Last week we looked at the sports cars that were buzzing around the city streets and country roads during 1954. Now we’ll be featuring the saloon cars of that era. First, let’s look at some British cars that take my fancy for various reasons (it’s not a comprehensive list):
Bentley Continental R Fastback
Rolls Royce Silver Dawn
Alvis TC 21/100
Daimler Conquest Series II
Sunbeam Talbot 90
Jensen 541S
But those are luxury cars. The commoners (hoi polloi) drove cars that were far more modest and prosaic:
Rover P4-110
Wolseley 4/44
Austin A40 Cambridge
Hillman Minx Mk VII
And if you were the lowest of the polloi, you drove things like this:
Morris Minor Series II (my Mum had one)
Austin A30
Other than the Bentley or the Jensen, I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of them. That said, my grandfather drove an Austin A40 (in the early 1960s), my Mum drove a Morris Minor, and my buddy’s mother used to drive us to primary school in an Austin A30…
One of the downsides of being a British colony in the 1950s.
Next week, the Europeans.