Over And Over And Over Again

When murderers go a-murdering:

At the age of 14, Harvey tried to rape an eight-year-old girl. At 24, in 1963, he tried to commit rape again, and succeeded in committing murder: He shot his girlfriend “point blank in their crowded Manhattan apartment, chased her as she staggered through the kitchen and living room, and shot her twice more before she collapsed.” Harvey was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison, but released 20 years later, when he was in his 40’s.
Two years later, in 1985, he killed another girlfriend by stabbing her 30 times. After another three decades behind bars, Harvey was once again released, after which he sought “placement in city shelters” in the Bronx.
Soon, Harvey returned to violence, killing Susan Leyden, and then chopping up and discarding her body parts.

And he’s not unusual:

There are many examples of killers murdering people yet again after being paroled. One example is Kenneth McDuff, the “broomstick killer.” At the age of 19, after being paroled, McDuff and an accomplice kidnapped three teenagers. He shot and killed two boys, then killed a girl after raping her and torturing her with burns and a broomstick. Later, after being paroled yet again, he murdered additional women — as many as 15 women in several different states.
Some murderers continue to kill even at an advanced age. At the age of 76, Albert Flick killed a woman, stabbing her at least 11 times while her twin sons watched. He had previously been imprisoned from 1979 to 2004 for killing his wife by stabbing her 14 times in front of her daughter.

Just from the three murderers mentioned in the article, hanging each one after their first victim would have saved nearly twenty more victims later on.

Moving from the anecdotal to the factual:

Harvey’s return to crime after being released is not unusual for offenders, according to a recent report by the U.S. Sentencing Commission. On February 10, it issued a 116-page report titled “Recidivism of Federal Violent Offenders Released in 2010.” Over an eight-year period, violent offenders returned to crime at a 63.8% rate. The median time to rearrest was 16 months for these violent offenders. So, most violent offenders released from prison committed more crimes. Even among those offenders over age 60, 25.1% of violent offenders were rearrested for committing new crimes.

Hang ’em high, all of them.

Three Shootings, Three Differences

Let’s look at the recent past:

Deranged White kid shoots up a predominantly Black-patronized supermarket in Buffalo, NY — motive:  who knows, the kid’s a fucking psycho, everyone seems to have known this, although that didn’t stop him from buying a gun legally in New York, the state with allegedly the toughest gun-purchasing requirements and safeguards in the U.S.  Of course, being as he’s White, it’s all the result of Evil White Supremacy (EWS Tucker Carlson genus).

Deranged Hispanic kid shoots up a primary school in Uvalde, TX (a predominantly Hispanic town) — motive: who knows, the kid’s a fucking psycho, everyone seems to have known this, although that didn’t stop him from buying a gun legally.  Kid’s Hispanic, so we can’t pin this on EWS, so we’ll go with the “assault rifle” bullshit.

Deranged Black guy (36) shoots up a Korean hairdressing salon in Koreatown, Dallas — motive:  this time, we know the guy’s a psycho because he has delusions that the Dallas Korean mafia (?) is out to get him.  The shooter’s car has been linked to two previous drive-by shootings in Koreatown.

Waddya mean, you never heard of the third episode?  Here ya go.  I leave it to my Readers to wonder why it never got any national/international press coverage, as the first two did.  Actually, I won’t.  The asshole is Black, hence the sound of crickets.

And for those who missed it, here’s the media guide:

Nazzo Fast, Guido

There’s this (no link because paywall):

Ummm, at the risk of offending some people — and I have no truck with pro-abortion loonies harassing judges and bombing pro-life organizations, believe me — it seems that I do need to remind everyone that the anti-abortion groups have had their own nutcases in the past:  murdering abortion doctors, blockading and bombing abortion clinics and so on.

This is not a tu quoque  argument, by the way.  If someone tries to terrorize a judge for his opinion or ruling, or bombs a building, that by definition is terrorism.

Both sides stand accused.

And the “activist” media are assholes (and not just in this instance, either).


Count me very much among the “social media users”:

Commenters on social media are calling a Washington state father a “hero” in response to reports that he allegedly rescued his daughter from sex traffickers and later killed the man he believed responsible for selling his daughter into sex slavery.

All I can hope for is that he killed the sumbitch only after a little creative use of some woodworking tools.

I probably would have, in his shoes.