I see that Amazon Prime has added a movie category:
Of course, putting a “Black” identifier also allows Eeeevil Raycissss to put their own filter on the thing (“I’m not gonna watch any of that shit” ), which is kinda sad. What it does do is help identify which “Black” movies are decent movies in their own right (Flight, Out of Time etc.) in that the movies are watchable and the appearance of Black lead actors is incidental and not an essential part of the movie. It also helps identify which movies are just BLM-style agitprop (e.g. Hurricane , which is to actuality as Braveheart was to Scottish history or Inglourious Basterds was to WWII — a wild approximation).
Speaking of wild approximations and Nazis, last week I watched the first episode of Amazon’s The Hunters (about hunting down old Nazis in the 1970s), and won’t be watching any more of them. (The episode synopses alone in that link should justify hanging for whoever wrote such shit.) Fucking hell, what a load of bullshit. Never mind casting Al Pacino (!) as an old Jew — his thick Noo Yawk accent covers a multitude of sins — but the plot seems to have been written by a teenager, full of holes, glaring historical inaccuracies — inspired by true events my ass — and improbable situations. (Quentin Tarentino has a lot to answer for.) Worst of all, it’s positioned as comedy — which it is, a little — but frankly, it is to its subject matter as Blazing Saddles was to the settling of the West.
I read a meme a couple weeks back which stated despairingly: “I finished Netflix” and I’m starting to get there myself. The problem with movie streaming is that the demand for fresh content is insatiable, which means that a lot of shit is being made that should never have got past the first read-through — good grief, the stand-up comedy show offerings alone need about a 70% culling, what a load of unfunny people — and just because Amazon and Netflix have more money than the Vatican doesn’t mean that they should be turning out all this dreck. I can just see the executive meetings:
“We need ten new movies by next month. Any new scripts?”
“Yeah, there are two which talk about rednecks fighting Blacks and Jews.”
“Could be, if we need docs instead of features.”
“Okay, greenlight both. We’ll decide where to put them later.”
I’m not even going to mention the outright propaganda movies which talk about eeevil banksters and Global MegaCorp, to name but two favorite topics of AmaFlix’s offerings.
The nice thing about modern technology is that we’re given lots of choice when it comes to entertainment. Unfortunately, the choice is often between a plate of dogshit and a bowl of cold puke.