Sunday, Italian Style

It’s Italy Day here on this back porch of mine:

…and here are some fine Italian things.

First up, a matched pair of Rizzini shotguns:

Next up, a 1955 Fiat 8V, styled by Zagato:

…and a 1967 Fiat 2400 Dino Spider:

Speaking of fine Italian models of yore, it’s about time we looked at Sophia again:

…and her younger compatriot, Monica Bellucci:

And speaking of yummy:


Where could one buy such things?  Well, in Milan, for instance:

That’s all Italian style, folks, and it’s pretty much unbeatable.


Brit actress Helena Bonham Carter has often been featured on this back porch, most usually as a figure of fun because, well, because:



Let us never forget that she got her start playing posh Edwardian ingenues (Room With A View, Remains Of The Day, etc.):

And given that the fashions of the time worked really hard to hide the bodies of women, what those pictures showed was HBC’s two best features:  her extraordinarily beautiful face, and her mass of wild, un-tameable hair.

What the above two movies showed, in a lovely example of life imitating art, is that HBC really, really doesn’t give a damn what people think of her, or how she looks, or how she dresses, and so on.  So, for example, if she couldn’t be bothered to fix that mane of hair, she just lets it go, or else starts off with good intentions, but then just says, “Oh fuck it” (in that exquisite, classy accent):

And of course, her “don’t give a damn” attitude is often on display with her clothing at formal affairs such as on the red carpet:

Which brings me to the topic of her breasts.  They are generally of modest dimensions except when she’s pregnant, when they balloon out quite delightfully:

Sometimes, a mark of a true beauty is how a woman appears in black-and-white pics:

But really, it’s all about her attitude:

And at the end of the day, HBC is undeniably a brilliant actress, and gorgeous withal:

…and who can argue with that?


One of my favorite online reads is Powerline’s Week In Pictures, because it’s topical and funny as all hell.

However, their last pic typically features a beautiful woman holding a gun (which is a good thing), but she’s almost always dressed in tacticool gear, e.g. this week’s offering (scroll down to the end):

…which all well and good, if that’s what gets you going.

Myself, I prefer the more realistic country look:

Yeah, I’m old-fashioned.

Glaring Omission

An email from Longtime Reader Preussenotto reads:

Still loving your blog, but I have to take issue with something I have noticed.  There has been an appalling lack of Barbara Eden pictures for some time. Please correct this at your earliest convenience.  Regards,

I thought something has been missing…

Hope that redresses the shortage somewhat.