
So now we are faced with this line of bullshit:

…this, in addition to the attacks on Tesla dealerships all over the place.

I have two thoughts on this.

Firstly, I’d love someone to find out which organization, precisely, paid for these bumper stickers.

Secondly, there is a Tesla dealership in Plano — specifically, in the uber-trendy Legacy West strip — which, coincidentally, is literally less than a hundred yards from a Plano P.D. mini-station.  I think I’ll swing by said cop-shop in the next few days to see if they’ve increased surveillance of the dealership — there are cameras a-plenty already installed in the area — because if they have, they’d be able to nab any “protesters” (vandals) pretty much in the act.

What I’d really like to do is sit across the road in my parked car late at night with some kind of anti-goblin accessory* at hand, e.g.

…but I doubt whether New Wife would let me, and the Plano fuzz would probably also disapprove thereof.  Pity.

In general, it appears that as Trump and DOGE are becoming more and more successful in their attempts to MAGA, the Left are beginning to despair — which means that there’s an ever-increasing prospect of Antifa/anti-Israel/BLM/eco-terrorist-type violence in the offing.

In the above article, the author writes:

In a free country of hundreds of millions of people, bad and destructive ideas are bound to catch on among a few thousand lunatics. But we have a cure for anti-American and anti-Semitic criminal behavior: put the criminals who act unlawfully upon those ideas in prison, confiscate their funds, uproot their criminal networks, deter their would-be imitators, and give public spaces back to the decent Americans who deserve them.

He left out another kind of cure:  a contrary populace who are just as angry as these anti-Western terrorist wannabes and have had it up to here with their bullshit.  Just remember:  they fucking started it, and they should not be surprised if there’s a visceral, bitter reaction to their little reindeer games.

Just sayin’.

*Of course, I don’t actually own anything evil like that — may I remind you of that Tragic Boating Accident On The Brazos all those years ago? — but you get my drift.

Death Wish

Here’s a lovely story out of France:

They said the man was sitting at a bus stop with a knife in each hand.  “When police turned up, he ran towards them, without saying a word,” the source added.
One of the officers then used an electric stun gun but failed to control the crazed man.

Remarkable restraint under the circumstances, say I.

Another officer then quickly opened fire with his pistol and hit the suspect in the chest.  There were attempts to revive the man but he was declared dead at the scene.

Of course, this being “journalism”, we aren’t told how many times the asshole was shot, which is important.  French fuzz typically use 9mm Europellets in their sidearms, which makes me think that he was double-tapped (at least).  Or if a single shot, it was nice and accurate and blew out Knife Boy’s heart — in which the cop is to be applauded.

Either way, we should be told.

And at least the corpus delicti  didn’t take a knife to a gunfight, but two knives.  Which didn’t help his case much.

Finally, we don’t know anything about said asshole, but I wouldn’t bet against it being a “migrant” of African origin or else a Muzzie who hates infidels, rather than some local nutcase named Jean-Pierre du Peau-Le-Plus-Blanc.

Either way, we should be told.

I suspect that it was one of the former categories rather than the last, simply because we aren’t told anything about him.


When looking at this little show (via Insty, thankee Squire), I was struck by one thing that CAIR chick screamed:

“I demand Jihad, I want ISIS to kill all of you.”

…which right there gives us the difference between a “moderate” Muslim and an “extremist” Muslim:  the extremist (ISIS) wants to kill all Jews, while the moderate (CAIR) wants ISIS to kill all Jews, and is quite okay with that.

Hope that clears everything up for you.


Another Perspective

Last month I examined Christopher Rufo’s opinion on modern-day anarchism (although he calls it nihilism).  Now I see that Freddie de Boer has a slightly different take on the matter:

I argue that there is a certain treacherous animal spirit stalking around in the WEIRD world, particularly among the young, a yearning for deliverance… and if they have to, they’ll take deliverance through violence. Our culture has erased transcendent meaning and left in its place short-form internet video, frothy pop music, limitless pornography, Adderall for the educated and fentanyl for the not, a ceaseless parade of minor amusements that distract but never satisfy. And people want to be satisfied; they want something durable. They want something to hold on to. They want to transcend the ordinary. And I’m afraid that, with God dead and the romantic ideal ironized into annihilation, the pure thrill of violence is one of the only outlets left to express the inexpressible, and committing violent acts is free.

It is an excellent study, and I recommend it greatly.

And while I’ll leave the solution thereof to the psychologists and therapists, I’m suggesting that now — more than ever — is the time when one should always be armed, less some disaffected young asshole takes it in his head to experience the “thrill of violence” at a place where you happen to be.

It’s bad enough that we should be armed against random robbers not to mention those of the BLM/Antifa persuasion, but now there might be some dreamy anarchists to deal with as well…

The 80:20 Beginning

Many conservatives have queried the pace of illegal immigrant deportation recently, saying that the few hundred or so deportations made so far are not going to make a dent in the massive illegal immigrant population.

That’s true, but we need to be mindful of the “80:20” approximate rule of thumb:  that 20% of the population, in any given activity, account for 80% of that activity.  (We all know that in the supermarket business, for example, the “top” 20% of a store’s customers — in spending terms — account for about 78% of total sales;  less well-known is that those 20% also generate about 93% of a store’s total gross profit.  They are the people who keep the store’s doors open.)

And it’s pretty much the same with criminal behavior.  When NYfC mayor Rudi Giuliani first went after crime in that benighted city, his “Broken Windows” strategy –arresting petty criminals as fast as they could be arrested — was at first a source of derision.  That derision ceased when it became apparent that crime fell precipitously because those “petty” criminals accounted for a disproportionate percentage of total crime.

And here’s a pointer from the very first round of ICE arrests:

Fox News witnessed ICE Boston make eight arrests, including multiple MS-13, Interpol Red Notices, murder and rape suspects, and a volatile Haitian gang member with 18 convictions in recent years who told our cameras that he “ain’t going back to Haiti” and “f— Trump, Biden forever!”

Note:  just one fucking mope had been convicted eighteen times over a couple of years.  (Exactly why this asshole wasn’t still in jail for Crime #1, #2 or #3 is a topic for another time. #3StrikesRule)  If ever there was a candidate for the Pinochet Example, this would be one.

And I doubt that too many people in his home country would shed a tear at his disappearance either.

In any event, going after the most egregious offenders is not going to affect the total illegal immigrant number — but it sure as hell is going to improve public safety.

And by the way, the article makes it plain that in going after the worst first, there will be “collateral” arrests and deportations as well.  Of course it will;  criminals tend to band together (e.g. MS-13), so by all means toss their asses onto the one-way C-135 flights as well.

More to the point is that foreign criminals are soon going to become aware that the U.S. is not going to be the soft target that it used to be, and they may be deterred from coming here to set up, for example, burglary gangs.

Keep it going, guys.  Gooder and harder, to quote Insty.