  And:

…of course she did.  Once a Commie, always a Commie.  Now for some better news:

…trying hard to see a downside to this position;  can’t.  It’s such a Commiesymp organization anyway, might as well let the Chinks sponsor it completely so we can just ignore their bullshit in the future.

…and will she be punished as badly as the other partygoers?  Don’t make me laugh (again).

…yikes.  200,000 pounds of unused airline meals… that’s all kinds of horrible.  Now THIS is much better:

…doing what America does best.  And not a Gummint bureaucrat in sight. Oh, and why do I not see any Muslim charities doing something similar? [\rhetorical question]

…as long as when the next wildfire hits, the 9th Circuit judges are forced to pay for the damages out of their own pockets before any Fed dollars get sent.

And a late addition:

…except that all the Taiwanese stuff worked.

News Roundup

All the news that’s fit to summarize.

which worked SO well in the Middle Ages against bubonic plague, didn’t it?  And btw, the world was doing just fine until the godless Chinese started spreading yet another pandemic around the place.

into what?

meanwhile, in the real world where people have to eat

…just as long as said undocumented workers can produce a 2019 or 2020 tax return.  (FIFY)

you had me at “Mitt Joins With A Democrat”.

Coronavirus Bulldozes the 2020 Race Out of the Media Spotlight

…cloud, silver lining, etc. etc.

…oh, and Harry:  you know that $25 million yer Dad is going to send your way each year?  You get to pay U.S. taxes on it, when you eventually do have to get your green card in order to stay here full-time.  Welcome to America.

…told ya.

…and only a few dozen million of them were put together or handled by people infected with the virus.  Prove me wrong.

And finally:  

…and I didn’t see a single one.


When the downfall of Western Civilization is chronicled in centuries to come, and historians say of us as we say now of the Roman Empire:  “How did such a thing happen?”, I would suggest that they first examine things like this, and the society which gave birth to them:

Belching Beaver Brewery’s ‘Viva La Beaver’ Mexican Chocolate Peanut Butter Stout

It is difficult, even for me, to enunciate just how much Wrong is inside one simple line of text.

Time for some restorative measures to take the taste out of my mouth… and it’s not even 7am CDT.

I Know How You Feel

Sent to me by Mr. Free Market:

Truly, a sad situation.

Mr. FM is of course self-isolating, but there’s self-isolation, and then there’s self-isolation in Free Market Towers:

And the Free Markets are adapting, as any Stout Bulldogs will.  I’m told that Mrs. FM now uses a 6-foot bullwhip to administer the servants’ weekly flogging, so as to observe the proper degree of social distancing.

News Roundup

Again with the pithy commenth, but mostly aimed at you-know-who:

how about: NOTHING.  To paraphrase someone:  every single thing that comes out of their collective mouth is a lie, including “and” and “the”.  As I’ve said many times before on this website:  China is and will always be our enemyAnd I’d put money on this shit having started in a ChiCom bioweapons lab.

But there are counter-opinions:

It’s NOT racist to say China’s vile markets are to blame for coronavirus and they MUST ban themand an even better opinion:

“Everything fucking generates from them and their filthy markets”bat soup and raw snake gizzards, anyone?  And speaking of Chinese menu items:

that’s got to be the most endangered animal on the planet:  a cat owned by a Chinese familyAnd while on the topic of Chinese food:

but they don’t, do they?  They eat slop on rice:  “slop” being defined as dead anything that walks, swims, flies or slithers.  They aren’t even civilized enough to eat with forks, FFS, relying on prehistoric tools like straight sticks, and spoons designed to make you spill when drinking from them.  Tablecloths?  Maybe in high-class American restaurants, otherwise straight off wooden tabletops that still hold a year’s worth of food spillage and associated bacteria and viruses.  Fucking primitive assholes.

how dare the U.S. stand up against espionage, copyright infringement, computer virus infestation, Wuhan flu pandemics and cheap shit that falls apart soon after purchase?

can’t be true.  We all know that Communists, and Chinese Communists especially, have such a high regard for human life. [/New York Times]

News Roundup

Follow the pictures to avoid the commentary:

revolution to begin in 3…2…1…

nobody cares what you think, fuckfaceOur civil rights aren’t dependent on your opinion.

oh, right… a tattoo of Harry Potter or Dumbledore, whose characters helped earn you untold billions in cash, would be “weird” — but “Semper Stulta” (which would be true, in your case, considering your actual tattoo) isn’t.


these two articles are not related.

after which he tried to sell the Brooklyn Bridge to some guy from Iowa.

what, all that solar- and wind-powered shit not working for you Brits?

And speaking of global warming in Britishland: