Menacing Talent

I see with sadness that veteran Brit actor David Warner has gone to join the Choir Invisibule, and the screen has lost one of its better character actors in consequence.

My favorite of his roles is in the (apparently-forgotten) time-travel piece, Time After Time, in which he played Jack The Ripper to Malcolm McDowell’s H.G. Wells (storyline here).

What I loved about this movie was that when H.G Wells (the good guy) is transported from his comfortable Victorian life forward to modern-day San Francisco, he finds it incredibly difficult to cope.  Not so for the Ripper (Warner), who finds that evil transcends culture and, for that matter, time as well — and among San Francisco’s prostitute population, he has an even greater choice of victims than in 19th-century London.  And Warner is beyond-words excellent in the role.


Needless To Say

Here’s one of life’s little ironies which will be totally lost on… well, you’ll see.

Apparently, some dickhead made a fool of himself outside a Congressional rep’s house, making death threats and various racial slurs, all while carrying a gun.

We know nothing about Dickhead, but we know quite a bit about the politician, who is an extreme socialist and Indian immigrant named Pramila Jayapal.  Jayapal is one of the leading lights of Seattle’s left-wing residents (no small achievement, that), who was (and is) a strong supporter of defunding police and of BLM in general.

So what did our cop-hating lady socialist do when said dickhead made his appearance outside her house, wanting to send her back to India or else kill her?

Of course:  she called the cops.

The Seattle cops have no sense of humor, of course, so they raced over and arrested the schmuck.

Had I been a Seattle cop, I would have taken my sweet time to get there — observing the speed limit, stopping for a bathroom break while taking the most circuitous route possible, and finally:  letting Dickhead go with a warning (he was carrying, but not brandishing his pistol) — all so this dreadful Commie could come face to face with some of the consequences of her own political positions that she inflicts on others.

I don’t know whether this foul bitch is on record for supporting the “activism” outside the various Supreme Court justices’ homes, but I’ll put money on the likelihood that she does.

So it’s all the more ironic when yet another of her positions comes around for a little home visit.  [insert Alinsky reference here, something about using their own rules to harass them]

Update:  via Comments, I see that the dickhead was released (to the consternation of the locals) — yet another of the criminal-lovers’ chickens coming home to roost.  Too funny.

Perverts And Child Molesters

I have often ranted about how ordinary English words have been appropriated and stripped of their original meaning by people and movements whose actions I deplore:  “gay” for “homosexual”, “grass” for “marijuana”, and so on.

There is a category on this website entitled “Grooming”, and I bitterly resent that a word which has all to do with manners, clothing, fashion and such has likewise been hijacked by Perverts International.  Who they?  you ask.  Why, this bunch of assholes in Britishland, for example:

School children are told prostitution is a ‘rewarding job’ by sex education providers who promote ‘kinks’ to pupils including flogging, beating and locking people up in a cage.

I know exactly whom I’d like to flog, beat and lock in a cage (e.g. an iron maiden), thereafter followed by impalement, and it’s these “sex education providers” who are corrupting children.

I’d refer to them as “motherfuckers”, but that would be a misnomer, wouldn’t it?  They have their sights set much lower.

Open Borders, Repel Boarders

Oh yeah, about that “open border” foolishness (as espoused by the Biden Maladministration)?  Here’s a nice situation:

On Wednesday, the Richmond Police Department announced the arrests of Guatemalan nationals 52-year-old illegal alien Julio Alvardo Dubon and 38-year-old illegal alien Rolman Balacarcel Ac for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at the city’s July 4th celebration.

Note that these two criminals seem to have had absolutely no problem getting the necessary equipment:

That is when police raided Dubon’s residence to find two rifles, a handgun, and 223 rounds of ammunition.

…so let’s have MORE gun control, of course.

Never mind deportation — both are multiple border-jumpers.  Just fucking shoot them when they try to escape.

Laughing His Ass Off

Via Reader Brad_in_Il comes this timely epistle from John Kass:

Ours is a culture that fills kids with pharmaceutical drugs to manage their mood swings, a culture that offers them video games to live out their most violent, murderous fantasies. We push our political anxieties and pathologies down the throats of our children, telling young men for example, that masculinity is “toxic.” And if they happen to be white and male, they’re led to believe they’re they cause of almost everything that is wrong in the world.

Read this in conjunction with yesterday’s Twitter thread from a tormented young man, and you will be deafened by the sound of Satanic laughter.

Dept. Of Righteous Beatings

Oh yeah, baby.  When seconds count and the police are minutes away, you gotta get busy:

A 54-year-old Philadelphia man allegedly stole a car outside of a pizzeria with three small children inside. Shocked bystanders caught the alleged thief and potential kidnapper, and that’s when the crowd delivered “street justice.”

Police told The Philadelphia Inquirer that Hood stole the Hyundai, prompting the couple to take off running behind it. Crowded roads allowed mom and dad to chase down the car and yank Hood from the driver’s seat. Officers said a “large crowd” stopped the man and then beat him after he physically assaulted the father. “We’re being told that other males in the area helped the boyfriend with this physical altercation and a physical struggle ensued.
Hood managed to break free from the father and fled across 29th Street. It was at this time that a crowd of individuals stopped Mr. Hood and forced him to the ground,” Philadelphia Police Homicide Captain Jason Smith said. “The crowd kicked and punched Mr. Hood until the arrival of responding police. At some point Mr. Hood became unresponsive.
Emergency responders were called to the scene where Hood had been beaten. “They left Hood unconscious and suffering from injuries that later proved to be fatal. Paramedics rushed him to Temple University Hospital, but it was too late to save his life,” KKTV reported.

And of course:

It was later found that Eric Hood had many run-ins with law enforcement. “Hood had a lengthy arrest record with 24 arrests.”