If you want to know what the real-time self-destruction of a city looks like, Minneapolis offers the perfect model. This is no Detroit-esque collapse prompted by the degeneration of an industry-dependent metropolis. This is the willful push down the path of ruin of a city burgeoning with opportunity and rife with promises of the American Dream. It is suicide.
Instead of looking to successful policies used to counter that crime wave—increasing the number and presence of law enforcement officers for several months—the Minneapolis City Council wants to do the exact opposite.
For a far-left Minneapolis City Council at war with its police force and local citizens yet maintaining control due to leftist activism and special interests, the answer may be in the blind devotion to the radical belief of constantly burning and building into the unattainable utopia they so hubristically believe they can create.
Let the whole place lie in deserted ruins after riots, mayhem and fires have destroyed it; they voted for it, they supported it, and now they’re going to get it — in Mencken terms — good and hard.
So much for “Minnesota nice”; “Minnesota idiocy” would be more appropriate. They don’t deserve our sympathy, our support or our best wishes, especially when you see this, and bullshit like this happens. I’d say “Fuck ’em”, but they’ve fucked themselves already.