
Straight from the horse’s mouth:

“Arriving aliens bear the burden of establishing admissibility to the United States. Our Customs & Border Patrol officers adhere to strict protocols to identify and stop threats, using rigorous screening, vetting, strong law enforcement partnerships, and keen inspectional skills to keep threats out of the country. CBP is committed to protecting the United States from national security threats.”

So when they found some Lebanese terrorsymp doctor trying to come into the U.S. who couldn’t explain why she wanted to come back here, and despite her having a valid visa, they kicked her back over to Lebanon.

Of course, all the pics on her phone (which she’d tried to delete) of known Hamas assholes, and the fact that she’d gone back to Shitholia to attend the funeral of one of said assholes, had absolutely no impact on the Usual Suspects in the media, who started wailing their Usual Bullshit about rights, legal blah blah blah and OrangeManBad.

Too bad we couldn’t have sent a few of them back with her, on one-way tickets.

Oh and by the way, this is the pic of the good doctor most often used by said media terrorsymps:

…and this is what she normally looks like:

Just FYI.

The 80:20 Beginning

Many conservatives have queried the pace of illegal immigrant deportation recently, saying that the few hundred or so deportations made so far are not going to make a dent in the massive illegal immigrant population.

That’s true, but we need to be mindful of the “80:20” approximate rule of thumb:  that 20% of the population, in any given activity, account for 80% of that activity.  (We all know that in the supermarket business, for example, the “top” 20% of a store’s customers — in spending terms — account for about 78% of total sales;  less well-known is that those 20% also generate about 93% of a store’s total gross profit.  They are the people who keep the store’s doors open.)

And it’s pretty much the same with criminal behavior.  When NYfC mayor Rudi Giuliani first went after crime in that benighted city, his “Broken Windows” strategy –arresting petty criminals as fast as they could be arrested — was at first a source of derision.  That derision ceased when it became apparent that crime fell precipitously because those “petty” criminals accounted for a disproportionate percentage of total crime.

And here’s a pointer from the very first round of ICE arrests:

Fox News witnessed ICE Boston make eight arrests, including multiple MS-13, Interpol Red Notices, murder and rape suspects, and a volatile Haitian gang member with 18 convictions in recent years who told our cameras that he “ain’t going back to Haiti” and “f— Trump, Biden forever!”

Note:  just one fucking mope had been convicted eighteen times over a couple of years.  (Exactly why this asshole wasn’t still in jail for Crime #1, #2 or #3 is a topic for another time. #3StrikesRule)  If ever there was a candidate for the Pinochet Example, this would be one.

And I doubt that too many people in his home country would shed a tear at his disappearance either.

In any event, going after the most egregious offenders is not going to affect the total illegal immigrant number — but it sure as hell is going to improve public safety.

And by the way, the article makes it plain that in going after the worst first, there will be “collateral” arrests and deportations as well.  Of course it will;  criminals tend to band together (e.g. MS-13), so by all means toss their asses onto the one-way C-135 flights as well.

More to the point is that foreign criminals are soon going to become aware that the U.S. is not going to be the soft target that it used to be, and they may be deterred from coming here to set up, for example, burglary gangs.

Keep it going, guys.  Gooder and harder, to quote Insty.

Stepping Up

Via Insty, I see this:

A signature issue for Trump, the removal of illegal immigrants from the U.S. is expected to take priority. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reported more than 10 million immigrant encounters under the Biden administration. Media outlets regularly cited an 11 million illegal immigrant figure prior to Trump’s first term and that the current number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. may exceed 20 million.

“On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program of criminals in American history,” Trump declared during a recent rally in Reading, Pa. “We’re going to get them out.”

Well, that’s all well and good, and Trump has apparently set things up to use the military to handle this effort — and that’s a good start.  Using the military to remove criminals from the country and send them back to their several shithole points of origin is clearly within their remit.

But as Americans, we shouldn’t be leaving everything to the federal government, especially on so important an issue, and let’s be honest that just as with disaster relief, it’s going to take some time to get the wheels turning and off the ground.

So I think it’s time for loyal Americans to set up an “emergency” system (as we did with the hurricane destruction relief in Florida and especially the Carolinas) and have private enterprise kick things off, so to speak.

Maybe we could come up with a more appropriate name for this umbrella organization, but that’s not important here.  The advantages of private enterprise handling the opening stages of the new and improved “Operation Wetback*” is that unlike the military, who’ll have to fly people all the way over to Latin America, the Middle East and even China, the private air wing will only have to fly a couple dozen miles out to sea, unload their cargo, and fly back to reload. Not only that, but criminal aliens ferried out by the Air Force might find their way back — it’s happened often before — whereas criminals taken out, so to speak, by our private air transportation system will never make their way back unless they’re really good swimmers.

It’s all very efficient and cost-effective, and if there’s one thing that American private enterprise does well when not encumbered with red tape, it’s being efficient and economical.

And because it’s a volunteer effort, it requires no action from government other than to step aside and let the market handle the situation.

I realize that things done in haste can often cause mistakes to happen.  But I think that if instead of just illegal aliens, a few U.S. citizen criminals are mistakenly loaded onto the choppers for their one-way ticket, we’ll just have to accept that mistakes do happen.

As the Communists are so fond of saying, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.”  And if those eggs happen to have names like names like Clinton, Obama, Soros and Fauci, that’s just too bad.

If the name “Operation Wetback” creates an adverse reaction from the Fainting Goats Of The Left, we can just call it “Operation Wentback” instead.

Strong Measures

Oh yes, this was predictable:

Hundreds of migrants overcame Gov. Greg Abbott’s barrier along the Rio Grande in El Paso after Texas National Guard soldiers were unable to hold them back.

Next step:  fix bayonets.

Penultimate step:  land mines on the other side of the razor wire.

Last step:  start shooting.  (As a Texas resident, I’ll even donate some personal ammo from Ye Olde Ammoe Locquere — I can start off with 200 rounds of 7.62mm NATO.)

Fuck this shit.

Another Brick In The Wall?

This is interesting:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill making Texas the first state in the union to give law enforcement officers the authority to arrest migrants who illegally enter the state.

I hope we have enough prison space, is all.

Or perhaps we could concentrate all these lawbreakers in, I dunno, camps of some sort?

Just thinking aloud here, Boss.

The “interesting” part is how the FedGov will react to this.