Many tears have been shed (tears of laughter, but nemmind) over this report:
Pro-Black Lives Matter mayor calls attack on her house “domestic terrorism”
Olympia Mayor Cheryl Selby has been a loud supporter of Black Lives Matter, and the related protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police department—but she has since changed her tune after her home was vandalized by protesters.
Selby referred to the vandalism as an act of “domestic terrorism” following a siege of her house.
Selby, who was among the first Democratic leaders to take a knee for the protest movement, says she had difficulty processing the violence after rioters struck her neighborhood on Friday.
Try not to burst out laughing or choke on your morning’s Bloody Mary when you read the whole sorry tale.
I can explain it simply for Herronner.
Despite your possessing ladyparts, to the public at large (and especially to the BLM / Pantifas), you are The Man. Da Mayor(ess). The Head Cheese. The Establishment. Of course they’re going to target you, despite all your kowtowing [sic] and prostration.
You didn’t have any kind of property protection in the form of security guards or [shudder] off-duty policemen to protect your property, despite the fact that you’re a high-profile target (see 1. above). Whether this was because you hate the police / don’t think you should need them / think your house is protected by its dome of Magic Pixie Dust is all irrelevant. Mobs prefer marshmallow houses to fortresses.
All the public prostration actually made it more likely that you were going to be a target, and the fact that you are probably anti-gun personally made you even more vulnerable. (Ask yourself this, Cheryl: have you read any reports of similar acts of “domestic terrorism” being inflicted on, say, former TexGov Rick Perry’s house? No? Perhaps it’s because these “social justice warriors” know that Perry would use his eeeevil AR-15 assault rifle (that nobody needs) to turn their worthless bodies into colanders should they try. Maybe you should take a leaf from his book. Just sayin’.)
The expression “When it’s a matter of seconds, the police are only minutes away” is not just a clever-dick mantra of Deplorable Gun Owners; it’s a fact of life. And should you go along with the other Commiesymp (i.e. Democrat) big-city mayors and decide to “defund” your Olympia P.D., those minutes will turn to hours, and what happened to you is going to get worse. And to your neighbors, not that you would care about those peasants.
You stupid bitch. Enjoy reaping the whirlwind from the winds you so blithely sowed.
“On Saturday and particularly Sunday, I heard people saying all over, ‘Hey, there’s no police anywhere, police ain’t doing nothing’. “
Which of course led to rioting, looting and all-round entertainment, the most violent day since the 1960s, except that this time, the welfare offices were surprisingly untouched.
Note that the above quote came from that idiot Southside priest who wants to ban all guns except those held by the police. Don’t expect him to change his views, though.
The NYPD’s elite anti-crime units — plainclothes teams that focus on gun arrests and stopping violent crimes that’ve been dogged by accusations of using heavy-handed tactics in brown and black communities — are officially a thing of the past.
The high-risk units — one for each of the city’s 77 police precincts and nine Police Service Areas that cover public housing — will be disbanded and all 600 cops reassigned, the city’s top cop announced Monday.
Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said he personally made the decision to banish the units, which have been responsible for a “disproportionate” number of shootings and misconduct complaints made against the NYPD in their decades-long history.
Ummm the reason that the unit is responsible for a “disproportionate” number of shootings is because they’re actually fighting crime, and not that part of the force writing fucking parking tickets. It’s like complaining that SEAL teams use a disproportionate number of rounds in combat, when they are actually out killing fuzzies instead of pushing guard duty on Stateside bases.
And the reason these cops are also responsible for a “disproportionate” number misconduct complaints is because a) they often have to make life-or-death decisions in milliseconds and b) because the Dindus they come up against on a daily basis have relatives who think their choirboy sons are innocent lil’ chilluns, and the cops are the bad guys.
To coin a phrase: let New York City sink.
I can’t remember how many of my Readers actually live in that shithole, but if there are any… guys, you need to get real and GTFO, before it gets real on you. Remember this?
With the disbanding of the anti-crime units, it’s gonna get worse — much worse.
I see that the cops charged with riot control both Over Here and Over There are being encouraged to “take a knee” (i.e. kneel down before the rioters, to express sympathy for The Cause).
Well, of course that’s all a load of old bullshit. Reader Quentin (who is a Brit) has this suggestion:
…whilst The Englishman takes a more old-fashioned view:
(AP Photo/John Robinson)
…but I, of course, prefer a still-more old-fashioned knee-taking (for the Brits, that is):
As for us Murkins, we generally prefer to do things with mechanised equipment:
…but for those who do want some human interface, we could always borrow this idea from our Brit cousins:
(I like the thoughtful touch of adding a trough-shaped flash deflector, so as not to set fire to the driver’s hair when shooting at Nazis, fuzzy-wuzzies, Commies, college faculty members [some overlap] and other assorted filth.)
Somebody explain to me whose side these pricks are on:
Local Fox affiliate KTTV 11 captured the action live on television as the shopkeeper and his son, who were armed with shotguns and bandoliers, had just finished explaining to a reporter how they had chased away a group of looters, who had fled the scene with police in hot pursuit.
A member of the local community, whose relatives were helping the shopkeeper and his son stand guard at the store, told KTTV’s Christina Gonzalez that the store had been in the area for decades, and that the shopkeeper’s family had helped everyone in the community.
Moments later, however, another group of looters arrived in a convoy of vehicles. When the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) arrived, too, however, they ordered the armed shopkeeper and his son to surrender their weapons, and they handcuffed three community members who had been helping in the standoff with looters.
Meanwhile, the looters ran away, and some apparently escaped altogether, with other officers in pursuit.
Gonzalez pleaded with one LAPD officer to release the three community members, while the others arrested one looter.
Eventually, the three community members were released. Police nearly arrested another woman who arrived on the scene to pick up one of them, who was apparently her mother.
What a fuck-up of a police force. That’s right, Keystone Kops: disarm the people who are doing the job you’re supposed to be doing but aren’t, and then arrest Yossarian, not Aarfy.